
GOODtime Charley

After surviving all manner of abuse in his childhood due to his drunken father and a few other strange fellows that caught his mother's eye, young Charles Erwin Bayler, better known by his nicknames "Goodtime Charlie" or "Chuck" to many of his friends and acquaintances, finds himself trying his best to navigate through life the best way he knew how, with odd jobs, a good deal of booze and whatever else he could get his hands on to cope with what his life had become since those early years of pain and degradation. After a short stint in jail due to theft, Charley finds himself coming to the aid of a rather curious lad named Nolan Pierce, who had been in search of a new roommate, who brings him into the seedy underworld which had been more than he bargained for when he finds himself performing on stages for men and women alike just to pay the bills when his being a former felon keeps him out of the running for decent jobs.

Knight_Wind · Realistic
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48 Chs

Chapter 45: A Public Private Expose

Westport Mall,4th and Grand Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

 A rather annoyed and particularly bitter Charley Bayler resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he found himself unceremoniously led by his hand and pulled along the gum-riddled sidewalk in front of the entrance to an enormous and rather quaint shopping mall due to an excited and cheery Nolan Pierce, who had every intention of forcing him into whatever new article of clothing he could get him into which included suits that Charley had not been particularly fond of. He had managed to get him out of the house in a bit to soak up some sunlight given their misadventures the previous day and the subsequent issue of his much-needed round of fresh air from earlier in the morning. 

He had promised Nolan that he'd go after all but that didn't mean he had to like it. 

Nolan happily explained the details of the mall to him as they made their way inside and already the scent of freshly baked goods and sugary drinks filled Charley's nostrils. He had done his best to ignore the music that played over the loudspeaker, some old song that never really resonated with him in terms of fond memories. If nothing else, Charley had been glad to be out of the apartment and away from Claire, whom they left sleeping to go out on the town. 

It still annoyed Charley that he'd given in and had sex with her, but he was more interested in how Nolan seemed to be a lot happier when it had been the three of them, his strange kink notwithstanding. The ecstatic blond lad continued to lead Charley into the mall and toward the men's clothing section as if he had known the perfect set of outfits to stick him in. 

Charley rolled his eyes as Nolan moved about as energetically as a small child when visiting the toy section. He didn't see the big deal about his clothes anyhow but humored the eager blond lad at least partly due to his previous mistake in taking him so roughly when he'd been barely broken in. 

There were more than a few eyes on them as Nolan began browsing the clothing section intent on finding the perfect outfits for Charley given his stature and lack of taste when it came to fashion in his own right. Charley tended to ignore Nolan's loud aspect of criticism when it came to his style as he stood watching the lad collect multiple articles of clothing and stuff them into his arms as he continued his search for more. 

Charley himself had never given much thought to attire aside from practicality given his rather lackluster upbringing. The Batemans had been rather simple people and unless it was a special occasion or a tragic one, nothing had come up in terms of dressing to impress when he'd already been employed as a mechanic in the first place. 

Nolan delighted in his choices as he grabbed Charley by the hand and led him toward the dressing rooms eager to see him in what he picked out. Charley had been more or less annoyed in general but the idea of changing clothes in a public place left a lot to be desired. 

"I just wanna make sure this looks good on you." Nolan urged him as he stood handing Charley the selected outfits before shoving him into the dressing room. "Can't very well know if it's a waste of money if you don't at least try it on."

Charley rolled his eyes once more recalling his promise to appease Nolan to make amends for his carelessness. 

"Fine." grumbled the older man still very much annoyed by the ordeal. "But when this is over I'm getting somethin' to eat."

Nolan smirked as he watched Charley head inside the booth, and slowly made his way toward another rack of clothes to pick out some more outfits. It had taken some doing, getting Charley Bayler out of the apartment and bed just to make him drive to the mall to spend money on clothes. He had complained the whole way there and only stopped when Nolan reminded him of his promise given his actions the previous night. 

Charley had been caught dead to rights as he agreed to accompany Nolan out and about and Claire slept back at the apartment, Nolan had been glad it was just the two of them again, despite his friendship with Claire, he had still been a good deal jealous that she'd had sex with his boyfriend. 

The seemingly pleased blond lad moved about the store picking out a few more choice outfits for his newfound boyfriend given his rugged resistance and charm. He had managed to get a good haul as he ventured back toward the fitting rooms where Charley had emerged wearing a good pair of blue jeans and a white dress shirt with short sleeves opened at the collar. Nolan resisted the urge to catcall him as he smiled pleased with the measure of improvement the change in style made. 

Charley had rolled his eyes once he noticed the lust behind Nolan's blue eyes and attempted to hide how the increase in attention made him a bit uncomfortable. It had only been Nolan after all and the cheeky blond lad still managed to make his cheeks turn red with embarrassment. 

 "Not bad," said Nolan pleased while looking him over. "Not bad at all handsome."

Once more Charley rolled his eyes before heading into the changing room where he tried on another series of outfits all met with gleeful approval from Nolan and a few female shoppers who had taken an interest in the two of them. They managed to make a selection and Charley accompanied Nolan to the front counter to pay for the clothes. 

Charley could see that it had been quite unnerving for Nolan when the women approached to either compliment the handsome man or slip him their number, Charley remained as polite as possible when declining the numbers and focused on how visibly upset Nolan seemed to get when the women gave him too much attention. 

"Sorry ladies, I'm sort of spoken for." Charley offered up politely as he and Nolan concluded their purchase. 

They had gotten away from the store when Charley opted to pull Nolan into the nearby men's room just as they passed the food court. Nolan had still been quite upset about the attention Charley had been getting and the reminder that he'd slept with Claire had not made it any better. 


The Men's Restroom, Westport Mall,4th and Grand Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

 It was fortunate for them that no one else had been present before Charley locked the door and turned his attention to the pouting Nolan who had elected to sit the bags on the floor before venturing toward the nearest urinal. He had not known why Charley elected to bring him here but he'd been at least grateful to ease the pressure off his aching bladder. No sooner than he'd gotten his pants down around his ankles did Charley step forward with his thick cock out and slip the head along Nolan's pale ass cheeks making him whimper and moan in reaction to the familiar friction. 

"Charley...." whimpered Nolan leaning back against Charley's larger muscled frame as the older man's rough hands moved along his hips and his thick appendage pressed into the younger lad's bare nether cheeks. 

He finished his stream just as his own smaller cock swelled in reaction to being so close to his lover. Charley didn't say a word as he bent Nolan slightly before impaling the moaning lad onto his thick cock by way of his pale ass not at all wishing to cause any more soreness to his hidden sex before it had been properly healed. 

"Why would I want any of them women when your tight wet pussy and pasty white ass will do more than fine," said Charley's voice thick with lust as he thrust into Nolan's pale ass causing him to whimper and jolt at the front of the urinal.

The half-naked and exposed lad had been unable to hold back his moans as Charley began to increase his pace, as he gripped his slender hips and proceeded to thrust into the younger blond lad. Nolan gripped the front of the urinal moaning as Charley's thick cock plunged in and out of him more than a little grateful that he had been able to accommodate him in more ways than one since having to recover from their previous sex romps. 

 Charley had become quite accustomed to how easily Nolan's warm body had wrapped around him making his lust for the formerly timid blond lad all the more insatiable as he pinned him along the urinals. The scent of piss and sex began to fill the men's restroom as the older man began to lose himself in the sheer aspect of the sensation of warmth and the sound of Nolan's moans filling his ears. 

"Oh fuck...." moaned Nolan unable to help himself with the way Charley was impaling him with his thick cock. He had been more excited than he ever realized he'd been given how public they were being with their latest round of sex. "Just like that..."

"You like that baby?" asked Charley kissing Nolan's neck. "Like feeling Daddy's big dick in your tight little ass?"

Nolan bit his bottom lip and moaned as Charley continued to pump into him the anger and jealousy from before had seemingly melted away as the blond lad focused more on the building sensation that came with his lover's thick cock pounding his sensitive prostate. 

His legs felt weaker by the second as he struggled to keep himself upright with Charley grunting behind him pumping recklessly into his tight pale ass and ignoring the fact that they had been locked in a public bathroom in the middle of a mall. He had locked the door and ensured no one would enter but they were still in public. 

Nolan's cock coated the urinal time and time again despite his best efforts to slow it down, he'd been so sensitive and Charley's thick cock pounding his prostate didn't make it any better. 

"Fuck....Daddy your dick is so big..." whimpered the blond lad as he attempted to keep his balance in the wake of everything he'd been taking from his eager lover. "And so hard....it's gonna split my little pale ass open just like you did my poor little pussy."

Charley growled as he pumped harder causing Nolan's pale ass cheeks to jiggle in the wake of their act. The echo of skin slapping against skin filled the restroom and Charley found himself given to another round of release just as Nolan coated the urinals for the final time before the sweat-slick brute finally pulled out and kissed the panting lad's lips after pulling him backward to bend into it. 

"Fuck...I don't think I can walk after that," whined Nolan. 

"Shut up and clean yourself up, we're hitting the food court before we leave." said the gruff older man before tucking his slick cock back into his jeans and making his way toward the sink to wash his hands.

Nolan pulled up his pants and did the same just as Charley unlocked the door, they had gotten lucky that no one else had wanted to use the restroom, or even come near it during their little tryst. Nolan breathed a sigh of relief as they exited the men's room and ventured toward the food court where Charley had his eye on a few stores when it came to his decision for lunch.