

The Grandmother clock tick for the last time and after that, those who are supposedly to be dead once again open their eyes.

In a house near a lake, a silhoutte of a young girl barely 20 made her way outside of the house.

Tonight's like any other day here at their village quite, peaceful, and still breath taking. The lake mirrored the stars as well as the dim light that the moon gives. There's also the croaking of frogs that she used to fear.

The weather tonight is quite cold and her thin white night dress failed to cover her whole shoulders and arms. Everytime the wind touches her skin, she couldn't help but to gasp and embrace herself seeking for warmth.

But she couldn't come inside ,not yet.

She didn't mind to waste her time just to feel this familiar sensation . Let her feel the pain,the warmth. Let her be feel alive once again.

Let these emotions filled her once finished life.

A new beginning, a new chance.

But this time, she will choose the option she never had the chance to create back then.

To run away from the fate who would killed her.