
Goodbye Avelina

Avelina is an ordinary girl with an ordinary life, until now... As the nasty plague torments a small town in England, Avelina watches as her whole world comes crashing down around her, ruining her life in front of her eyes. Left standing with her younger sister, will she be able to care for her, risking everything to save her, even her own happiness? Will the memories of pain from her past haunt her into giving up? Will the boy whose eyes won't leave her mind help her pick up the pieces of her broke heart? Or will he break her more and walk away forever, leaving her surrounded in the darkness, lost forever... Avelina must find a way to save her sister, or say goodbye forever Life will never be the same again.

Kayla_Author16 · Teen
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8 Chs


"Ida? It's ok, it's ok." I try to calm her down as tears fall down her face.

"I don't want to die!" I feel tears brewing in my eyes, I don't want her to die. But she's going to, I don't tell her that though.

"It's ok Ida, everything will be ok, just calm down."

"No it won't be! Don't you see Avelina? I'm going to be just like all the others being burnt." She starts crying again. I wish I could help, do something, I've never felt so helpless in my life. For once there's nothing I can do to help her.

"I'm so sorry Ida." I whisper a voice full of mournfulness.  "I truly am." 

She stares at me, her eyes not even here, a far away look in them. Like she's looking at something that I can't see.

"I know Avelina. I wish, I wish it wasn't me, you know?" Yeah, I did actually. I wish it wasn't her too.

"I'm sorry." I say again, unable to voice anything else, unable to say how much I love her, how much I wish she wasn't the one dying, how much I wish this thing had never started, how much she meant to me. My face says everything words are incapable of doing.

"Where's mother?" She asks. Ever since Ida got the plague, mother has been quiet and frail. It hurts me to see her like that, it hurts Ida more knowing she's the reason she feels like that. Well not her exactly, the fact that she's the one with the plague.

"She's getting you some water." A lie but a lie to protect her. The truth is, mother is actually in our barn crying but I didn't want to tell Ida that. So I force a small smile on my face as I say my next words slowly,

"you know," I say "you're going to be going to a land where books are everywhere." She smiles, a small smile but a smile I haven't seen since she got the plague. I almost cry again seeing it, I hate knowing what she used to be like and seeing her today how much she's been through at such a young age.

"Yeah? Well I bet I'll read all the books within a day." 

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did." I shake my head gently looking at her. I don't have the heart to say that what I say may not be true, but the look on her face shows such hope for this place after this world that I don't. 

"Hey darlings, how are you feeling Ida?" Primeveire speaks from behind me, her presence creating a sort of warmth and safety.

"I'm ok." She says, of course this is a lie. Just glancing at her you would see that. She's so breakable now, not that strong, stubborn girl I used to know. She's changed, we all have.

"Well that's good to hear." The grim expression on Primeveires face makes it certain she knows that she's really not ok, it's not true but she says nothing else about it. 

"Father will be here soon." I stare at her in disbelief. Father had signed himself to be one of the becchani, he does it to support us. The thought of seeing him after so long fills me with such hope and love but also dread and worry. He's been around those with the plague, so how do we know he doesn't have it. The small frown on my face must give what I'm thinking away because Primeveires small shake of her head shows she knew exactly what I was thinking. She doesn't want me to say it though, not when Ida looks so excited to see him.

"Really?!" She almost sits up, almost. The pain in her pulls her back down.

"When will he get here?" She asks.

"Yeah, this is very." I chose my next words carefully, "unexpected…" 

Primeveire eyes me carefully eventually drawing her eyes back down to Ida,

"he'll be here very soon." Ida smiles, she was always daddy's little girl. 

"Avelina, come with me." As soon as we're out of earshot I exclaim,

"are you serious?!"

"Shhh!" She hisses at me, "keep your voice down!"

"He can't possibly come home, he's been around sick people, what's stopping him from bringing it to us?"

"I know, I know, but he's been wearing that mask and cloak and he says he hasn't felt any different than when this thing started. Plus, look at Idas face, I haven't seen her look like that-"

"Since she got unwell." I finish.

"Exactly so I'm begging you, don't ruin this for her. If you're truly worried about father having this thing stay away from him." Her eyes are almost pleading for me to be on my best behaviour.

"Ok, ok. For her." I glance back over at Ida before exiting the room making sure I take my mask off.