
Good Will Inc.

"The war between good and evil is not waged with great armies, but one life at a time." Theodore Banner (Ted to his friends, if he had any) is the unluckiest man on either side of the Atlantic Ocean. He's in a dead-end job, has no money, has never had a girlfriend, and just can't seem to catch a break. That is, until one day when he meets an extraordinarily charming man and an unbelievably beautiful woman. As luck (or unluck) would have it, Ted comes to find out that the man is his Demon and the woman is his Angel. Shenanigans ensue as the suave Demon and benevolent Angel fight to bring Ted over to their respective sides. Ted, too distracted by the fact that he has friends for the first time in his life, does not understand the reason behind his sudden importance. But there is something far greater at play than luck, and Ted soon learns that he has to make a choice. Free Will demands it.

Mar_Cafe · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 | Lou

In-House Memo

RE: Social Media

November 2nd, 2018

To all personnel ~

For the love of all that is holy and/or damned, stay the fuck off of mortals' social media accounts! I don't want to see your angelic or demonic mugs on some teenage boy's Facebook feed, or some stay-at-home mom's Instagram collage! I don't care how good-looking you think you are (Gabriel). And no photo bombs (Drake and Dorian). It wasn't amusing in the age of Polaroids, and it sure as hell isn't funny now!

My Tech Support agent is doing his best, but his job is not cleaning up after the Selfie Bergade. We cannot have some random mortal nerd proving the existence of the ethereal companies.

I am sick to death of this topic. My blood is literally boiling right now. Boiling. Knock it off, or feel my wrath.

Yours in chaos,

