
Good Vibes, Good life Introduction

For three years of my childhood I had no fixed home my family and I live with relatives and for short periods during this time in housing shelter I was grateful that we had a roof over our heads but I remember how frightening the how shelter experience was.

There were always unpleasant- looking characters lurking around the entrance who would throw us piercing stares when we entered the building, being a 4 year old child I felt scared but my mother is reassured me that things would be ok she said that we should just look down and go straight it to our room.

One night we popped out and when we returned home there was blood or over the staircase and on the walls in the corridor. Fragments of class covered the floor. My sister and I had never seen so horrific before. we looked at our mom. i sensed fear in her. but again, because, she told us to tread carefully over the glass and get up to our room.

Still shaken by what we had seen my sister and I try to work out what may have happened downstairs in the corridor of the shelter, then we heard screams and shouting followed by the sound of chaos, it was terrifying, once more we looked to mum for comfort, she pulled us in close and told us not to worry, but I could hear her heart pounding. She was just as scared.

We had very little sleep that night. The screams went on an on, I was surprised that no police came and that no one else seemed to be trying to calm the storm.It was as though no one cared about the safety of people there it felt like no one cared about us all we had was each other in a world that seemed cold and corrupt.

During my late teens, I wished a lot of these memories will just go away. I wanted to erase them so that I was no longer reminded of the struggles and I'd face as a child. I was even embarrassed by some of them. I felt uncomfortable with who I was. There were times when I said and did things that didn't match the child I was deep down. I often felt heart by the world - and I wanted to hurt it back.

Things are different now. I look back on my memories & embrace everything that happened; there's a lesson to be learned from every event.


I have written this book to share the lessons I have learnt, in the hope that they will provide you with some clarity and guidance to live what a I call a greater life. it's up to you what you take from my stories.I accept that some ideas will resonate, while others feel uncomfortable. nevertheless, I do believe that you can apply the concepts I discussed within the course of this book you will experience incredible positive changes in your life.