

Sitting in between nowhere but just snow around, looking at the distance a guy spoke to a shadow-ish figure behind him "My mom asked me once when I was a kid 'If I'd like to become a hero one day?' (What did you say?) "My answer was... " ============== Every human that lives in this world desires the pleasures it has to provide. It can be sexual, illegal, or just straight-up a crime. These pleasures may differ for every person, but there is one thing everyone likes. That is, recognition... People want recognition to feel superior to others, or to assert dominance. Some just want to be loved by others and that is why they chase it. There is nothing wrong with wanting it as humans are built to seek it naturally. Of course, I too have it. Or had it all. The best parents in the world, the best grades in the country, the best looks you can find. But it all came crashing down since that day, the day I meet him... No, even before that... Yes, the day I started having those dreams..... Those darn nightmares that led me to meet him... The demon from hell. (Are you talking about me?) "Yes" (Who are you talking to?) "To the readers who will be joining us on our adventure" (Who?) "Just shut up–" This demon of mine might seem friendly but he is not. He looks for every opportunity to make use of me because of the deal I have with him. (Anyway... What was your answer to your mother? What did you say?) "Oh yeah. Of course, My answer was... 'I just want to be a reader who can watch the hero from afar. I don't want to be a hero OR a villain, because no matter which path you choose you always end up losing something important to you...." (But are you a reader right now? Look at what you are) "I know I know" !Sigh~! "What have I become?" Join the journey and see how an asura writes his legend in the history of the world. ' GOOD SIN ' Warning: As the story progress, it will get more and more dark and disturbing, so don't read if you're here for a normal mc and a typical story of a harem. The publishing time is 4:30 AM (GMT+8)/ 8:30 PM (GMT)/ AND 4:00 PM in American time and for India, it will be 2:00 AM in the morning. Read the important note for more details. Note: the cover isn't mine, if the owner wants me to remove it tell me. Join the discord server now... https://discord.gg/vqudvs4U

KARMA_7 · Fantasy
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237 Chs


He questioned, his expression more bewildered than before. (Why did you clean the blood if you were intending to present them the proof that points to supernatural involvement? Wouldn't they be more inclined to believe you if they discovered the demon's blood?)

"That would be an issue, though."

The more he interacted with Karma, the warier of a person he looked to him to be.

(An issue, how come?)

"If the blood is indeed found and tested by the police, they will be able to conclude that it is not human blood and does not match that of an animal. This would assure them of one thing: that there was something engaged in this case that was "not" a human."

(So what's the issue? Isn't that what you're attempting to achieve as well? causing them to become aware of their presence?)

"I am, but,"

Turning to face the monster, the smart child uttered. "Tell me, have you ever heard the phrase "trying too hard?"

(I have; so what?)

"I don't want them to gain something too beneficial because it may initially be a distraction in the way while I "AM" attempting to lead them."

(A diversion?)

He sat on the chair keeping his chin up and had his eyes fixed on the future with a very serious face.

"Consider the possibility that the police won't have any substantial evidence to work with after they discover the scratches on the wall, so they will provide as little information as possible until they uncover any good leads or proof. If they do discover the blood, they will have to inform a lot of people, including their superiors, to enlist their assistance and conduct a thorough investigation to determine where the blood came from."

When an apple put on the table came into view, Agastha felt enticed and grabbed it before taking a sizable piece.

He turned to face him and stared at his face in shock as he heard loud chewing noises echoing throughout the room.

He paused after taking one bite to look at Karma as he watched him, but he soon resumed eating and finished the entire apple in only three more nibbles. Even the top was consumed entirely by him.

(You were saying)

He briefly closed his eyes as he considered his previous acts and questioned whether allying with this monster was the best course of action.

Anyway, he swiftly ignored his queries and concentrated on the situation at hand. "So, as I was saying, if they dig into the blood, they can become distracted from the present case while they hunt for a lead to the source. Additionally, there is a potential that the individuals responsible for this incident will go into hiding if knowledge about it is revealed."

He stated while wiping the apple juice from his cheeks after eating it that way. (Are you referring to the other sins and their conjurers?)

He confidently said, "Who else could it be but one of them."

After hearing what Karma had to say, he was left with just one remaining query.

(Why are you making such an effort? Why do you think the cops would even be interested in going to bury your leftovers, even if they discover it?)

"True, I wouldn't have to go to this extent and take these measures if this were simply another case," he said.

Karma spoke to him and then moved to the side to pick up something. "That is if this "was" a regular case," he said, pointing that object in the direction of Agastha while holding it in both hands and gazing at it with little eyes.

He showed him a photo frame with the entire family, with Karma in the center and Ava and Aryan on either side of him.

He remarked seriously, pointing his index finger toward the man to his right. "Though it isn't. The one involved in this is none other than the head of (NIIA). If something were to happen to my father, it would be devastating for the government."

He put the picture frame back in its place and turned around.

"The NIIA and the government as a whole are involved in this problem, thus they will employ all reasonable methods to identify any potential leads."

(However, isn't concealing some rubbish going too far?)

He turned around as he was leaving the picture frame and took one more glance at it. "He used the same approach when my father was working on a case like this."

He moved away from the picture frame and sat on the chair with his face turned forward. He sat on the chair with his back to the window and put his hand under his chin to stare out the window.

"Since I was the only one who had expressed interest in these topics since I was a little child, we used to talk about them frequently. My dad usually told me about every case he had handled."

He said with a tiny smile after feeling a little nostalgic.

"A significant VIP once went missing, and that happened. Dad was one of the individuals in charge of the case at the time, albeit he wasn't the chief. This was the same ruse my father employed when he arrived at the site where the kidnapper was allegedly lodging with his squad."

(Did he look in the trash?) His tone had a small amount of sarcasm, but Karma didn't mind.

"When he finished telling me the tale, I asked the same question. He chuckled and responded, 'Sometimes what people usually toss away is what genuinely holds any worth'."


The author raises his hand and out of nowhere, a pen came flying down. He grabbed that pen and spoke some spell. "Gibberish Gibberish, this and that, goku goku, Saitama Saitama, HAAAAA"

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