

Sitting in between nowhere but just snow around, looking at the distance a guy spoke to a shadow-ish figure behind him "My mom asked me once when I was a kid 'If I'd like to become a hero one day?' (What did you say?) "My answer was... " ============== Every human that lives in this world desires the pleasures it has to provide. It can be sexual, illegal, or just straight-up a crime. These pleasures may differ for every person, but there is one thing everyone likes. That is, recognition... People want recognition to feel superior to others, or to assert dominance. Some just want to be loved by others and that is why they chase it. There is nothing wrong with wanting it as humans are built to seek it naturally. Of course, I too have it. Or had it all. The best parents in the world, the best grades in the country, the best looks you can find. But it all came crashing down since that day, the day I meet him... No, even before that... Yes, the day I started having those dreams..... Those darn nightmares that led me to meet him... The demon from hell. (Are you talking about me?) "Yes" (Who are you talking to?) "To the readers who will be joining us on our adventure" (Who?) "Just shut up–" This demon of mine might seem friendly but he is not. He looks for every opportunity to make use of me because of the deal I have with him. (Anyway... What was your answer to your mother? What did you say?) "Oh yeah. Of course, My answer was... 'I just want to be a reader who can watch the hero from afar. I don't want to be a hero OR a villain, because no matter which path you choose you always end up losing something important to you...." (But are you a reader right now? Look at what you are) "I know I know" !Sigh~! "What have I become?" Join the journey and see how an asura writes his legend in the history of the world. ' GOOD SIN ' Warning: As the story progress, it will get more and more dark and disturbing, so don't read if you're here for a normal mc and a typical story of a harem. The publishing time is 4:30 AM (GMT+8)/ 8:30 PM (GMT)/ AND 4:00 PM in American time and for India, it will be 2:00 AM in the morning. Read the important note for more details. Note: the cover isn't mine, if the owner wants me to remove it tell me. Join the discord server now... https://discord.gg/vqudvs4U

KARMA_7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
237 Chs


Aryan was on his way to help Ava get back on her feet when he noticed a familiar face.

"What! What exactly are you doing here? Are you one of them?"

"Oh, you're the officer from before."

Jen was afraid of Karma so he had been hiding the entire time, so when he saw the officer from before, he approached him thinking it would be safe there.

"Dad, do you know who he is?"

"I believe his name is Jen, but you were supposed to be in Delhi; what are you doing here?"

"Sir- that, When we were on our way there, those guy's attacked the police vehicle and brought me with them"

Karma sensed a current, and the puzzle pieces that had been missing came together. He comprehended the movement, but it was too late.

Karma glanced at the man and noticed that he was still alive—barely so. The man mustered all his courage and snapped with his thumb.

Jen sounded his crack, and then he sank to his knees.


As Jen struggled to breathe, he grasped his chest and attempted to grab Chief's legs.

Karma tried to move his body, but he was struggling to simply stand because of his tiredness and the damage to all of his muscles.

"Move god damnit, move, just a bit please"

He gave it his all, yet it was all in vain.

His skin was crimson red like it had been burned in hell, and his limbs had turned into those of an animal. Jen had ceased to be a person.

Aryan was paralyzed by horror as he watched the metamorphosis; even Ava forgot about her broken arm and experienced the fear of first encountering a demon.

Ava gasped in terror as the demon stood in front of her, but before she could react to the entity in front of her, a sharp object that humans could not easily see flew by.

"Mom, no, no, no, NO NOOO! MOM!"


As Ava experienced the sensation of soaring, she caught a distant glimpse of Karma. Ava didn't feel anything, but she did see Karma's hideous expression. She questioned the reason for her child's expression.

"I wonder why he's making such a sorrowful look,' she thought to herself. And soon after realized why.

Ava could see her own body, but her head was missing. She was aware of everything. "Oh, I see. It's because I'm dead,".

Ava's head dropped to the floor and came to a halt facing Karma.

Karma kept trying to get to them, but he was helpless. He attempted to wipe away the tears that sprang to him as it began to lightly rain.

Ava glanced at Karma while she still had some life in her, smiled warmly and gently, and stated in a quiet voice.

"Don't blame yourself, okay? It's fine"

Karma heard what his mother said since his senses were at their peak just then. It seemed as if all the pleasant voices in the world were crying out to him from the voice he heard, which was soothing to his ears. But they were the last consoling words he would ever hear from her mother.


Aryan charged toward him while acting irrationally out of rage.

Karma watched his father rushing towards him and realized it was pointless.

"Dad, please don't do it; run."

His inability to recognize that his lower voice did not approach his father was not his fault; rather, he was just too overwhelmed by his current emotions to notice.


What else could have happened, but this? Jen—or should I say the demon—punched through Aryan's chest with his claws.

"D—dad? Dad... No..."

Karma watched the monster hurl his father away and leave him to bleed to death while remaining still in place.

Although it is in a demon's nature to devour humans, this one chose not to do so, or rather, he stopped before he could. The demon turned around after sensing some delicious energy; it was the demonic energy that Karma was dripping with.

Karma's evil energy smelt so delicious that the demon was showering on his saliva for some reason. Perhaps it was his rage or a combination of emotions.

Due to his inability to control his hunger, the demon charged him while opening his claws wide in the air and sprinting like a child who had just learned to walk. He even came dangerously close to falling over.

Krama, on the other hand, was simply standing there with a blank mind after seeing the end of his world—his parents' deaths.

Karma was confused by what had just happened and wished it were a dream, but it wasn't.

He no longer had the mental capacity to make judgments. The demon, however, was killed instantly when he attempted to close the space between them and bite into the delicious evil energy.

When the demon arrived, Karma was unable to even protect himself, so his body acted on its own as his instincts took over. He squashed the demon's heart by ripping it from his back with his right hand after piercing the demon's chest with it.

The monster bled from his heart, and he was in agony.

Naturally, the demon fought. He resisted and attempted to scrape his face while his heart was being removed, but Karma did not care; he was just dealing with any injury head-on.

Karma pulled out his hand as soon as the demon stopped moving and ran out of life. He continued to stand while becoming increasingly perplexed and unable to follow what was happening.

The rain intensified from mild to heavy.

Karma noticed the new blood being wiped off by the rain as he stared at his hand, which was coated in the demon's blood.

"Ka..r.. ma.."

When he heard a recognizable voice calling his name, he regained consciousness and his faculties.

"D– Dad?"

He noticed his father crying out to him when he turned to the side.


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