
Good or bad, does it matter?{HP}

Grid, a normal guy who lost everything at the whim of someone powerful. He was broken and lost, with no goal in life but then he made REVENGE his goal, he reached the pinnacle of strength just so that he can get his revenge...... But now what? He's at the end of his life, dying......what will happen now? . . . {Give this a chance and I can guarantee that you will remember me} MC will be reincarnated as Severus Snape. If you want to read extra chapters or support me, you can do so by joining my Patreon, more than 30 extra chapters are available there: patreon.com/lucifer09 I do not own anything. I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, just comment or tell me in review. . .

Lucifer09 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Chapter 84

[Main hall.]

Under the dark-haired girl's frown, Severus calmly ate his breakfast, of course, not forgetting to feed Nagini.

"Join our team." 

"Not interested." 

"How many times have I already explained that nothing will happen to yours…" she did not finish the last word, but even so everything was clear from the slight blush on her cheeks. 

"The chance of this spell not working is one hundredth of a percent."

"Well? It's almost impossible! But even if it happens, it is not difficult to restore them, because this is not some kind of curse or magic attack, but simply physical damage!"

"Do you think I want to feel it?" he looked at her, as if at a fool putting a slice of bacon in the mouth of a snake. 

"Get off me, Miss Talkalot."

Regulus, who was sitting next to him, only watched this with laziness. On the first day, when the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team approached them, he was very surprised, yet the young man himself was in it, although he was a reserve player, but by the sixth year Black was going to become the main one. 

Therefore, he was surprised that this cruel, arrogant, narcissistic girl, who drives all the team members around the field every day to a sweat, suddenly decided to invite someone herself, and even so persistently. 

"Damn, I'm even a little jealous..." 

"...Enough already, I'm not joining you, I'm not interested." Rising from the table, Snape patted Regulus' shoulder with a friendly smile. Good luck on the test today."

"Um…thank you…" Regulus nodded sluggishly, yet such an action on the part of "Severus" was new to him, he usually silently nodded and left, "…to you too." 

Following him with a strange look, Black looked towards the girl and shuddered, because she was looking directly at him with burning eyes. 

"Regulus, we need to talk." Sitting in the chair across from him, she folded her hands in a businesslike manner and smiled.





At the same time, Severus was already calmly walking along the second floor towards the hospital wing. 

Although he had long since finished reading the book that Madam Pomfrey gave him, the wizard decided not to attract much attention, and it was better to understand this direction before going to her. 

"Well, you're a villain, you left the poor boy face to face with that sticky one ..." Nagini looked at him with condemnation, leaning out from under his collar, although emotions showed through with malice. "But still, why does she want to drag you into the team so much?"

"God knows. To be honest, I'm interested myself, but maybe Galleons? For me to invest in, for example, the latest brooms, and I doubt that she knows my true level of strength. Okay, let's forget about her," just at that moment they had already reached the hospital wing, and he knocked. "Madam Pomfrey, may I come in?" 

"Come in," a muffled woman's voice sounded, and as soon as Severus opened the door and entered the room, the woman stared at him in surprise, apparently not expecting Snape to return so quickly. "Have you already read that book?"

"Yes," he took it out and handed it to the healer. "I was able to learn a lot from her, especially from your notes."

"Did you notice them?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"Yes, even though they were hidden by enchantments, I'm still pretty good at dispelling them, and isn't that part of the test?" Seeing sincere surprise on the face of the witch, Severus asked with "bewilderment". 

"After all, being able to dispel a spell is, in my opinion, a very important skill in witchcraft, am I not right?" 

"...." Poppy simply did not know what to answer, because the fact that a simple schoolboy was able to detect  all that, and then also remove the spell placed by her personally, was surprising to say the least, and it even hit her pride a little, but still she she quickly pulled herself together and smiled... a very forced smile. "You are right, this skill is no less important than the others. Well then, let's start your questioning,"

The Archmage silently nodded and sat down across from her. 

"The first question will be very easy: name me a potion that can help with burns."

"In these cases, they mainly use anti-burn ointment, but if it is not at hand, then star anise extract can help, but first you should cool the burn site for ten to fifteen minutes and rinse and after that apply this ointment, but I would still use an antiseptic ointment before it, but it would be better to mix them right away, because the components of both should not conflict, but this is only in this case, but it is better not to do this with other types of ointments, and it could get even worse." Severus replied.

"But what if there's nothing of the kind at hand, and you got hit by Incendio in Diagon Alley?" 

"Depends on the degree of the burn: with the first two, it is enough just to place the injured area under cold water for fifteen minutes and apply a bandage, and then in Mungo. For the third, it is better to immediately apply a bandage, and in Mungo; at the fourth, a direct road to Mungo and do not touch the burn at all, but you can use painkillers charms," the woman only nodded thoughtfully. 

"I'm glad that you didn't limit your horizons to only literature from the magical world," she added with a smile, nevertheless, one of the reasons why Pomfrey reacted to Snape's request with hostility was his house - Slytherin, because of their blindness and neglect of the Muggles, who have advanced very far in this area.

"Then the next question," the lady continued much more gently, "Patient diagnosis, what can you tell me about it?"

"Diagnosis is the collection of information, and most often a questioning about the details of the patient's problem, and on this data it is possible to conduct an examination both personally and with the help of a special spell, but it is better to use both methods for a more accurate diagnosis. In the survey, you need to be very meticulous, because there are a huge number of spells and it is very easy to confuse one with the other. After, having received all this data, it is already possible to make a diagnosis and start treatment, but if the correct one cannot be made due to the impact of some artifact or ritual, then it is possible to carry out symptomatic treatment, but there is no guarantee that this will be able to help," the wizard replied calmly, looking at the slightly surprised woman with a smile. 

"Well, you have studied the chapter well, then let's continue." 

"Of course…" Severus nodded.

And the next two hours went by rather quickly. Severus answered her questions, all of the questions were only from that book, so Severus answered them without any problems, never stuttering, which caused sincere amazement on the face of the healer, because his answers were not limited to that book, and also affected others known to her, and even from the Muggle world. And after the last question, Madam Pomfrey looked thoughtfully at him, and he, in turn, calmly looked at her, as if he already knew the answer.

"You surprised me. I thought that you decided to start this "game" just for fun, but, as I see it, your intentions are very serious." With a weary sigh, she rose to her feet and went over to the bookcase, pulling out a few books and placing them in front of Snape. 

"I agree to teach you, classes will be held on weekends so as not to interfere with your studies …"

"Professor, I am not here on weekends, can we move everything to Tuesday and Thursday?" 

She raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. 

"These days I am completely free, until eight." 

"Since you say so, then I'm waiting for you these days in the morning, consider this a lesson and practice. Of course, I won't let you in for treatment, but you can watch the process, and when you gain experience, I will allow you to conduct examinations, but this is already in the seventh year." 

Bending down, she opened the bottom cabinet and took out two more books. "You must study this before the end of the school year," the woman patted them with a "warm" smile.

Severus thoughtfully stared at the two piles, each containing ten books and not the thinnest ones. "Is this revenge for making you work extra hours?" 

"What, of course not, how can I take revenge on my student in such a childish way?" The woman was sincerely "outraged", but she said it in such a tone that even a mentally retarded person would understand that she was lying. 

The Slytherin did not comment on this obvious lie, but decided to simply remain silent. "I understand you, thank you," the wizard nodded, placing them in his purse. "See you tomorrow then, Madam Pomfrey." 

"And have a good day, Mr. Snape…" she waved at him with a smile. 

'Outside is a divine dandelion, but inside is that sadist …' Severus thought, leaving the office …


The Archmage spent the next day in the medical wing. Basically, all he did was just read books, and also followed the work of a woman, and yet the young man had to admit: she is a master of her craft. 

Only a superficial examination was enough for her to immediately understand what the patient was sick with, and the witch answered all his questions, even very tricky ones, without any problems, almost without thinking, and her knowledge in the field of potions was also at the highest level. 

The healer knew a huge number of potions, their properties and recipes, but still she was still far from him, although she had a master's badge, but only "copper", and even when she found out that "Severus" was also already a master and rank higher, she experienced a real shock. 

After all, even though the lady had heard about the recently appeared talent in the field of potions, but she did not attach much importance to this, because this direction was only indirectly related to cold medicine and she was not particularly interested. 

But still, after that, the witch began to respect the "boy", although at the same time she considered his decision to study both directions as stupidity. Potions, like witch medicine, is a very complex subject that requires enormous mental and mental costs. 

Therefore, it is simply impossible to achieve mastery in both disciplines at the same time. But she did not try to dissuade him, because mistakes always help people move forward, and although Poppy was sure that this decision was wrong, she was just curious if he could achieve his goal or break down halfway …




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