
Good or bad, does it matter?{HP}

Grid, a normal guy who lost everything at the whim of someone powerful. He was broken and lost, with no goal in life but then he made REVENGE his goal, he reached the pinnacle of strength just so that he can get his revenge...... But now what? He's at the end of his life, dying......what will happen now? . . . {Give this a chance and I can guarantee that you will remember me} MC will be reincarnated as Severus Snape. If you want to read extra chapters or support me, you can do so by joining my Patreon, more than 30 extra chapters are available there: patreon.com/lucifer09 I do not own anything. I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, just comment or tell me in review. . .

Lucifer09 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Chapter 80

The next day after class, Severus  went up to the eighth floor, and after walking down a long corridor, he stood in front of Gargoyle. "Lemon slice." 

The statue's eyes flashed, and it stepped aside, revealing a spiral staircase that, once stepped on, slowly began to rise upwards. And after a few seconds, Severus arrived in Headmaster Dumbledore's office. Inside the office, Dumbledore was sitting on his chair stroking the phoenix.

"Hello, Headmaster."

"Hello, my boy, what brings you to me?" Dumbledore asked with a good-natured smile, removing his hand from the bird, which fluttered out of its seat and after a few seconds landed on Snape's shoulder, happily rubbing its head against his cheek. 

"He missed you very much." Dumbledore said, looking at the Phoenix.

"Like I said, I like animals and they usually do the same for me." 

"You remind me of one of my good friends…" Watching Fawkes happily flapping his left wing from the wizard's caresses, for a moment, the elderly wizard saw the image of a young man with curly hair, in a blue coat and surrounded by all kinds of creatures smiling happily at him. "He loved to explore magical creatures, no matter how dangerous they were. And by the way, it was he who once gave me this Phoenix… eh… how fast time flies…" 

"I would like to meet such a wizardsomeday," Severus nodded slightly interested, finally stroking the bird before it flew back to its place. "I'm sure we would definitely get along." 

"I have no doubt, my boy, I have no doubt. So what brings you to me?"

"There's something I want to ask you."

"Speak. If it's in my power, I'll try to help," the elderly wizard nodded calmly, taking a lemon wedge from the plate and putting it in his mouth, narrowing his eyes, which caused a strange smile on the face of the Slytherin. "I would like to learn about medicine, but Madam Pomfrey refused to teach me without your permission." 

"Do you want to study cold medicine?" hisHeadmaster  asked in surprise, he had never been asked such a request before, Moreover, a student from the House of Slytherin.

"Yes, I want to have the skills to be ready to help my loved ones at any time if they suffer."

"Commendable, commendable... Of course, I don't mind helping, wait a minute," a sheet flew off the table, followed by a pen, which quickly began to write something, and after a few seconds the elderly wizard signed and then stamped. "Take it." 

"Thank you, Headmaster," Severus glanced at the permission, smiled happily and looked at Albus with a gleam in his eye. 

"My pleasure. Practise well, Madame Pomfrey has a lot to teach you, she has many achievements in the field of witchcraft, and she is a very experienced healer."

"Certainly! GoodbyeHeadmaster !" 

"Good evening to you too," the wizard nodded with a good-natured smile, looking after the departing young man. "No matter how he changes on the outside, inside he's still the same child…" But when he reached the stairs, Snape stopped. "Anything else, my boy?" 


"Don't be shy, speak up," the elderly wizard calmly nodded, noticing the indecision on Severus 's face. "I have a suggestion for extra classes for fifth years…" 

"I'm listening." Dumbledore nodded.

Coughing several times, Severus looked up at the headmaster. "As you know, this is a very turbulent time in our country, and I wanted to suggest the introduction of first aid classes, wizards do not always have a restorative potion on hand, and by the time a healer comes from Mungo, the condition of the victim may deteriorate greatly or even lead to death. I believe that it is simply necessary for everyone to know this, and even excluding our situation, anything can happen in life," Severus touched his chest, and a pile of textbooks appeared in his hand, one of which flew up to the surprised elderly magician. - "OBZh" -he read its name, and then, glancing over the contents, he looked with bewilderment at the Slytherin standing in front of him. "It's a Muggle book, isn't it?" 

[Note: OBZh is life safety program in schools]

"This is true. I came up with this idea when I studied the school curriculum of Muggle children, in which they study this from the third grade, that is, from the age of ten. Of course, only the basics, but towards the end of the school they learn how to stop the blood, apply bandages and tourniquets; what to do if someone breaks their arm, as well as emergency procedures, for example, if a group of terrorists took over a building or it caught fire, how to put out a fire, and so on. I believe that such an item is simply necessary for the safety of children, and so that they could come to the aid of their friends or just strangers at any moment …"

"Enough, I understand what you are leading to," smiling warmly, he put the textbook on the table. "And since you brought this topic up…" 

"I understand that you cannot decide this yourself, so I would like to enlist your support when I start promoting this in the Ministry. I have already discussed everything with Professor Slughorn and Professor McGonagall, and they will also support me, and at the moment I am working on a textbook on this subject," Severus said confidently, and then added in an embarrassed way. " And in fact, I wanted to ask you about this a little later, when the textbook is ready, so that you can take a look and correct in those places where I might be wrong."

There was silence in the office for a while, Dumbledore stroking his beard thoughtfully, thinking over what Severus  had said, and he didn't find anything wrong with it. Still, the war will not last forever, and this will not interfere with his plans at all, and maybe even help a little in their implementation. So he nodded anyway. "Of course, I am ready to help you with this and support you when you start promoting your idea in the Ministry," Dumbledore calmly replied, returning his former expression.

"Thank you,Headmaster . To be honest, it's like a stone has fallen off my shoulders, because if you support me, then everything will work out for sure! Once I'm done with the tutorial, the first person to see it will be you!"

Dumbledore laughed heartily at the young man's excited expression... 

After discussing some more questions with Albus, Snape said goodbye to him and left the office, heading towards the Slytherin common room. 

"I didn't think that you were such a good actor, I give you a standing ovation." sounded the cheerful voice of Nagaina, who was under his clothes all the time of the conversation and heard everything. 

Severus decided to ignore the taunt from one snake, almost lost in his own thoughts. "It went a lot easier than I thought, but still, don't lose your vigilance: this old man is very cunning. In the meantime, it's worth studying witch medicine, and I think it will be possible to start promoting our idea in the ministry during the holidays," a Grimoire appeared in his hand. 

"How are you doing with compiling a book, is there enough data?" A few seconds later, a short "Yes" appeared on a blank page right in the centre. 

"Glad to hear it. You keep writing, if you need to, we'll go to another Muggle library …" But not even a moment passed before a second appeared under the first inscription: "THIS IS ENOUGH!" 

"If so, then okay, I'll be happy to help if there's anything," Severus closed the book and placed it back in his wallet. Snape had no fear that anyone might see the Grimoire, since he had already disguised it as a book on transfiguration.

"And now to the second floor..."

"Hey! Stop ignoring me!" Nagini exclaimed displeasedly, hanging right in front of his face, from which Severus  almost stumbled out of the blue. 

"What?" he asked tiredly, looking at the snake's face.

"You still haven't answered my question, why do you need all this?"

"For fame."

"I don't believe you, for this you would never do such a thing."

"And you have studied me well, but, to your regret, I am telling the truth. I need fame, and if I achieve my goal, I can get a membership in the teachers guild for a special contribution to education," the wizardcalmly explained, stepping onto the stairs that floated up to him.

"Guild of Teachers"? This is the first time I hear about such an organisation, but I still don't understand why you need it?" she asked again in bewilderment, finally returning under his robes as she saw Professor Flitwick on one of the stairs with a group of students. 

"Slughorn told me about it. It is a place where outstanding teachers and the most knowledgeable people in all disciplines, as well as those who have made great contributions to education, gather every year. In general, a collection of the smartest wizards from all countries, but I'm not interested in them, but in the largest library in the world, located on the territory of the guild, but the collection can also be visited.

"Now I believe that you are yourself, " Nagaina "breathed" with relief. 

"So you don't think I can help someone just like that? Do I really look so bad in your eyes?" Severus asked, narrowing his eyes.


"No wonder you became a snake, after all, you have such a poisonous tongue," the wizard drawled with a grin, finally reaching the second floor.

"But I have never heard of such an organisation…" Nagini asked slowly.

"For the reason that it is not in this country, but in America, and the next meeting will be held in the seventy-ninth, by that time I will have already finished my studies and will be able to go there calmly," after finishing, Severus  knocked on the door. 

"Come in," and as soon as he entered the office, he heard a tired sigh from a woman with a cap and in a white apron, sitting at the table. 

"Mr. Snape, I can't teach you…" but before she had time to finish, a sheet with the seal of the headmaster fell in front of her, at the sight of which the healer was a little surprised, but it was still clear that she didn't really want to teach someone. 

"I won't ask how you did it." Rising from the table, she went to the bookcase and pulled out a fairly heavy book, seven or eight centimetres thick. 

"You want to completely discourage all my desire to learn?" he asked her with a half smile. 

"No, this book contains only the basics that every self-respecting healer should know: basic spells, the most common diseases and their signs, as well as methods of treatment …"

"That is, if I study all this, you will begin to teach me yourself?" 

In response, the woman answered him with the same smile "Yes, as soon as you learn all this material, then at that very moment I will begin to teach you. Consider this a test, but remember: even one mistake and you will fail my test, because a healer has no right to make a mistake, especially if someone's life is at stake," she already added the last words, making a more serious expression on her face. 

"I understand you and will try to learn everything as quickly as possible," taking the book, he nodded confidently. 

"Then I will go. Good evening, Madam Pomfrey." 

"Of course, Mr. Snape, and have a good time. Do not damage the book…"

As soon as Severus  left the office, his face broke into a smile. - "Thinking to scare me like that, naive…"

"All you need is a sinister laugh, and in certain circles you will definitely pass as a dark lord."


He did not respond to such a comment and, having opened the book, began to read, while not forgetting to keep it in the Grimoire …




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