
Good or bad, does it matter?{HP}

Grid, a normal guy who lost everything at the whim of someone powerful. He was broken and lost, with no goal in life but then he made REVENGE his goal, he reached the pinnacle of strength just so that he can get his revenge...... But now what? He's at the end of his life, dying......what will happen now? . . . {Give this a chance and I can guarantee that you will remember me} MC will be reincarnated as Severus Snape. If you want to read extra chapters or support me, you can do so by joining my Patreon, more than 30 extra chapters are available there: patreon.com/lucifer09 I do not own anything. I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, just comment or tell me in review. . .

Lucifer09 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Chapter 78

"Horrible man," these were Nagini's first words as soon as they left the mansion, because Voldemort several times during the short conversation tried to establish a connection with her using magic and eye contact, so she did not feel very well, experiencing a bit of fear even after they left. 

It was also one of the reasons why Severus decided to end their conversation so quickly. 

'Some wizards learn to talk to snakes on their own, and others are born with a similar gift from nature, but the difference between them is that in the first case you can just talk to them, and in the second they will unconditionally obey you, but it mostly depends from the power of the gift. For example, in our case, he was able to make the Basilisk wag his tail in front of him, which indicates that he was very lucky, and if I wasn't next to you, then he would have managed to subdue you without any problems, which is why you felt fear, this Voldemort really has a real talent,' Severus mentally said with a smile, looking into the dark sky. "And he's also a very cunning asshole…"

"I hope we don't have to see him again." Nagini shook her head as she said this.

"Next time I'll leave you at home, but today I wanted to show what happens if you meet not with a simple imprint of magic, but with a real "Parseltongue", and not the simplest one. Such an experience will definitely not harm you, because after I remove this curse, the snake part will not disappear anywhere, but will become your strength."

"My power…?"

"Yes, at any time you can turn from a woman into a snake and from a snake into a woman, and you will also be able to become a lamia," he winked at her with an obscene smile, from which he received a poke in the side. 

"At the same time, your vitality will remain the same, that is, you will live without problems for a couple of hundred years, just like me ..." As soon as the wizard finished his last words, he saw a huge number of flashes, and Aurors began to appear two hundred metres from him, towards the mansion. 

"And besides that, he also installed an anti-transgression enchantment around the house and for the next fifty metres. Apparently he wants them to think that I am on his side" this was also the second reason why Severus left the meeting so quickly, because he really did not like that so many Death Eaters gathered in such a place, and the activation of the spell did not elude him.

"It's still a trap….." Nagini hissed from the side.

"I guessed it, but…" turning to the building and looking into the eyes of the snake on the roof, he bared his teeth, "…you shouldn't have pissed me off… Tom…" the flame began to flare up around his body, "…remember my words: never anger the former Archmage, this is Last warning to you personally, next time I will destroy your entire group!" 

In the next moment, his body was swallowed up by a huge pillar of fire, which turned into a dragon's head, and with a terrifying roar, it rushed towards the mansion.

In a moment, there was a deafening explosion, and the remnants of the building were swallowed up by wild flames, which, as if alive, did not spread to the nearest trees , and only devoured the mansion… Of course, Severus didn't want to create unnecessary problems for himself, so the flames didn't harm the wizards inside. 

This will only serve as a lesson to them, so that in the future they would not try to draw him into their opposition in this way. 

And Snape was aiming at a place where there were almost no people, so there should not be many victims. And, no longer paying attention to the commotion, he moved back to Hogwarts ...


[A Few Moments Ago]

Tom, who was in the mansion, with a contemptuous grin on his face, watched the wizard frozen in one place, looking at the sky. 

'Idiot, did you think that after that I would leave you so easily? And even if you noticed, it's already too late…' he thought smugly, following the emerging Aurors with the help of snakes. 'So what are you going to do now?' 

"My Lord?" Lucius looked at him anxiously, having just received a report that "ministry dogs" had arrived. 

"Get ready, there will be a big battle here soon…" but after a few seconds, the smile on Voldemort's face froze when he saw a pair of red dots staring straight at the snake through which he was watching, and as soon as he heard the name "Tom", he was already skewed, and after hearing the threat of destroying the entire group, anger began to rise from the depths of his mind, but the anger immediately disappeared, when he saw a colossal pillar of flame engulfing the body of the mysterious wizard.

"Let's retreat!" Voldemort growled through clenched teeth, surprising all the wizards assembled under him, but no one contradicted his orders, and one by one they all began to disappear, accompanied by dark emanations and just like them, Dark Lord also left, but still, before escaping, he was able to see through  the destructive power of the fire spell, which made even him gulp nervously. 

And, as much as he would hate it, Riddle had to admit: "Amon" was too strong. 

There was nothing surprising in the fact that the Ministry decided to give in to him. After all, a few seconds was enough for him to destroy a huge mansion, and Voldemort felt that this was not the entire power of the mysterious wizard...


Wizards dressed in dark robes and with iron masks on their faces began to appear in a small building one after another. 

They looked at each other in surprise, not understanding why there was such a hurry, because they were preparing for a battle, not a retreat. 

And after a few seconds, Voldemort himself appeared in the centre, looking extremely furious, looking at his face, others began to retreat back. 

But even after him, the wizards continued to appear and they looked very unimportant: slightly burnt, with injuries or no clothes at all, but at the same time almost everyone managed to get out of there alive, with the exception of two who did not have time to use the Protego and were littered with debris. 

Pulling out his wand and unable to restrain himself, Tom fired a red beam that destroyed the bookcase, leaving nothing of it, except for a hole in the wall and floor.

"Damn old man, how dare you do that?! Bastard!" Another beam shot out of his wand, hitting the chairs. 

"BASTARD!!" He waved his wand again in a frenzy, but this time his wand targeted a small group of Death Eaters, who did not have time to escape and were thrown aside, while one of them had his arm torn off, and he almost instantly lost consciousness. 

"I will destroy you!" At the same time, standing behind him, Bella couldn't help but swallow. No, she was not afraid of the wrath of her Lord, but for some reason, in the depths of her soul, the woman experienced a rather contradictory feeling for herself. 

Bella idolised Riddle, and in any other case, she would have supported him, no matter what he wanted to do, but for a moment she was seized by panic, she ... did not want to follow his order. 

Lucius at the side also did not look happy, he had far-reaching plans for Snape, but now they have to attack his teacher, maybe their "friendship" will come to an end. It will be too big a loss for him. 

Ten minutes later, finally regaining his composure, the Dark Lord looked coldly at the Death Eaters gathered in the hall. "Go back and take away the bodies," casting an indifferent glance at the wizards lying on the floor, he turned around and walked towards the door leading to the conference room. 

No one dared to stand in his way or even look into his eyes, although there were many more of them, but they did not even dare to think about the uprising, because fear had long been rooted in their souls. 

Of course, not everyone went to help their "comrades-in-arms": a small part of the group followed Voldemort. 

Basically, these were only those who had at least some power or were the heads of the house, or their representatives.


[Hogwarts. An hour later.]

After returning to the castle, Severus returned the house elf to his former appearance and himself removed a potion that enhances magical abilities from his body, and then began to observe Bella to find out what decision Voldemort had come to. 

From this meeting, he had only one goal: to sow a seed of fear in the soul of the Dark Lord and the rest of the Death Eaters, so that they would not even think about interfering with him in their affairs.

And, oddly enough, he did. After all the group consisted of big house heads and their descendants, who value their lives very highly and are very afraid of death. 

No matter how much Voldemort wanted to take revenge on the old wizard, he understood that his underlings would not follow him to death, and to make another enemy in the form of such a powerful wizard was stupidity. 

Voldemort had to swallow his anger and think more rationally, so after the meeting, he ordered not to touch Amon and his student anymore, but not to break the connection. 

Of course, Voldemort is not the kind of person who can forgive such a thing, so he will remember this refusal for a long time and take revenge, but only after he has dealt with the Ministry and captured magical Britain. 

Finally, after the meeting was over, Severus stopped following them, and after opening his eyes, he stretched contentedly and gently ran his hand over the smooth scales of Nagini, whose head was laying on his knees. 

"Well, now the problem is solved, now I can relax and do my own thing… hmm?" Snape noticed the small package out of the corner of his eye and remembered that it was a present from Lily. 

"Interesting…" he beckoned the package to him, the package flew up to the wizard and fell into his hands.

"What is this?" Nagini looked at the bundle with interest. 

"A present." Opening it, the young man raised an eyebrow in surprise. Inside was a striped scarf.


"Do you know about knitting?" Severus asked Nagini in surprise.

"It seems so, Maybe I used to know how to knit… " she explained, embarrassed. "But the red and green colours are too suspicious…"

Apparently, she wanted to show her feelings, but out of all choices, she chose stupidity. If I go out in such a way, I will be laughed at by my own people, and then also by the Gryffindors. Stupid girl," with a weary sigh, Severus rolled it up and put it in his wallet. "It's still impolite to refuse gifts, but I'm unlikely to wear it."

"The girl will probably be upset because of this." Nagini looked at him with condemnation, narrowing her eyes slightly. 

"Let it go. I hope she leaves me behind and sticks to her deer, and don't be jealous," "he poked her nose with a grin. "I don't care for this "girl"."

"I know, and stop reading my emotions already!"

"Okay, okay…" Patting her head, he fell on the bed and closed his eyes. - "And the routine begins again..."




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