
Good or bad, does it matter?{HP}

Grid, a normal guy who lost everything at the whim of someone powerful. He was broken and lost, with no goal in life but then he made REVENGE his goal, he reached the pinnacle of strength just so that he can get his revenge...... But now what? He's at the end of his life, dying......what will happen now? . . . {Give this a chance and I can guarantee that you will remember me} MC will be reincarnated as Severus Snape. If you want to read extra chapters or support me, you can do so by joining my Patreon, more than 30 extra chapters are available there: patreon.com/lucifer09 I do not own anything. I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, just comment or tell me in review. . .

Lucifer09 · Book&Literature
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161 Chs

Chapter 21

Leaving the bank accompanied by William, Snape directly felt the goblins' burning eyes on his back, because another client had just left them, taking all the contents of the vault. 

"Why are they staring at you so much? Have you stolen their gold?" the house owner asked him, deciding to play a little joke. 

"Let's just say that we didn't get along right away, and now, most likely, they think that it was me who persuaded you to take everything from the vault."

"Um… understandable, but I would still recommend that you don't quarrel with them…"

"It's a mutual dislike at first sight, and why would I keep all my wealth with them, I'll just buy a bag with extended space and that's it."

"It's still safer there …" William said, trying to persuade Snape.

"It's how you look, but still, let's close this topic, it's better to tell me why there is such trust, I thought that you would immediately try to throw me out of the building, only after hearing that I want to buy it."

"Over a long time of work, I have learned to understand people quite well," William answered him with a smile. "Although outwardly you didn't look like a rich boy, but looked more like a poor man, your demeanor, manner of communication and your eyes told me that you aren't a ordinary person, and my instinct almost never let me down."

"By the way, when are you planning to leave?" The mage asked another question. 

"Tonight. The faster the better…"

Already approaching the building, both magicians immediately noticed the ajar door, although they had previously locked it with a charm.

The man jumped up and kicked open the door, immediately pointing his wand at the man sitting behind the counter.

"You again!" William hissed with venom in his voice, never taking his eyes off the smiling wizard in frayed trousers, on whose shoulders a dark cloak hung.

"I warned you not to do anything stupid, but you took and sold this place," he continued, stroking his thin mustache in a businesslike manner. "You know, I was offended and decided to teach you a lesson…"

"Where is my wife?! Answer me or I'll kill you right now!"

"Oh-oh-oh, I'm scared you scared me so much, …..you better put your wand down, otherwise it may become i…"

"If at least one hair …"

"Shut up, huh?" The man drew his wand and pointed it at William. "Stupefy!" a red beam burst out of it, hitting William in the chest and knocking him back.

 "We said, give it back in a good way…" the man said in a ang tone. 

"For a thousand Galleons?!"

"It's not worth more," baring his teeth, the unknown man kicked the former owner of the property in the chest, causing him to cough heavily.

"Do not anger my master, otherwise …"

"Otherwise what?" sounded with notes of playfulness, a voice that made the previously calm man startled.

Turning sharply, he stepped back to the right, briskly pointing his wand in the direction of the speaker. From the second floor, a smiling Snape was descending towards the two of them with the bodies of two mages hovering behind him, and a middle-aged woman was descending behind them. 

"Layla!" jumping up, ignoring the pain in his back and chest, exclaimed William. 

"I'm fine, they didn't do anything to me," seeing her husband's worried face, she answered him with tenderness, at the same time, the Archmage threw two still living bodies at the feet of the Unknown man.

"Tell your master that this place belongs to Snape. He'll understand, now take them and get out, don't make me dirty the floor." Hearing Snape's words and seeing the confidence on his face, the bandit swallowed the threats that he wanted to shower on his opponent, because if it was true, he would simply bury himself with threats, so the man did not say anything, but only gritting his teeth, grabbing his partners, silently retired.

As soon as only the three of them were left in the room, Layla ran past the Archmage and "jumped" into her husband's arms. 

"Do you know them?" William asked gloomily, putting his arm around the woman. "No, I poked around in the memory of one of them," the magician languidly dismissed, going downstairs and sitting down at the table. "And it turns out that I know their owner, that's why I didn't kill, I still have to manage this place in the future, and unnecessary problems are not needed, I think you yourself understand this."

The man only nodded, agreeing with Snape's words, although deep down he wanted to strangle those bastards who dared to touch his wife.

"Honey, go get your things, we're leaving right now," kissing her forehead, he said warmly, in response she timidly nodded and quickly headed up the stairs.

"I'm sorry I thought you were one of them," William added guiltily, lowering his head. 

"I would have thought the same myself, so forget it, consider it gratitude for selling this place for next to nothing, and if you need help in the future, I will gladly help. Thank you for your understanding, you have already done too much. If you ever find yourself in Italy and decide to visit the city of Bari, I will gladly receive you as a dear guest."

"I will remember this," the magician nodded with a smile, shaking the outstretched hand. "to see you off?" 

"Don't, we're using Apparition." As you know ... A minute later his wife came down with a small bag on her shoulder ...


As soon as the couple disappeared, Snape was left completely alone in a dilapidated room that needed urgent repairs, so he decided to stay until the evening and, with the help of Reparo, restored the floor and wallpaper on the walls, as well as tables and chairs, returning the room to a more or less human appearance, although it still required a good repair and renovation of the interior.

The second floor still looked very much like nothing, with the exception of the thermocouples in the warehouse, which required restoration, as well as in the rest of the rooms, such as the study, bedroom and living room, furniture remained to be purchased.

He decided to temporarily turn this place into his home, as well as a store that would sell potions and artifacts in the future.

Of course, the magician was not going to stop only at this building, and the very next day, in the morning, leaving the bar, continued walking along Diagon Alley and by the evening bought two more buildings: one smaller for three thousand Galleons and one slightly larger than the previous one for three and a half. Snape had no doubt that this stupid war would soon end, because there were many such dark lords in the long history of his world, and each of them still suffered a tragic fate.

Therefore, he was sure that after it, during the recovery period, the price of each building would skyrocket several times, and then he would be able to make good money on it.



Two days later.

Lying on the huge soft bed, the young man couldn't help but smile in satisfaction as he finally finished tidying up the building and even improved it a bit, adding Invisible Expansion charms in two rooms and Illusory ones on top of them to hide them.

After all, the charms themselves were forbidden for private use, but only for the production of items like the bag left by Eileen, or Layla's handbag.

One of the rooms was specially prepared for Snape's training, and its size was comparable to a football field.

In addition to the many simulators, there was also an "alchemy corner" where he was going to process recipes from his world.

 Also, the Archmage did not forget about security, adding a couple of traps for intruders and a signal charm.

"My last day of rest, if I get a good night's sleep today, then personal hell will begin from tomorrow… eh… if that old man saw that I was going to train, he would definitely shed tears," the young man muttered with a grin, tightly clenching his fist and closing his eyes.

"I hope that Lucius still has time to find those ingredients before the start of the school year, and it's interesting what she's doing now…" The image of a large dark hall, tastefully decorated in dark colors, appeared in the man's head.

In the center of the room there was a table where sixteen magicians sat, one of which was Bella and Lucius. Snape saw the rest for the first time, but among them, only one caught his attention: it was a pale-faced, thin humanoid creature, instead of a nose, he had a pair of narrow slits, and his eyes had a blood-red tint, but this did not surprise the magician, but what surprised him was the magical power which was only slightly inferior to Dumbledore. 'It seems this is the dark lord.'

"…my lord, I managed to negotiate with our suppliers, and they will be able to increase the supply of potions by another ten percent, but this is already the limit."

"Good…very good, that's enough for now. Abraxas, you are raising a wonderful heir for yourself…" the pale-faced man with a hint of hissing in his voice drawled with a grin, looking at the man, outwardly very reminiscent of Lucius himself, but much older. 

"Thank you, my lord, for such a high praise," he replied reverently, also standing up, and then sitting back with his son.

"Rudolphus, were you able to find out where those artifacts came from...?" The thin man trembled at the Dark Lord's question.

"No, my lord… we searched all the magic shops, but we couldn't find anything, except that their source is Albus DumbleAAAA…!" the man screamed in pain, clutching his head and falling off his chair, writhing on the ground. "M-my Lord!.... I...PLEASE! FORGIVE ME! I WILL FIND! I…"

"I won't kill you just for the reason that I still need your help, but from now on don't you dare fail my tasks anymore, this was the last warning, there will be no next time…" Glancing at the trembling magician with indifference, the dark lord looked up at the rest, - ... "this also concerns you, I will no longer forgive mistakes."

"Yes my Lord!" they exclaimed in chorus, rising from their seats and bowing.

'I did not expect him to sell those cubes this fast' Snape thought in his mind.





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