
My car key!

The very next day, Chase woke up from his sleep feeling a slight pain while Dewwy in his arms. He pet Dewwy's head a little then stood up and wonder "I slept on the couch last night..". He streched his body a little then took his phone to see the time. "Oh..its almost the afternoon" he said. "might aswell get ready" he continued. He went straight up to his bedroom to change his clothes.

"Now where is the car key?". he searched and searched but could not find it at all. Dewwy woke up because of the noises of him searching for the key."Hey buddy..Did I wake you up?..Im so sorry" said Chase. " Have you seen my car key anywhere?" he continued. Dewwy's expression turns to wonder. " What do i expect from you" Chase said with a smirk on his face.

He went out to his car just incase he left it in there, but then he saw 'that car' again. He stared at it as it passes by. "Oi!" a familiar voice screamed out of nowhere. Chased turns aroudn to look for the voice. He saw Mrs Lieya standing infront of her door. " Yes Mrs Lieya?" he asked out of suspiciousness. Mrs Lieya on the other hand was holding his car key with one eyebrows held up high. Chase was shocked. " How did she gets my car key" he wondered. "Dont you want it back?" she ask. "Yes I do..Thanks for finding it" he rushed over to her. " Wait...Hold on a second" she said. "What is it Mrs Lieya?" he asked. "You can have it back...only if you keep your dog away from my garden" she said seriously. "Of course I will" he answered quickly. "How did you found it afterall?" he asked. " Your dog was playing with it in MY GARDEN so i figure it was a good way to keep him out." she explained. " I will keep that in mid Mrs Lieya" he answered with an awkward smile.

He took his car key from Mrs Lieya's hand and rushed to his car. He turned on the engine then went in the house again. "Hey buddy..Be a good boy while i'm gone." he said while petting Dewwy's head. He then filled Dewwy's food bowl with dog food then quickly rushed out.