
Good old days

When i was 5 years old,

Some coins looks like a gold

Now a 500 rupee note seems like a fuckin joke..

We enjoyed outdoor games and much better was our life,

Now we're playing pubg and thinking about our future wife.

The days when we enjoyed with our family and everything was fine,

But now we're fucking busy that we don't have enough time.

I'll never forget the school friends I grew up with or the great times we had,

Some gave me good lessons and some taught me bad.

we didn't care about the results that we're fail or pass,

Played UNO in the middle of the period and teacher said get out from my class.

We used to bunk every period doesn't matter it's maths ,science or French ,

Our names were still scribbled on our class bench.

Too many crushes one favourite teacher and one best friend,

The worst part of life when school life was end .

Now our life is like a fuckin joke,

We drink alcohol and do smoke

And the life is full of stress and pain,

Please take me back to those good old days again ....