

Odette's POV

I was recently admitted to a ward called "Light of Dawn/LD Ward." I was scolded by the Head Nurse named Estes because I locked my door. I wasn't aware it's not allowed! But I unlocked it. I'm just used to my room that is always locked. I miss my family, my home especially my room.

I was sleeping when I heard a noise. I saw a blonde boy I think the same age as me hiding behind my door.

"Lancelot Baroque! It won't hurt I promise!" a girl nurse shouted. She looks too tired so she stopped by my door.

"He's in here!" I shouted even though I don't know he's the boy the nurse is looking for. But maybe because why would he hide?

"There you are Lancelot! It won't hurt I promise you."

"Liar! And you!" He pointed at me. "I hate you!"

They left the room then a few minutes after, I heard a scream from the other room so without hesitating, I looked over and entered. The nurse didn't object so I stayed. I saw the boy crying. He's like 16! What a cry baby.

"Don't judge him. Taking bone marrows are painful."

I almost screamed when someone talked behind me. She's pretty stunning. She's also wearing the same hospital gown I'm wearing.

"Guinevere Baroque. Call me Gwen, I'm his' sister."

I also saw a boy with a bandage on a foot and a crutch.

"Gwen! Why did you leave me?!"

"Don't be ridiculous! You're just slow because of your fractured foot! Anyways he's Gusion Paxley. You forgot to introduce yourself eh?"

Odette immediately answered. "I'm Odette."

"You know what, you're pretty." She leaned on me and whispered. "But don't you dare steal my Gusion or else I'm gonna rip your stomach and sell your internal organs." Then Guinevere and Gusion left the room.

Odette was left dumbfounded. Lancelot was staring at the wall. It's done. He did it. The nurse left the room. I saw "Rafaela" written on her uniform.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I said.

"Leave." He coldly replied.

I left the room. That must hurt. I'm sorry Lancelot.