
Could She Be the One Who Has Stolen It?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Qianxun was worried when she saw that Gu Mian was still not present even though class had begun, so she gave Gu Mian a call.

Gu Mian was in a total daze when she woke up. She only realized that her cell phone was ringing after being stuck in a state of confusion for quite a while. She picked up the call. "Hello?"

"Mian Mian, what happened to you? Are you sick?" Su Qianxun was shocked when she heard Gu Mian's voice, which sounded extremely hoarse.

"Cough… No, I slept really late last night and didn't manage to wake up in time." Gu Mian only realized that she had a fever when she raised her hand to touch her forehead.

"I see. Do go back to sleep if you're tired. You can come to campus once you're well-rested." When Su Qianxun recalled that Gu Mian had just gotten married, she reckoned that Gu Mian's husband must have had s*x with her until late at night.