
Good guy(Dc fanfic)

You’d think he is a really sweet guy at first Sweet smile,soft face,kind eyes But is that all there is to it

M_Ra · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


Arthur was your normal ordinary day to day human being,worked as a civil engineer in NYC.He liked his coffee black,loved sweets and was ordinary also regarding his looks.everything about him was screaming ordinary and normal maybe boring,at least that's how he presented himself.one thing out of the ordinary for arthur is being nice maybe too nice as some of his "close friends" would say.according to them if someone shot Arthur he would pick up the empty shells and give it back to you.

Right now was questioning a lot of things but the biggest three questions were,'where am I?','what is this sound' and'is this a dream' of course his questions weren't uncalled for,waking up with a massive headache with no memory or where or what he was doing before being in a closed moving 'box',as he started regaining the ability to think more rationally he came up with some answers on his own

'So I guess I was..kidnapped?…iam probably in a container of some kind,but the air here feels refreshing as if i am in the living room'

Needles to say his analysis wasn't the problem here, but the calmness and easiness he was at while taking the whole situation,Arthur's quick analysis session was interrupted by a blue square screen that appeared infront of his face it read

(System is starting....order number@&$81730$&&28 initiating...system at 95% and still going...…)

Suffice to say Arthur was confused the panel looked like a hologram of some kind but he never seen one this…advanced so he decided to just wait and see what would happen next but the next words on the panel served only to confuse him more

(96%—-97%—-98%————————E-Error——system failing ———-back up system initiating————Error—-back up system failing——-looking for alternatives:initiate——-)

Taking his attention away from the panel was the sound and shake of his current "vehicle",following a mechanical sounded out

"Ship just passed the mesosphere—-alert:detected heat and increasing——alert:ship just passed the stratosphere——-estimated landing time: 1 minute and counting down"

At this point Arthur started putting two and two together,but three words kept ringing in his head it was 'ship' 'mesosphere' 'stratosphere' especially the latter two since these were part of the atmosphere meaning he was probably/most likely in a space ship descending,now at this point Arthur was still in the dark literally since he still couldn't see anything but the blue panel infront which somehow didn't produce any kind of light into the surrounding,so Arthur decided to do the only logical thing a reasonable person in his position;sit quietly and wait for what happens next(not normal btw)then the mechanical sound came again

"Ship is landing in: one minute———-turning on walls enforcement——heat resistance:on——-passenger safety:jeopardized——activating protocol:heavens protection——releasing sleeping gas in: ten seconds"

Arthur was now a ball of emotions,mostly confusion because someone actually kidnapped him from earth apparently and just put him on a space ship just to send him back again,and of course his kidnappers were probably aliens which led him to think of that was the equivalent of a prank in there culture,of course although the ship kept sounding alarms about heat and all that(he couldn't really feel it tho)he just kept sitting there waiting even with the ship deciding to put him to sleep

"Alert gas release in:five…..four…..three….two….one….


With a hissing sound Arthur could tell that the gas started spreading in his "compartment" it was probably a really strong one since he was feeling sleepy already,and as he started falling asleep while the voice started counting down preparing for his landing,the last thing he saw was the blue panel infront of him change a bit

(Alternative found)

And he closed his eyes,what Arthur didn't know was the next time he would open his eyes he would have more questions than the first time he woke up



It was a normal day in metropolis,normal being the same bank robbers trying to do what they are known for,rob banks.thankfully I was there in time to stop them and of course I made sure no one was hurt seeing them trying to look intimidating even while being arrested was certainly amusing,occasionally I would hear the sound of said robbers bad mouthing me inside the van apparently forgetting the fact that I have super hearing,I was about to put down a cat stuck up on a tree when I noticed the police man in-front of me looking at the sky,I traced where his eyes were looking when I felt my heart drop at what I thought to be at first a meteor(which I could get rid of easily but would bring huge destruction on the city if it exploded) but on a second look it looked more like a pod,a space pod.no,now was not time to figure out what was that,flying up toward the pod I reached in seconds putting my hands on the obviously heated walls of it to slow it down,which obviously couldn't hurt me.it didn't take me a lot to actually stop it.making sure to bring somewhere else,more safe at-least.

Suddenly the earpiece I had on made a beeping sound

"Superman this is Batman a object just went throu….."

Batman's husky deep voice came in I still didn'tget why he would talk like that but it's his style i guess

"Already on it,Iam trying to lead it somewhere else"

"I see well the HQ is a good idea just to make sure to put it in the isolation compartment..we still don't what's that and where it came from"

"Roger that..Superman out"

Looking at what Iam holding it really is a space pod possibly with someone inside..this awakened some memories of when I first came here and when Kara did…maybe….it's another one…..

Let's not jump to conclusions I'll get to know everything after taking this to the Jl tower

Stopping the pod wasn't a hard task neither was carrying it to the HQ..as soon as I got in through the isolation compartment gate the door behind me closed and another infront of me opened revealing Batman,black canary and Martian hunter I was about to say something when the pod released a weird sound and a door that wasn't there opened

The first one to approach the now opened pod was Batman we waited for him to say something until I broke the silence in the room

"Sooo…what is it?"

His answer came back with his back still facing me

"Well…'it' looks human"

The rest of us had the same reaction
