
Good Girls Don't Cheat

Shawn could easily be the guy you bring home to your parents- he is charming, good looking, respectful, and being a successful pop star helps with his allure. But, the more you get to know him, the more you realize how wrong you were in the beginning. And, before you can pull yourself out, it’s too late. You’re butt deep in the pool of his magnetism. Most women know what to expect when you’re dating Shawn Rayo. He will not try to make you feel like you’re special. He will tell you out front that he doesn’t want a relationship. He will put his intensions out on the table, and if a girl decides to date him, there’s no one to be blamed for heartbreak but her. Instances from the past topped with his insane popularity around loose women of all ages have made him a misogynist who has long forgotten how to respect a woman. Who is to be blamed for his lack of a love life when he doesn’t even know how not to hate every woman he sleeps with? But when Shawn is hasting from one fling to another, fate intervenes, as if a force from above couldn’t see anymore how screwed up he had become. He meets a girl who has no time to even romantically look at a guy, let alone date him. Itika. She is far from the others. She is an overnight internet sensation who has spent most of her life trying to be a perfect woman. She was basically born into womanhood, so much so that she doesn’t have a single example of her being young and stupid. When Shawn meets her, he knows she could be the one. THE ONE. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that she refused to go out with him. Even newly married women didn’t refuse Shawn Rayo. A chord is struck in his heart. But, little does he know about Itika’s secret. And why even if he becomes the best guy in the world, she can’t go out with him.

ElsbroSparka · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


A purple iris tattooed on the lower back of one of the three girls when she turned forced a chuckle out of him; he wondered if the art was intended to look like a female reproductive organ with two of its petals extending to the either sides of her ribcage. Whoever came up with that idea must have been the reason behind that porn star's steep success. But, for Shawn the picture had the opposite effect; he didn't want to look at that tasteless tattoo anymore. The sixth video in his 'favorite' list was of a European woman kneeling down under a fully extended manhood, looking up at its keeper with lustful eyes. That should do it for now. The shoot was cancelled for the day because they had a last minute mix-up with the studio schedule. Good for me. He was all alone in his rented office; in the sixth floor of Allura. It had taken a while to get that space just for him, which had meant cutting a room out of their editing department but Jacob had made it possible.

There was a rehearsal scheduled for three in the afternoon, he had an hour to kill and rubbing one out was his go-to resort in situations like these- privacy, lack of sex for two days, an hour to kill, and no piano or a guitar around. The nineteen minute long video started with the bare woman slowly crawling toward the cameraman. Her hazel green eyes had jet black liner around them, and long luscious hair of the same shade hung daintily from her shoulders, covering the better part of her bust. Picture perfect beauty. Shawn had been with a lot of women in just four years of his dating life than a score of men would do in their lifetimes but none had been near this perfection that virtually stared up at him. It was an impressive figure, something he hadn't planned for to happen, nor was he going to keep up the tally. He had yet to be in a relationship, let alone fall in love. In a way, it was something that he could look forward to. He had a lot of fun, sexual experiences; the time with six times in a night after taking a strong buff was one to never forget. He remembered little of the girl, but the fun of multiple releases in a few hours was clear in his memory.

The actress was in the middle of giving her best oral performance when the top of his phone screen flashed his sister's name; any allusion to any of his family members when he was aroused was a tacit blow to his little head.

The hardness forming in his pants had sheathed back to its resting position, and he felt the blood now travelling up into his muscular chest. He was driven with annoyance that as it raised higher started turning into anger. He wanted to ignore the call, and continue, but the sentiment was lost and the anger was palpitating. Shawn hated how easily his sister got him mad even with her name. Maybe it was the vulnerable situation. Any other person calling at that hour would have annoyed him. It was possible, yet he knew his sister had a special effect on him.

'What happened?' He chose to keep a neutral tone, filtering his irritation entirely just so his sister didn't have any follow-up queries. He wanted her to say whatever necessary and leave without nudging a conversation.

'Where are you?' Dina as usual sounded like she was on the verge of a flip-out. The woman couldn't help it, he wasn't sure if she even knew she talked weird.

'I'm on the sixth.'

'Sixth? What are you doing there? That floor was under renovation. God, do you have air-conditioning there yet?'

Shawn sighed. 'Tell me, what happened? It's all set here. Don't worry.' Part of the editing floor was indeed under a makeover but his exemplary private room, all white and grey, didn't need any changes. It was much too complete with a bed, a couch and a forty-two inch flat screen on a wall, and served its purpose-isolation from the rest of Allura.

'Are you having a girl up there?'

What was up with this woman? She was way too nosy. He wasn't going to fuck where he worked. Parking-lot was fine- he felt an upward curve forming on his lips- but not inside the building. He had some work ethics that he proudly followed. No getting angry when someone criticized your music. No signing any documents without the consent of your manager. No bumping uglies where you work. The last one was hardest to keep, but so far he was doing just well. If this room ever saw a naked curvy ass, it'd better be of his wife, nobody else.


Dina ignored her brother's obvious effort at sounding innocent. 'Team's ready, get down now.'

'Why now? I was said to be there at three.'

'Yeah, well I told them you'd like to get it over with sooner.'

'Why'd you do that?'

'They can't hog you for an hour without notice. That's not professional and they needed to know that. So, I made sure to tell them.'

When she wasn't being irksome, Dina had her uses. She knew exactly how to convince people of their shortcomings or maybe they just gave up from irritation. That was so possible.

'Hmm. I'll be there.'


He was thinking way too ahead of himself, ten or maybe even fifteen years into the future. He wasn't against the thought of one fanny for the rest of his life, but finding the right one was going to be a hell of a ride. He had slept with so many; none of them had struck a committing chord in his heart. He had yet to find out how it felt when he was in love. And when that happened, she was going to be the most loved woman in the world.

That was the plan.