
Good girl syndrome

He was perfection, with his tousled blonde hair which swept downwards to his forehead, his perfect gummy smile making his facial expressions look exquisite as she watched him joke around with his friends at the back of a worn down pickup truck. For a bad boy he sure seemed happy as he head-locked one of his friends. She slowly observed the dark ink scattered all over his arm, taking in how handsome and fearless he looked with them. He was hanging out with the bad crowd, the scary group of people her step mum warned her to stay extremely far away from. He could snap her in half with just a wave of his fingers and she shouldn’t weirdly stare at him from behind these windows, but she couldn’t help but feel drawn to him as she watched him light a cigarette placing it in the middle of those thin lips of his. Jason bartel was dangerous but Darcy slowly found herself wanting that danger.. before he turned to immediately meet her eyes feeling that someone was staring at him. The intensity of his gaze knocking a soft breath out of her as they locked eyes as he slowly gave her a smirk causing her to skin to erupt in shivers... the good kind.

Adedoyin_Ayeni · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter One.


"Wake up, Darcy wake up! It's time for school". Tossing around sleepily on my bed i opened up my eyes to find my step mum staring down at me, her blue eyes wide open as she shook me.

"Laura, please let me sleep. I was up all night watching YouTube videos about how to draw the perfect eyeliner" i grumbled in my sleep trying to get her to leave me alone.

She sharply pulled off the duvet from my body leaving me completely open in my pair of sleep shorts, camisole and socks.

"It's your senior year missy and I'm not going to let you be late on your first day!" She scolded sharply causing me to groan into my pillows and sitting up straight.

"Can't I just do homeschool? Please Laura " I begged giving her my best puppy eyes which she was very much immune too. She gave me a look, the look i had come to finally get used to as she replied me. "Of course not Darcy, it's your senior year of high school, you should be living it up! Having fun and making friends and you're not going to be able to achieve all of that if you're homeschooled"

"Of course.. fine, I'll get ready.." I groaned softly as I heard her let out a soft chuckle.

"That's my girl, I'll be downstairs making breakfast. Be sure to dress nice okay" she added with a smile before walking out of my room.

Summer was over and it was finally time for school, I mostly spent my summer at home watching TikToks, playing scrabble with my dad and Laura, sleeping, eating and giving myself a complete makeover well from watching tons of makeup YouTube videos. I figured I should start my senior year with a new look. Back when I was a sophomore, you could say I was invisible. I had on braces and huge glasses which made me look unattractive and nerdy.

No longer did I have on braces and that really ugly glasses. My eyesight improved and my teeth are perfectly straight and normal. Standing in front of my full mirror I observed my new look, my long hair which used to be blonde was now deep brown with gold highlights and was cut short to shoulder length. My eyes were deep brown and my lips looked fuller. I looked different and I liked this new me. Opening up my closet i picked out simple mom jeans, a white corset top and some Nike's shoes as my outfit to school. Thanks to my best friend who went shopping with me during the summer and completely cleared out my set of old nerdy clothes.

Learning makeup was hard, I failed so many times while watching videos online on how to draw the perfect eyeliner, contouring, matching eyeshadows and highlighting the perfect nude lipstick. But it was worth it because it contributed to my new look. I was entering senior year a new and different Darcy.

Finally ready for school I headed downstairs for breakfast finding my dad and step brother junior already eating. My mum died during childbirth before I ever got to meet her, but my dad tells me that she was the loveliest woman and that I looked a lot like her which was true. I inherited her golden blonde hair, kinda sucked when I changed my hair color but I figured out it was time for a change.

It was just me and my dad, well until Laura came along when I was fourteen and her and my dad fell in-love and got married. Laura was an amazing step mum, she was funny, really caring, pretty and a good cook. I loved her meals and she never failed to always show me how much she cared about me. She was a kindergarten teacher in one of the best elite prep schools in California. Most of her students were kids of celebrities.

One time when i went to pick up junior from school, I met the daughter of Khloe Kardashian which was a very big moment for me. That was the first time i ever got to see a celebrity but Laura pushed it off saying it wasn't that big of a deal.

"You look nice Darcy" my dad said flashing me a smile making me blush softly.

"Thanks dad."

"Well, don't you look all dashing for your first day" Laura said softly making me smile

"I didn't put on anything that special.."

"What's that on your lips?" My step brother asked curiously.

"Lipgloss.." I answered

"It's pretty, mum can I have lipgloss too?" He whines causing my dad to give a short laugh to that.

"No honey you can't have one. It's for girls" she said softly with a giggle.

My phone beeped notifying me that I had a text. Opening it to see that it was from my best friend Normani. She was outside waiting for me in the car so she could drive us both to school together.

"Dad, Laura I have to go. Normie is outside in the car waiting." I said in a rush as I grabbed my bag running out the door not waiting to hear what they had to say.

I was yet to get my drivers license and normani had a very nice car so she offered to always drive me to school. Normani and I have been best friends ever since we were in Pre-K. Although she was completely different than I was we were still very close to each other. She was pretty and popular, student body president and captain of the cheerleading team. In other words Normani was the popular girl in school but she wasn't a mean girl like the kinds you'd see in movies.

She was sweet and caring, funny, very emotional and also nice. She's always had my back for as long as I can remember. Even back when I was in my nerdy phase she was always carrying me along with her and never made me feel left out. When I told her this summer that I wanted to change my look she was so excited to give me a makeover and helped me buy so many pretty outfits.

"Couldn't you at least eat you breakfast pretty quickly? We're gonna be late Darcy." She grumbled with a pout pushing her thick brown curly Afro hair behind her ears.

"Good morning normie, missed you too" I said with a smile causing her to chuckle.

"C'mon let's go." She said as she drove us to school.