
Good Fanfics I've Found

[LINKS IN COMMENTS] A list of fanfics i've come across and would recommend if you have some fanfiction you would recommend, comment or post it in the reviews, i'd appreciate it.

CJ518 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Saga Of The Runt by L4 of the West [Youjo Senki × WH30k]

Synopsis: Tanya in 30k as a Primark, (we're just having a good time here, having fun with the concept don't think too hard about it)

Words: 140k+

Last update: May 31 2022 (at the time of writing this)

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-saga-of-the-runt-youjo-senki-wh30k.987151/#post-81260068