
Good and bad fruit

Anoh_JoyI · History
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15 Chs

Chapter 2 Allergic to rose flowers

Three years later, chaos entrapped the town of Amazon. After the underground world was opened through a portal by the devil, he let out certain creatures to ruin the world, some thought the world was coming to the end.

The town suffered from massacre, slaughtering and death of indiscriminate number of people. People died and population deduct in an uneven way. Amazon town weren't the only town who suffered from this, but other towns around the world.

What sort of creature are this which have been let out for the ruins of the world?? Beasts and monsters of all kind, some in human form with tails and horn, some dinosaur and all frightening and scariest creatures on earth.

Among this animosity the believe of bloodsuckers, the vampires came into existence.

In the eighteenth century.....

Olivia Lockwood gazed at her reflection in the mirror, her blue ocean eyes gazing back at her, her olive skin were smooth and healthy. Sighing loudly she moved her fingers on her strawberry blonde hair. There was a ring at her index finger. She was married two years ago by the town magistrate. A wealthy man who lived extravagantly, possessing other four wives and her making it the fifth, the last wife of the town magistrate. He also has multiple concubines, all this have never mattered to Olivia because she was forced into the marriage and hadn't any attachments for the man. Although she came from a poor background she became a wife of a magistrate because of her outstanding beauty.

" Milady, your husband must be waiting for you, permit me to say this..... . " A voice spoke behind her. Olivia looked back her eyes falling on her maid Luna.

" Luna you are free to talk, you don't need to take my permission all the time. " Olivia said for the fiftieth time to her maid ever since her marriage.

" Eldest master wont like it if you delay. him any longer. '' She said. Olivia shut her eyes, snapping them again. " What will he do twist my hands as he does, hit me, Luna I want him to get his attention off me, this is a too much. He has other wives and concubines who wants his attention but he keeps... "

" Ain't you happy he likes you the more milady. "

" He hit me last night. " Olivia said.

" Did you do something to go against his wishes milady. "

" Am I good to go. " Olivia said irritated. Luna brought her hands to her dress, smoothing any atom of crinkle or crease in her dress.

" Am done. " Maid Luna said. She followed after Olivia when she left the room.

Olivia descended the long stair case.

" This way lady Olivia. " A servant moving by escorted her to the town magistrate, her husband. Her eyes coming to fall on her husband.

" Good morning.. dear George." She greeted him with the title ' dear' he asked for, with a deep courtesy.

" Morning Olivia, what kept you long. " He said making her eyes fall on his tall hat kept on his head, a wing knotted tie round his collar tightly.

" I think I overslept. " She said. As simple as the word appeared it wasn't like this in her heart, she was anxious.

" Haven't you yet been formalized with how things work around the elite circle. '' He narrowed his eyes at her.

" My apologies for keeping you waiting. " She said picking her words carefully.

" Olivia you know if it isn't t you but another woman I will be satisfied to have a whip round her body as a punishment, this way she wouldn't repeat a mistake. I cherish you." He said picking up the silverware cup to drink from. A red liquid appeared in his moustache beards above his lips. He was sipping a wine. Seeing that she wouldn't say anything he ordered her to sit.

Olivia sat at the wooden seat. George Lockwood have invited her to join him on a breakfast diner alone with him in the garden.

" Maybe you haven't realized but you are my favorite wife. " He said with a smile that didn't fit him. George Lockwood a man in his early fifties with black hair and black eyes, a little chubby and average. He was passed half her age.

" Why have you invited me to dine with you. " She asked as this was the first time. George unfolded his palm towards a servant standing behind him. The servant dropped a bouquet of flower in his hand. George extended his hand and giving it to her. Olivia took the bouquet of rose flower.

" Atigh atihh!!!" She sneezed twice. She was allergic to roses. Olivia dropped the flower, feeling her nose tickle more.

" How dare you drop my flowers!! " The magistrate shouted in anger.

" My apologies but I am allergic to rose flowers." She said but her nose tickled more. Her eyes fell on the servant standing behind him in a pleading eyes to take the flower away which he did with the permission of George Lockwood.

" Why didn't you ever tell me about that. " He said but Olivia continued to look at her fingers without speaking. " I am talking to you, have you gone deaf! "

" I didn't know you will be getting me flowers. " She said what was obvious. He hummed nodding his head. " Eat! " He ordered.

Olivia lifted her cutlery to eat without wanting to speak anymore.

After the breakfast diner with her husband, she went straight to the training room. It was the training room for the Lockwood house members. They train in the big hall, a very large spacious room. The aim for the training room establishment was because of the monsters on earth. The were being thought on how to fight and defend themselves in case if attacked.

" Greetings to you lady Olivia." The servant, Olivia walked past greeted with a bow. She nodded with a word of greeting accepted.

Sighting the place filled with the wives and some of the magistrate concubines she moved her legs to join them.

" Here milady." A man governing the training room said, handling her a sword.