
Good and bad fruit

Anoh_JoyI · History
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15 Chs

Chapter 11 Vampire

Dylan turned to the beast. An evil smile appeared on his face. He brought his left hand using it to move his head which creaked and in the next seconds he took off which was at the moment the vampire started running to him as well. The vampire using his super speed to pushed Dylan, snarling his fangs at him. Dylan's hands gripped the vampire neck which looked really crazy, he tried to keep it's teeth like fangs away from him.

Duke Dylan was their guest she couldn't leave him to be devoured by the strange scaly creature. It reminded her of when her father was devoured and butchered right in front of her where she couldn't do anything but watch him die. Standing at the corner reminded her of that same incident.

" Get off me!!" Dylan cursed at the beast. He knew that the bite of the vampire will be very infectious. Giving an almighty kick to the beast it moved to be yanked away few distances hitting the wall of the open cage, which has a missing bars.

He brought up his hand before moving it in a circular motion. Green ball of flame appeared to be formed in between his hands. He started spreading it out and slow by slow the flames turned into sparkles of thundering. Olivia could see the bright green eyes of his. it emitted light. Was this really the ability George was talking about. Putting her hands together she prayed that he will survive this.

The vampire on getting his stance back sped up at him. The rest of Dylan's battle with the beast were blur to her eyes, as a green wave covered them. When the light started fading away she saw the beast fall slack on the floor, motionless.

Olivia couldn't explain how relieved she felt, it was as if her non stop pounding heart finally came to a stop adding to her anxiousness. Unknowingly to Olivia who wasn't in her right senses, she ran to him, closing the gap her and the Duke, she wrapped her hands around his neck.

The Duke's hand moved round her back as he hugged her tightly. His head rested on her shoulder as his Adam's throat bubbled up and down. He felt at ease.

'' Am glad you are safe. " Her soft worried struck voice said. Why does he feel like home hugging lady Olivia like this. Was he perhaps captivated by her. Why was that? was it because of her beauty or was it her voice, attitude, he wasn't sure. He fucking knew her before the damned magistrate came and married her. Realising the proximity position they were in, Olivia quickly pulled herself away as if she just committed a taboo and the most forbidden and disapproved act she shouldn't have done. She looked as if she just woke up from a nightmare. It dawned to her how awkward things would be from now. She couldn't believe she just hugged the Duke.

'' What happened. " The voice of the guards who arrived at the scene said. " It's the monster vampire. " Another voice added.

" Are you okay. " Dylan asked asked after much thinking. Her eyes looked everywhere but not him.

" My apologies that I have stepped to close. You are my my husband's guest I could not leave you all alone with the beast. Am glad you are okay. " Olivia bowed her head before walking straight ahead not looking back at him or waiting for his word.

In as much as something inside of him felt sad when she left, he was impressed, if it was another person in her place. The person wouldn't think twice before running on her heels and leaving him all with the beast. He had watched her closely ever since she started acting on stage. She was always anxious and worried but never has she backed down but instead appear more brave.

The magistrate arrived at the dungeon with after he was notified by one of the guards about what happened. He was in a foul mood not because of the duke or his wife were almost harmed but because he was told that the duke killed his most priced possession. It was going to be his advantage to be the first man to capture one of the beast.

" Are you okay Duke Dylan." The magistrate face was visibly angry but one could mistake it for it being the reason that the vampire attacked them.

" I can't believe you intentionally let the bars of the cage loose!" Dylan shot angrily for the insult he had received from the magistrate household. He could have been killed for that.

" I.i.i didn't do that, the cage was in good condition before this-" He couldn't believe that he was being accused for what happened now.

" And it fell? good condition? I am asking you, what if I wasn't there do you know the lives it could have cost. "

" I think I wasn't careful enough. " He gritted his teeth. He could not believe he was being intimidated by Dylan again. His eyes fell on the beast who lay motionless. A string in his heart pulled, this beast would have brought him fortune and he should be the one getting angry.

" That doesn't compensate for the mistake you have done, I care for this land and the people who live in it to think you want more slaughter not to think you don't value Delilah being married to you. "

" I do value her Duke Dylan, you can ask her yourself I take good care of her, she is the one I cherish with all my heart from all my wife. "

" If you did you could have had the vampire in a more strong bars." Dylan shook his head ready to walk past the magistrate when he said.

" What about my vampire, it could have brought so much fortune to me but you killed it, I am equally at lose. "

Dylan scoffed thinking why he do let his dear sister married to a selfish greedy man. Without looking back at the man, he left.