
Goneaway (Runaway Sequel)

The oldest daughter of Kayla and Connor Andrews is about to take on her own drama, her life is fairly normal until she meets Nick, a juvenile delinquent who can careless about the law and authority while dealing with an ex boyfriend who is determined she belongs with him. Will she stay daddy's little angel or become Nick's sidekick of trouble?

Kaycee_Cruz · Teen
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


I sat outside on the stairs leaning on the railing watching as cars passed by, I watched the sun as it rose. I got lost in a daze; I came back to reality when someone stepped in front of me "Huh." Oliver stood in front of me "Is Hunter up yet?" I shook my head no "Still asleep." He looked away "Tell him to come over, I need to talk to him."

As he started walking to his door, I stood up "Hey Oliver." He turned "What's up?" I crossed my arms "Want to get some breakfast?" He looked surprised but it went away shortly after "I have a lot to do, maybe next time." I nodded and frowned as he opened his door. I sat back down and tried to withhold my tears but they overcame me and poured out.

I quickly wiped my tears when my door opened, Hunter came out "Um. What are you doing up so early?" I looked up at him and shrugged "Oliver was looking for you." He nodded slowly "I know. He called me." I wiped my nose "Where were you guys last night." He cleared his throat "We checked out some club. Thought it'd get his mind free from you know."

Suddenly Oliver's door flung open and a girl with her clothes falling off came out yelling at Oliver who was pushing her out and telling her she needed to leave. She looked at us staring at her "What the hell are you looking at!" I couldn't help but laugh, Oliver looked at me and exhaled realizing what the hell he just caused. Hunter was rubbing his forehead when I looked up at him "So you knew?" He looked at me "No. Not exactly."

The girl yelled at Oliver "So you're sleeping with your neighbor too?!" I stood up "Oh honey, it was far more than that. But he's free now so enjoy." I opened the front door and sat on the couch; Arabella came out "What the hell is with all the yelling?" I looked up from my phone "Oliver trying to get rid of his one-night stand." Her jaw drop "Lily." I laughed and shook my head "I'm not bothered. He's a free man." Ana came out "Okay can one of you tell that bitch to stop yelling."

I smirked "It's calling your name Ana. You're the queen of drama." She yawned cutting it off halfway through "That's your drama. That's your man." Arabella rolled her eyes "Ana." Hunter came in and exhaled "I hate women." We all looked back at him, I said "You made the first mistake coming in to three of them saying that."

He grabbed the pillow from the couch throwing it at me "You're my sister's. It's different." Arabella scoffed "We're still women stupid." He grabbed the remote "Whose making breakfast, not it!" The front door opened and Oliver came in "Sorry about that." Arabella scoffed "If I have to hear any more of that, I will neuter you myself." Ana crossed her arms "You know we need our sleep." I stood up and went to the kitchen, I grabbed the pans and started pulling out the breakfast food.

Oliver came in "I was going to take you guys out for breakfast." I glanced at him "Already started this." He started whispering "Look I'm sorry." I glanced at him "I don't need it. Clearly everything was a script to you so I'm good." He frowned "I drank too much and..." I cut him off "It's forgotten. Excuse me." Just as I started peeling potatoes I cut my finger with the knife, Oliver grabbed a paper towel and wrapped it. I snapped at him "I got it!"

He stepped back, I reached for another paper towel, my shirt got caught on the pan with hot oil and it fell to the floor barely hitting my feet. I managed to get out of the way before it fell. I got pissed and stormed out of the kitchen. Oliver stayed behind and cleaned it up; I went outside and sat on the steps. I started crying, I was never this emotional before. My phone started ringing, I silenced it and stood up; as I was walking down the steps Oliver came out "Please talk to me." I turned to him "Hi. I talked to you." He gently grabbed my arm "Lily, seriously. I am sorry."

I looked into his eyes "You know this relationship should have never happened." He frowned "But it did and I love you. I have no idea how you can walk away like nothing was ever there." I smirked "I just watched a girl walked out of your apartment with her clothes barely covering her please tell me again you love me?" He looked away "I know." I pulled my arm back "That's enough to tell me how you really feel so stop trying to explain it."

I walked down the side walk, Hunter came out and followed me "Lily!" I stopped and waited for him "I know you want to be alone but you know how dad is." I rolled my eyes "Look Hunt, I just need some time. So please give that to me." He frowned "I'm sorry Lil but you know I can't do that." I glanced at him smiling; he sighed "What do you want?" I shook my head "Nothing crazy." He exhaled as he crossed his arms "Tell me." I smiled bigger "You can finish training me now?"

He shook his head no "No! Nope! I already got in trouble from dad when you pulled the knife on Oliver." I begged him "Please! I didn't even tell dad." He looked off behind me to the street "Get down!" He shoved me behind a car; he reached for his gun that he didn't have "Fuck!" I pulled my phone out and text Oliver "911!"

Hunter turned to me "On the count of 3 run! don't stop and stay behind something! Do not go to the apartment if you're being followed!" I held my breath in fear; just as I was going to run a person jumped in front us. Hunter yelled "Lilliana! Go!" I locked eyes with the woman; she stared at us for a few seconds then started firing her gun at the other person shooting at us. She looked back at us; she waved for us to run but I couldn't take my eyes off of her green eyes. Hunter yelled "Go!" I started running with Hunter shortly behind me, the woman followed us a way behind covering us but shortly disappeared once Oliver showed up.

Oliver pulled me into his arms "Geez." I turned looking for the woman but she was gone. I looked at Hunter "Who was that?" He shoved me without another word, we went inside, I sat on the couch and asked again. I was ignored; Oliver called my dad while Hunter was on the phone with someone.