
Chapter Three

Goldy's Pov

The next day after We had left my room I went back into my room and went on Wattpad to reads some stories. I found one called IM IN LOVE! It was so so good so I then read Goldy's first love and followed the author. After that I went to bed and had felt someone cuddling me I thought it was either unicorn mane or tina but when I looked over it was Ryan he wasn't asleep yet so I pretended I was asleep. When Ryan was finally asleep I kissed his soft smooth forehead and went to sleep.

I then got out of bed and went to the kitchen but before I could Ryan pulled me into a bear hug and I was stuck there who knows when I will get some cookies now 😒 🤔. I thought about it and scared Ryan so I could leave. Ryan then followed me as I grabbed a cookie and some tea I drank the tea and ate my cookie and left the daycare. Saying and THAT WAS ANOTHER DAY AT DAYCAREEERERERE!

Ryan's Pov

I was cuddling Goldy and put her in one of my bear hugs. She got up and I followed her. She said, "and that was another day at daycare".

Goldy's Pov

As soon as I got home I went up into my room and started to play Mario Cart. Soon after a couple of rounds, I got a call from Tina. (Why Tina you may ask well you will find out soon). So I answered and she said

"Hey Goldy, can I ask you a question?" So I responded with

"Fire away". She then said

"What's Ryan like as a boyfriend?"

I responded with

" Well he's not my bf and he's a nice


Tina then responded with

"Okay thanks"

She then hung up

Well, that was weird and I continued to play video games till 10 at night. I then went to sleep as I was super tired.