
Chapter Four

Ryan's Pov

I was cuddling Goldy and put her in one of my bear hugs. She got up and I followed her. She said, "and that was another day at daycare".

Goldy's Pov

As soon as I got home I went up into my room and started to play Mario Cart. Soon after a couple of rounds, I got a call from Tina. (Why Tina you may ask well you will find out soon). So I answered and she said

"Hey Goldy, can I ask you a question?" So I responded with

"Fire away". She then said

"What's Ryan like as a boyfriend?"

I responded with

" Well he's not my bf and he's a nice


Tina then responded with

"Okay thanks"

She then hung up

Well, that was weird and I continued to play video games till 10 at night. I then went to sleep as I was super tired.

Goldys Pov:

She pondered about Tina whether she should call her and tell her about this boy she likes or to see if she can set her up with someone, she continued to do this till there was a knock on her bedroom door, it was Tina??

"Hey Goldy" Tina said depressed

"Oh hey, Tina, what's wrong?" Goldy said concerned

"I just wish Ryan or someone would love me!" She said sadly

"What about Ace!! He liked you and always hit on you!" Goldy said trying to finally be helpful towards Tina

"Omg you right, thanks so much Goldy I'm gonna go find him in a game!!!" Tina said happy once better fake happy she really wanted Kat.

Then Tina left and Goldy fell fast asleep...