
I'm willing to protect you

As Yu Yan walked out of the hotel, she was so pissed off at that guy. She thought why was he even following me? Who is he? How does he know me?

Suddenly of group of masked people tries to kidnap her... Chen Ming showed up out of nowhere and started to punched, kicked all of ther asses.

Chen Ming pulled Yu Yan behind as he fought with the kidnappers. Chen Ming tries to shoot them but Yu Yan stopped him and told him not to shoot.

Yu Yan and Chen Ming went to the other direction and ran away from them. As they approached to a countryside while they hitchhiked a truck... it was quite peaceful.

Yu Yan asked Chen Ming why are they staying here for? Yu Yan wanted to go back but Chen Ming refused to let her go.

Yu Yan got mad. Suddenly, Yu Yan's bag went missing. She tries to search everywhere but it was gone. She thought... I must've left outside the hotel. She was so disappointed but ended up listening to Chen Ming since their lives are at stake... Liu Xing and his people were searching for them.

"Boss, we found the girl's bag." Liu Xing took a look at and looked into Yu Yan's diary. He thought it is indeed you, Yu Yan... you came back.

As Yu Yan and Chen Ming walked into the house, they were greeted by a very nice old couple who provided them a place to stay for the night.

The old couple was so happy they came because Chen Ming and Yu Yan looked like a perfect couple.

"She's my wife, I love her very much." Yu Yan tries to get away from him but Chen Ming ended up headlocking her.

"You guys are so sweet together. It reminded us when we fell in love." Said the old couple.

"Yu Yan, can't you act?" As Chen Ming whispers to Yu Yan. Yu Yan looked shocked and thought, what is this dude doing?

After the old couple left, they were left alone in the house. Yu Yan tries to escape but Chen Ming stopped her, "if you try to escape, I won't be able to save you. I don't have energy to fight anymore." Chen Ming answered. Yu Yan pouted and listened obediently to Chen Ming.

She gave out a sigh. As she got her indoor kimono, she went to the shower.

After shower, she was shocked... why are their tatamis together?

Chen Ming said thats the only one the old couple had. Yu Yan was in diebelief.

Yu Yan firmly told Chen Ming not to do anything to her. Chen Ming agreed.

After they fall asleep, Yu Yan thought, I am sorry mom and dad, forgive your stupid daughter.

Halfway throughout the night, Yu Yan wakes up because Chen Ming was having a nightmare. Chen Ming was sweating.

"No! Don't die!! No!!" cried Chen Ming. He held Yu Yan's hand really tight.

Out of no where, he pulled Yu Yan's arm as she lands on his chest... His strong hand hugging her... She thought, this man is crazy.

Suddenly, Chen Ming said, "Yu Yan, no matter what, I will protect you."

Yu Yan was shocked, he must've ate something wrong.