
Golden One: The End Begins

The earth is under attack by an unknown force, and humanity is losing the battle. John might just have a secret that could help turn the tide of this apocalypse. How can four unlikely heroes not only survive in this chaos, but save humanity as well?

Claymond_1 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Who He Is

John covered his eyes and wiped away the tears, stood back up. 

"Alright you guys, we need to move before more of those things come." 

John turned around to see the vehicle next to him was broken up, pieces spread around and ordered. 

"Well looks like we're all piling up inside my car. Well let's go now." 

As they all were walking to John's car, they looked around and saw all of the bodies of the dead creatures scattered throughout. Darkness was disappearing as the sunlight was coming up. Blood soaked the ground. 

They pile inside the car, Sean and Rex sat in the back seat and Greag took the passenger seat. John turned the key and started the car, hearing the rumble of the engine and turbo kicking in. John radioed to the corporal before leaving. 

"Hey thanks for the help back there." 

Only static returned back. John shook his head in disappointment, for he knew what that meant. He put the car in drive and drove off into the sunlight. They arrived in the town around sundown, and drove through it in a blink of an eye from how small it was. Suddenly they were in front of the waste building. 

John spoke up and woke everyone from their nap. 

"Well we're here." 

He then continued informing everyone. 

"Let's get ammo stocked and get going. I wanna get this done and over with." 

Everyone got out of the car and started to stretch and yawn. 

"Wow that was a quick ride." 

Sean said while still yawning. John just shook his head in return as he was putting his helmet back on and answered him. 

"Ok well smart-asses'... Once you guys are ready meet me at the entrance." 

He began to walk to the entrance. 

He walked up to the raggedy wooden door of the red brick building, grabbed a hold of the doorknob and turned it, realizing that it was locked. Sean walked up behind him asking. 

"What's wrong just open it." 

John replied while still trying to wiggle the knob. 

"It's locked." 

Sean walked up and pushed John out of the way. Turned the knob slightly and noticed that it was locked, so he decided to kick on the door before finally just telling John. 

"Just punch it open or do that shocky thing. I wanna see this anyway. Rex said he seen you do it during the last battle." 

John looked over to him and then looked back at Rex. 

"So you guys noticed that? I thought I imagined it." 

Sean looked at him and just started to laugh. 

"Dude no you did it. Like we all said before, this is our secret. Personally we all agreed, it's cool as fuck. As long as you don't turn on us that is. But we've known you for so long that we know you won't. Ok now do it. Back up you guys. This is gonna be cool." 

John looked at Sean and said back to him. 

"I don't know how to do it off hand." 

Greag stepped up and answered. 

"We kinda guessed you'd have this problem. So we hypothesized it's based off your emotion. So give that a try and think about something that pisses you off. Every time you get angry we notice the weird things happen. See we're not complete dummy's hahaha. Ok now do that." 

John smiled at him and stood there looking as if he was in deep thought. Within moments a greenish blue haze started secreting from his body, and surrounded him. Little by little, sparks of electricity bolted from around him. Everyone backed up as things were happening, unknowing of what would partake. Each stared at him with excitement on their faces. John pointed his hand to the door and a bolt of lightning flashed out from the tip of his hand. ZWAP. BOOM. The air all around them was blowing hard against John and the rest of the group, almost knocking them over. They looked to see the smoke as it rose from the doorway. 

Finally as the smoke cleared they saw a massive hole in the side of the wall where the door once was. Fire was blazing around its edges. 

"Now that was as cool as I thought it would be." 

Sean yelled out in excitement and ran to the opening, looked around the perimeter and walked in through the opening. Rex and Greag followed behind. John waited there and relaxed until he noticed the haze disappear from around him and then went in afterword. He ran to catch up to everyone. They were already getting inside the sewer pipes. He crawled down the latter that was down the man pipe. At the end of the latter he hopped down, and landed on a slightly wet cement platform, which seemed to extend both ways the duration of the lines.

John had noticed the smell of waste and his visor was showing the warning "warning toxic gases." He ordered everyone.  

"Ok you guys turn on the filters in the back. It's saying it's toxic down here." 

As he turned a nob in the back of his helmet clockwise. The sounds of motors, as they ran from the helmets. The helmets were closing the normal air vents and opened up the filters in the back of it. The guys pulled down the seal skirting on their necks and locked them to their suits. They kept hearing a ticking noise as they all took in breaths. 

"The scientists from our training said these are rated for Ebola gas, so we should be safe." 

John said everyone for assurance. 

Sean rolled his eyes and responded back sarcastically. 

"Yeah and I'm a fucking leprechaun." 

John started laughing and then looked down to his wrist piece, checking for which direction to go. He turned toward the direction it was directing them and began to walk down the pipe through the dark. His night vision had kicked on inside his helmet. 

As they were walking down the seemingly endless path, they stopped periodically for breaks, periodically thinking they heard some sort of noise. Only to keep being fooled and discover it would be a rat or something of that sort. 

"Fuck there's so many fucking rats down here. Why the fuck did they make us go this way. It's so nasty." 

Sean whined, Greag walked over to him and smacked the backside of his helmet. 

"Ok stupid, go outside and walk there that way. I'm taking my chances down here. Quit being a little bitch." 

John and Rex started laughing. As John stopped laughing he looked down to his wrist piece and spoke up. 

"Alright you giant baby. We're here now. But you're going first, for being such a bitch." 

He was pointing up to an opening of a man cover. Sean looked up to see what he was pointing at and sighed. He put his weapon on his shoulder, grabbed a hold of the latter and pulled himself up, climbing up to the top. He pushed the cover, grunting from its weight. Finally a screech of the metal as it was leaving its base metal. 

As the cover was being removed, Greag started to mock Sean some more for his weakness. Sean looked down at him and flipped him off in return, looked back up and popped his head outside of the hole. Outside he saw that it was dark, and that they were in the middle of an alleyway. A giant dumpster was next to him, slowly Sean crawled out of the hole and searched the perimeter before whispering down to the guys to come up. Greag went up first followed by Rex and John last. Once up and out of the sewers, John pushed the cover back over the hole and checked his wrist piece. 

"It says we're here. So now what do we do? They never gave us much to work with. They said to gain this area and find out why they're holding it. They never gave us the scientist. I'm gonna radio command." 

John stopped looking at his wrist device and then pressed the button on the side of his helmet for the radio. 

"Command, this is John Stewart. We've arrived at the destination and need to know what we're looking for. You never sent the scientist with us." 

Command quickly replied. 

"Guardian, we're sending you coordinates to a building holding the scientists. Get to this area and get the information they have then radio back." 

John was confused as he replied. 

"Ok got that?" 

He looked over at his squad mates and paraphrased the orders that had come from command. 

"Well they said they want us to go to a building that the scientists are all hiding at and get the info from them. Then radio back to them." 

BING. The sound of John's wrist device as it received something. He looked down, clicked on the file. The file opened the GPS up and loaded the directions in. John looked up to the guys and started to laugh. Greag looked at him as he was laughing, asked. 

"What's so funny?" 

John showed the device to them. 

"Well this was easy, it's right over there across the street." 

As he pointed to a big grey brick building across the street from the alley and then he started walking to it, everyone followed behind him. They crossed the street, walked up to the door, and John knocked onto it. Suddenly a woman's voice came out of nowhere. 

"Are you the soldiers command sent?" 

John looked around, suddenly taking notice of a speaker to the left of the door, and replied. 

"Yeah, we need in." 

TFFFFFFSHHHHH TICK TICK TICK. The door was clicking and releasing air. The door finally opened, they walked in, and the door closed behind them with a loud clunk as it seated and relocked. They were looking around to an open room, filled with screens and computers. People in lab coats were meandering around in all directions, chatter all muttered and blended together. An attractive dark haired woman was standing in front of John and his squad. She had tan flawless skin, dark dark brown eyes and a higher pitched voice. She greeted them. 

"Well hello. We've been waiting for you guys. I've heard so much about you guys, especially you John." 

She walked down to them, shook their hands and then stared at John, slightly turning a shade of pink and looked away. 

John asked. 

"So what's this info we're supposed to get and what do you mean you've been studying us?" 

She kept on walking as if she didn't notice him. John vaporized and then appeared in front of her, which startled her. John repeated himself. 

"So what's this info we're supposed to get and what do you mean you've been studying us?" 

She turned beat red and replied slightly being quiet and nervous. 

"We've been tasked with these things weaknesses and learning how they work. And as for you guys... I'm sorry I'm nervous and jittery but. Um. You're kinda really hot." 

John calmed down and looked at her and put his hands on her shoulders. 

John put his gloved hand on her chin, pinching softly down on it. He lifted her head up slightly and looked her in her eyes, seeing a glimmer and asked. 

"It's ok, but what were you studying us for? And what have you found out about these things?" 

John overheard Sean talking softly in the background. 

"Damn there he goes again, he always gets the hot girls." 

John looked to him and then back at her, waiting. She finally responded. 

"We were studying how you guys have been so successful. After your experiences Brandon, the scientist you rescued a while ago. He came to believe you're all linked to these things somehow. He believed you are somehow one of them. So the generals wanted us to study you and your team. We also found that these things are an ancient race of beings that were sent to destroy humans for our defiance against gods. We've also studied the gods, they look human but can do extraordinary things and have magical abilities, such as controlling electricity and teleportation." 

She stopped for a moment, as if she was thinking and then her face grew pale as she stared at John and finally uttered.

"Oh my god, now I know the link between you and them. Brandon was right." 

Everyone in the room was staring at the two of them. Her mouth dropped as John was looking at everyone as they were glaring at him, he shouted out to everyone. 

"What? Don't look at me like I did something wrong." 

As he was shouting, a greenish blue haze was protruding from him and surrounded his body, cracks of lightning were popping off, and the air grew cold. Greag ran up to John and rested his hand on his shoulder to comfort him. 

"Calm down man. You're getting worked up for nothing. You don't wanna scare these people." 

The girl looked at down Greag and then back to John. Shock was on her face and continued after a brief moment. 

"Oh my god you can control the things, and do these things because you are one of these things. You have to be the god that was cast away for going against the Gods." 

John calmed down and stared at her in a shocked response. Sean shouted out from behind. 

"Yeah no shit. But he's on our side so you better keep your mouths shut, all of you." 

Everyone was staring at him, as he shouted out again. 

"You got that. This is secret and cannot get out of this room." 

Everyone fearfully shook their heads in agreeance. The girl spoke up and went on. 

"We won't tell anyone. This is extraordinary, you probably don't fully understand your own powers yet or anything. Do you even remember anything from your early life? Wait never mind you were probably reborn, there's so much to know." 

John interrupted her, seeing her face as it turned red from the nonstop talking and blabbering. 

"So what's the info we need to radio back then?" 

She looked puzzled for a second and then centered herself. 

"Oh yeah. Tell them their holding this place because one of the gods is believed to be here. They carry out what the gods ask them and they act as guards for them too. Apparently our recon team said the god in this area is startled and on edge for some reason. We just don't know why. By the way explains it." 

John looked at her confused and asked. 

"Explains what?" 

She got red again and answered back softly. 

"You being a god explains your looks and my attraction to you. You probably get a lot of attention from girls, if so it's because you're a god. Or god like. I could be wrong but everything makes sense, I'm sorry if I'm blabbering but I'm so fascinated by you. Seeing how you work, bond with your friends everything." 

John put his finger over her lips to silence her, went to put his helmet back on, to radio to command, when the girl snuck in and kissed him. He was shocked and stood there staring at her surprised, and lost. She grabbed a hold of his helmet and finished putting it on his head for him and then said. 

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't help it. You're just really hot" 

Rex cheerfully shouted from behind.

"There you go again buddy. First the girl from the bar now her. Looks like I'm saving your ass once again hahaha." 

John turned his head and looked at him as Rex was laughing and continued speaking. 

"Yeah buddy, I took you home. After you passed out on the ground that girl tried taking advantage of you. She had your dick out and everything. So I pulled her off you and took you home. Your welcome."

John stood there confused, trying to recollect what all he was referring too. He shook his head and decided to radio to command instead of trying to remember. 

"Command we have the info." 

Command responded back in haste as they always did. 

"Ok sir, send it to us from your device." 

John agreed, pulled the device out from a socket like holder. They started to type out everything the scientist told them, like using a touch screen phone, clicked the send command, waited for the message to read sent and redocked the device to its socket on his wrist. 

"Ok well. Um let's crash here for the night and head home tomorrow." 

John ordered to everyone while Rex and Greag were standing behind, laughing at him. John turned to the scientist and waited for her to respond to what he just said. She smiled and then waved for them to follow her. 

They followed behind her, down a bunker like concrete walled hallway. She began to point out rooms that were available for everyone to stay in. Each person argued over the rooms, deciding which one they wanted. She stopped to show John his room last, leaned in and whispered. 

"I'll be going to bed in an hour if you're available. It'll be between us." 

John looked at her with a blankness on his face, unknowing of what he could say to her, but finally answering back. 

"Damn you come on fast. But I'm taken." 

She grabbed onto his crotch, kissed him and then continued. 

"I know. I know a lot about you. It'll be our secret." 

Rex overhearing what all was said, laughed from his room and shouted. 

"Damn John just do it. None of us will say anything."

John scowled over to his room, and then peered back at her. 

"I'm sorry but I just can't." 

She observed him, while he turned around and walked through the doorway. She stood there and stared at him from behind as he closed the door. John undressed, sat on the side of the bed, and waited there as he thought about all that had happened thus far and what all he had lost. He laid down upon the bed, covered up with the sheets they provided. Still with thoughts on his mind, his eyes were sinking slowly. As he was finally able to rest.