
Golden One: The End Begins

The earth is under attack by an unknown force, and humanity is losing the battle. John might just have a secret that could help turn the tide of this apocalypse. How can four unlikely heroes not only survive in this chaos, but save humanity as well?

Claymond_1 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Long Night, And The Ancient Ones

The night and thermal vision kicked in on the car. Sean shouted out over the radio. 

"Damn they weren't kidding, it got dark as fuck all of the sudden. Thank god for these special optic things on these cars." 

A bolt of lightning flashed. CRACK. The thunder rolled in afterword within seconds. 

John began to slow down after noticing it became increasingly harder to control the car. Which also gave him the opportunity needed, to search for a building to camp out in. Not long after Brandon got enthusiastically excited and was shouting out to John. 

"There's a place we could stay at." John looked over, and saw an old raggedy factory in several shades of green from the night vision. 

"You know what? That might actually work." He replied back to Brandon. He pressed his radio button on the side of his helmet and radioed back to everyone. 

"We found a building to the left that could work. Make sure you park your cars inside to stay hidden." 

Everyone acknowledged the command followed by static rustling through.

"Huh! The radios are starting to get a bit staticy." 

John muttered over to Brandon. Brandon looked back over to him and responded. 

"Probably the storm. Must be ions in the air from the fallout by now." 

John slowed down and turned hard left to the building, smashed through a chain link gate that was surrounding it; metal was sent flying through the air. Pulled up to a door barely big enough for the cars to traverse through. He hopped out his vehicle and ran to the door, rain was pouring down onto him. He was only capable of hearing the sound of heavy rain hitting the concrete and metal plates of his armor. Occasionally flashes from the arch of lightning, which lit up the area. He pulled on the door and opened it. He cautiously peered in, inside he saw a large corridor with old machinery scattered throughout. He turned to run back to the car, but looked at the sky to see a mushroom cloud in the distance. 

"There's that bluish green cloud again." 

He said to himself. He shook his head to snap back into reality, and ran back to the car. Before he jumped inside his car, he signaled to the rest to follow him.

One after another they pulled their cars through the doorway, inside the building. John got out of his vehicle, ran to the door and closed it behind them. 

"Ok fan out and check the perimeter." 

John shouted out commands to everyone. Brandon found an old desk and sat upon it; as everyone else had spread throughout the building. While he was waiting, Brandon began to rub his hands together, occasionally breathing in between, the steam rolled out from his mouth from the extreme sudden cold.

     Room by room, corner by corner everyone scanned throughout for any signs of danger. Minutes later they all formed back together in the center. 

"Ok let's set up, get some heat going." John ordered everyone. 

Sean pulled out a thick black sleeping bag from the pouch under the armor plate on his back. Along with a can that read "heat" and a flat pouch full of food. The others followed the procedure of setting up the bags on the ground and lighting their cans of heat. Quickly the room began to warm up enough to be comfortable. 

Sean already started cooking his food and chowing down, as if it were to be his last meal. Greag while sitting next to him, and was laughing at him for it. 

"What's so funny?" 

Sean irritated, blurted out to Greag. John looked over and in haste, answered before Greag had the chance. 

"You do realize you look like a fatass with donuts when you eat? It's not going anywhere." 

Everyone except Sean was laughing. Instead Sean just sat there grumbling under his breath. Greag looked at Sean and mocked him. 

"Oh you pour baby. Don't be such a bitch. Hahaha."

As Greag was busting Sean's balls, with Rex joining in. John looked over to Brandon, and saw that he was examining everyone. John decided to find out if he could get any answers on the creatures, and any other information he could extract.

"So Brandon, you were talking about these Kreole things in the car before being interrupted. So what are they?" 

John asked Brandon. Brandon shook his head and looked over to him as if he was brought out of a daze. 

"It's the name of the black ghost-like creatures." 

Greag hearing the conversation, stopped mocking Sean, and everyone began to look at Brandon in interest. Greag butted in and asked. 

"So that's what you guys named them?" 

With a questioning face. Brandon looked to Greag as he replied casually. 

"No, it's what they are. These things have already been named. Hundreds of thousands of years ago." 

Greag looked at him puzzled. Sean from behind everyone started in. 

"So their aliens right?" 

Brandon saw that the questions were now going to start rolling in and replied back. 

"No they are not an alien race." 

Sean looked at him confused. 

"They can't be from earth. Is this like a science experiment gone badly, or a military experiment that they couldn't control?" 

Brandon sat there and stared at him for a second, as if contemplating an answer.

Finally he replied with everyone's attention fully on him. 

"What I'm about to tell you guys is top secret to the top level. I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this, but you guys are also elites and are given immunity to anything you do from here on out." 

They all stood there and stared at him in shock. Brandon noticed this reaction from them. 

"Yes I know about this. It's my job to know things." 

He pulled his briefcase over and opened it. Like a transformer, four flat screens popped out, side by side, and a keyboard emerged from its base. He turned the screens around towards everyone, for them all to see what was being displayed. Pictures of the creatures and pictograms, and stone tablets displayed on every screen. 

"These things are not aliens what so ever. They've been here all along. We've discovered that they are a warrior race for the gods. This scroll is from an ancient civilization of humans dated hundreds of thousands of years ago. They talk about God's and these creatures being created to perform their whim. And in this area they speak of ancient humans trying to take over, thinking they're dominant. After almost eradicating the human race off one planet they go to another. Apparently this cycle keeps occurring from one planet to another. Humans are not just from earth. They also mention something about a god that's been stripped of his memory and cast away by his own for having empathy for the humans. Now this cannot leave here at all."

Everyone looked at him with complete shock, with no words to be spoken. The information was almost unbearable to take in. 

After several hours of hiding out, everyone except John was asleep. Sounds of Sean and Rex's snoring filled the area. Greag was rolling around, with some occasional sleep talking. John laid inside his sleep bag, with it wrapped around him, covering everything but his face. His armor was placed next to him. He laid there thinking about everything he just learned from Brandon earlier. Thinking about everything that had happened to that point, and thought about his beloved girlfriend back at base. He slowly began to nod off, her memory in his mind, gave him a smile across his face and warmth in his heart.

BOOM. The faint sound of an explosion. Moments after word, the ground began to shake. Waking everyone, as they all leaned upward, the quakes grew stronger. 

"What the fuck is that." 

Rex drowsily shouted, followed by Sean shouting. 

"God damnit. I hope it's not those creatures." 

John stood up, and looked out of a slightly cracked window, to see what was going on outside. He saw that it was just barely day break. He also noticed a massive bluish green mushroom looking cloud only a few miles from their location, suspending up in the air. As he looked down from the cloud, he noticed what looked like gas coming their way fast. John as loud as he could shouted out to everyone. 

"Get the fuck down. It's not the creatures."

John quickly dropped down to the ground, and put his hands on top of his head. Everyone confused but does the same, they all slowly lay on the ground on their stomachs. They laid there waiting and listening. Only seconds later the sound of high winds, a loud rumble, and fire flooded the area outside. The ground began trembling harder. The building started falling apart, with pieces of metal falling from the ceiling; singing as the metal hit the concrete ground. Concrete pillars began cracking, and exploding from the stress.