
Golden One: The End Begins

The earth is under attack by an unknown force, and humanity is losing the battle. John might just have a secret that could help turn the tide of this apocalypse. How can four unlikely heroes not only survive in this chaos, but save humanity as well?

Claymond_1 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Sean sat there at a bench, several other soldiers surrounded him. The captain of the regime was standing in front of them, telling them the bad news. Everyone's heart melted once they heard of the devastating news. The news of what had happened to the main base. 

    Inside Sean's mind all he could think about was, how? How could his friend do this to everyone? He kept running the questions throughout his mind frivolity. Doubting that someone he knew for years could have done such a horrible tragedy such as that. 

    The other soldiers were shocked by the news. Not a soul could think of words to describe this horrible action. All their friends and family had been left there, left to die. They were all destroyed by a man they once looked up to. 

    Everyone was questioning how this man could have done this. The news started to circulate around the camp quickly. The hope that people once had was lost. 

To make matters worse, they had reports that they were going to undertake another siege attempt by the damned creatures again. Not a single person had the will to fight back. Everything they held dear and close to them was now gone.

    Sean stood up from the chair and began to walk around the camp. Thoughts still racing throughout his mind. Wondering what had caused this. Wondering how this could have happened. 

    "This man was just helping the others through their pain and struggles and he went and did this."

He had said to himself. He was so caught up in his mind that he did not notice anything going on around him. Almost stepping in front of a truck that was transporting weapons. Inside his mind, nothing else really mattered anymore at that point. They were losing the war and with this event, they were going to lose everything, 

John was the only one with the strength and power needed to keep others' hearts in the fight. With him doing what he had done, the war is over. He had turned against even his closest of friends. No one will be able to overlook this and forgive him. 

With everyone already talking about taking a siege against him, the damage that he had done cannot be undone. He had done the unthinkable by destroying the base and killing all of those families. 

After several hours, the whole regime was in an uproar, people had developed hatred and found a motive to fight this from their losses. Even Sean had volunteered to ban against John and the creatures. His once beloved friend was now his enemy. 

When the time came, the creatures came in force. One wave after another, soldiers were firing bullets down the hillside. Tracings flying through to the creatures, but only ricocheting off their tough armor. Without John this mountain side was lost. 

Sean was shooting down to a giant roller creature, watching in horror as his bullets would just deflect from this massive creature's armor as it came charging in at him. 

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He put his hand on his chest, lifted it back up to his eye view. Seeing a sticky and warm red goo covering his palm. He looked down to the source, seeing a hole gaping wide open. He gasped for a breath and collapsed to his knees. Struggling to breath. His vision became blurry as he fell to his side. 

He started to envision many of his past retention. Reliving his younger days, seeing past memories once forgotten. ***

Sean sat up from the truck beds tail and looked around the parking lot. The sky was pitch black and the vicinity was barely visible. The sound of country music was playing in the background. Next to him was a younger guy in his early twenties, on the other side was John.

He noticed the sound of some women laughing. Intrigued by this he looked to the direction. Seeing a few gorgeous girls sipping on to some miller lights. One girl caught his eye specifically. He ogled her for a moment. 

 Her blonde hair swept in the wind. He was enamored by her beautiful soft skin toned face. Inside his mind he was thinking of how he could go about trying to talk to her, but kept falling short of the words to say. He was starting to feel a churning in his stomach the more he thought of trying to conjure up the strength to go talk to her. 

Suddenly he felt something on his shoulder. He peered over to see John smiling at him.

"Go over there buddy and just talk to her, don't stress over what you should say. Just walk over and tell her that you think she is pretty and offer her another beer. She'll bight, trust me. She'll like that someone has taken a chance to even talk to her."

Sean went to reply, but before he could utter anything back, John threw his shoulder out towards her and waved him to go. John threw him a beer and once again waved him to move.

Sean started to scamper toward this beauty, the feeling of the booze was settling in. He started to have a confidence that he never knew he had. He walked with a suaveness to the beauty, offered her the beer and said. 

"Hi I'm Sean, I'm sorry for being rude, but I couldn't help but notice how pretty you were." 

She looked at her friends, giggled and looked at him. Her friends started to whisper to each other. Giggled immixed one another and walked away, leaving her behind. She stood there with a pose, waiting for him to continue. Waiting for something to come from him walking over. She replied back to his remark.

"Well then, do you have anything else you wanna say to me?"

Sean stood there, watching as her body language changed from being casual with her friends to a promiscuous sway. Moving her hips around in a way as if trying to say something to him. Sean walked in closer to her, touched her side and said. 

"I have much more to say to you." ***

    As the memory started to fade away Sean saw himself looking down a white tunnel, leading to a bright warmth of comfort. He walked to it with the hope of happiness. 

    Sean's body rested lifeless on the ground. The dirt soaked with his blood. Several rollers and Kreoles maneuvered past his physique. The trembling of the ground moved him around.  

One after another the soldiers were slaughtered. Their screams of horror turned into a dissonance of silence. Only the sounds of the wind blowing through was left. 

The ground was scorched from the explosions, trees left burning. Holes left in the ground from bullet impacts and the remnants of Rollers. Bodies of the dead soldiers spread throughout the terrain. 

The sky was dull, as clouds rolled over this desolation. The earth trying to hide what had occurred.