
Golden One: The End Begins

The earth is under attack by an unknown force, and humanity is losing the battle. John might just have a secret that could help turn the tide of this apocalypse. How can four unlikely heroes not only survive in this chaos, but save humanity as well?

Claymond_1 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


The rest of the squad followed behind John as he was pulling other soldiers with him to help. Directing them to load up and follow him. John scanned the perimeter and started to position groups of soldiers in sections in the front, and gave them all orders to each hold their sector. He had the groups spread only thirty feet or so apart from each other. John looked back at Sean and Rex and said. 

"You guys are officers now and know how to deal with these things just as well as me and Greag. I want you guys in back with some rifles and scopes and try to stop their forward advance before they get too close to the squads." 

Sean grabbed a hold of John's hand, and did a little handshake thing. After that Rex walked over to him and grabbed John by his forearm, John realized what he was doing and did the same back, locking their forearms together. Sean and Rex turned around and walked back towards the base entrance. John turned to Greag and opened his mouth. 

"Well buddy ol' pal we have the shitty job. We've been through a lot and might not survive this. So whatever happens I'm glad you've stuck with me for all of this." 

Greag laughed with anxiousness, grabbed a hold of his hand, pulled him in close and replied. 

"Only one request. Do the god thing. And don't die before me hahaha." 

John realized what he meant by that statement. John took his helmet off, turned around and waited alongside Greag in the tip of their formation. Several minutes later they heard rumbling and a high pitched noise coming close. The ground started to shake heavily. They heard the sounds of loud gunshots go off from behind them in the distance. 

"Well Sean and Rex are doing their duty." 

John said to Greag. Greag replied back sarcastically. 

"Yeah hopefully they're actually hitting something and that we're not gonna be friendly fire hahaha." 

John laughed back, as he knew Greag was trying to calm his nerves while they both waited. Sean came up hollering over the radio. 

"Woohoo. Damn you guys. We gots somes Kreoles and rollers downs. Oh and John radars are worthless out here. They keep picking up all the rocks and everything so I wouldn't even use them. One other thing, there's a few Kreoles and those bugs things coming your way." 

John laughed at the remark and got himself prepared. John closed his eyes, started to picture thoughts of his girlfriend in his mind. Suddenly, a greenish blue haze secreted out from his body, and started to surround him. Greag looked over to him, shot him a smile, and shouted over to John. 

"There you go buddy."

Sparks of lightning started cracking around from within the haze. The air grew cold. John opened his eyes and saw a few of the Kreoles and bug things were approaching in fast, he pulled his machete out and waited for them. Greag smiled and was steadying his gun.

The first bug things came within range. Greag reactively pulled his trigger and opened up. Watching as bullets passed through the creature's ghost-like bodies, but as they got closer the bullets were now hitting their marks and popping holes through their heads. A Kreole came sneaking in. John noticed it and reacted before it could attack. He vanished in thin air and then reappeared in front of it and before it could do anything, he stabbed his blade through its stomach, pulled it back out and finished it off by cutting its head off. 

John saw another Kreole was moving in for Greag and bolted to it. His blade swung and in that instant its head fell to the ground. Greag looked over, and saw John look as if he was vaporizing in the air and condensing in front of the Kreole creatures, and then slicing through their stomachs, arms and necks in a flawless instant. He noticed more bug creatures coming his way and continued to shoot at them. Occasionally thanking Sean and Rex under his breath for taking out some of the bug things while he reloaded. 

Suddenly a flash occurred from over at John. Greag looked over to see John vaporizing the creatures with bolts of lightning as they approached him. A fear grew in Greags eyes, as he witnessed the power. 

"You guys see that all the creatures are converging to John. They must see him as a threat now." 

Rex radioed to Greag. Greag finished killing a roller and then radioed back. 

"Yeah I've noticed. I'm running low on ammo and John is like vaporizing these things now. Hopefully he's not losing it or…." 

POW. Greag fired his last bullet. So he stood up, threw his rifle down, pulled his pistol from the holster and shouted out to John with the hope that he would hear him. 

"John I'm almost out of ammo. John, can you hear me." 

Within that second of him finishing, John teleported in front of him. Greag stared at him shocked and saw that his eyes were glowing green. As John went to answer his statement, he reached his hand out behind him, without looking and sent a bolt of lightning out from his hand, vaporizing the Kreole that was incoming on them and then said to Greag. 

"You fall back. There's something big coming, I can feel it. So I want you to fall back and help Sean and Rex. I think this will help." 

Greag looked at him with shock in his eyes and face, nodded, turned around and ran back towards the base. As he was running, he saw soldiers on each side shooting at the incoming creatures and saw Kreoles and the bug things swoop in and rip some of the men apart. Their blood was soaking the grass and dirty beneath them.

As Greag got closer to the base and was able to see Sean, he started to feel a pain in his leg. He fell and tumbled over, and saw a Kreole had stabbed something through his leg. He pulled his pistol back out from the holster and pulled the trigger. Click click. He realized he had no ammo left. The Kreole grabbed a hold of greag, lifted him up into the air, grabbed his machete from his holster and thrusted it in the center of his chest. Greags face was showing the pain and shock. A soldier from the left side detected this and shot at the Kreole, it dropped as a few well-placed bullets hit it in the head. It dropped down dead and tossed Greag with it, Greag laid there not moving. 

As Sean and Rex were looking down through their scopes, while shooting at the onslaught of incoming creatures, they suddenly took notice of a flash of bright white light that came from down the field, followed by a loud pop. Within seconds a greenish blue fog came rumbling out in all directions. Rex and Sean saw this as it was coming toward them and ran for cover. They jumped inside the nearest ditch, threw a piece of metal over them and waited. Suddenly a super-hot fast moving gas passed over them, but only for a split second, as if a nuke had gone off. 

They pushed the red hot metal up off of them. 

"Thank god for these metal plated suits." 

Rex joked. Sean just looked at him and shook his head disappointedly and then sat up. They crawled up out of the ditch. Grabbed onto their rifles and looked down the field through their scopes. Only to see a flat lifeless plateau with John in the center and what looked like another man in front of him. Sean whispered over to rex. 

"What the fuck just happened and who is that with John?" 

Rex replied with a confused tone, while still looking down the field through his scope. 

"I don't know."

John stood there, shocked a little, staring at this man in front of him. He noticed he also was surrounded by the greenish blue haze and had bright glowing green eyes. He had dark brown hair and a brown goatee, stood roughly six foot tall, and had a muscular build similar to John's. The man stood there, glaring at John with a frown upon his face. He started to speak to John, his voice seemed to echo. 

"Who are you and how are you capable of killing off my warriors? And how do you have our powers?" 

John just stared at him angrily without speaking a word, and began to squeeze onto his machete's handle. 

The man noticed this, and continued talking as he moved around. 

"Do you know what I am human? I am Secron. I am one of the gods that have come back to do as we have for millions of years. You humans have been spread throughout the universe throughout time and have always tried to defy us. We created you to go out and keep life going and balance the universe for us, but you only take and destroy. And it's." 

Before he could finish, John teleported to him and threw his elbow into his face. Secron was sent flying through the air, and before he could land, John was already teleported to him and threw a downwards punch to him. Boom. Secron smashed into the ground, dirt and rocks were sent flying all around through the air.

Secron finally recovered, and was startled as he looked over to John. Finally he began to speak again. 

"You humans have angered the gods for the last time." 

He charged in to attack John, but John reactively grabbed a hold of Secron's hand and counter threw him to the ground once again. With another explosion from the force that he threw him down into the ground. Secron recovered quickly, stood back up and waited there staring at John, no emotion to show upon his face. Finally he asked. 

"You aren't human are you? But if you're not human that means you're." 

Secrons face turned pale with shock. He stood there for a brief moment, staring at John and finally continued. 

"You are the one we cast." 

He then vanished into thin air. John looked around to see that he was nowhere to be seen, and noticed that the Kreoles and other creatures were retreating.