
Golden Greed

I was the green-eyed monster of the Seven Seas. I would kill my family for wealth and fame, I would exploit merfolk for their precious pearls and scales, I would be man's enemy to grab hold of what I want. I did not sail the seas in search of adventure, love, freedom or knowledge. Those things held no value to what I pursued which was gold. Or so I thought. My name was Asari until I found him. He was an ethereal being who was so naive to follow me. I killed his people, I plundered their lives and yet, he followed me like a dog. He was a young person from the sea, a merman living under the protection of the primordial Sea God. He was chosen to be the god's heir but he made a deadly mistake. I made the deadly mistake that almost disturbed our world's peace. All for the wealth I was never satisfied with. I chased the wrong items, losing what I truly needed. Greed had possessed me and I know this fact now. I was blinded by metal circles and temporary recognition. I let him die. I let him die!

SevenSuns · Fantasy
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~3~Gold Lovers

As the ship sailed to the docks, I see two soldiers of Aquarise wave flags on the beach, their faces red from the early morning exercise. I understood the poor welcoming but I was highly disappointed to see an admiral was nowhere to be seen. I brought the telescope to my eyes, continuing to search for a familiar man.

I was looking for Edruin, a famous navy officer of Aquarise and the only man the world knows is from Aquarise. The kingdom is not well known as it is small, new and its head avoids interacting with the world. Their king is scrambling to rise to the top by gaining power and wealth through my three guilds.

I have been providing Aquarise with chests of precious jewels and items, slowly helping them build their economy. I have lent their armies a few of my own soldiers but they turned away my women. My Golden Sirens have been rejected after the king met the beautiful women and yet, they are the only guild Aquarise met.

There has also been a misunderstanding that I do not intend to fix. I believe having them assume

the Golden Sirens are also grouped under my guild will benefit me. In reality, the women are a separate guild sailing their own course holding their own set of values, but they must inform me of planned raids or expeditions.

I am the head of the Aurelian Raiders which consists of men who have experienced warriorhood. We are similar to an army's base where smaller groups report their findings to us.

The Aurelian Raiders' main focus is gold. It had taken my boys and me five years to accumulate our current wealth and just seven full moons ago, we were able to transform our old ship into a luxurious vessel sailing through the Seven Seas. As we are sophisticated pirates, we must look our best. Which brings me back to our landing in Aquarise.

The ship had stopped moving, clearly bumping into the docks as the boat rocked and sent a few of my boys flying into each other. I chuckled when the younger boys leaned over the ship to spill their guts. Many of them were runaways I had recruited from our previous destination. They will become familiar with sailing soon enough.

After we have secured our ships with multiple ropes and let down the anchor, my men rolled dies to choose which group will stay on the ship until we return. This could be described as a true battle of the seas as each man was huddled in a tight not, fighting tooth and nail to roll the die.

"How sophisticated we are," I mutter beneath my breath. I have suggested an organized schedule of which group of men would stay on the ship but my men proved my idea was a fantasy based on theory. "Aquarise is not the most fun kingdom. Missing this location would not be a loss."

"If we were arriving in Taquil, the fight would be worse!" Vasanthe mused from her seat on a salt barrel. The sea witch grinned when the men erupted into laughter, having found the unluckiest man. "The loser's group stays and keeps watch of the ship?"

"Precisely," my first mate leaned against Vasanthe's chair, tapping her forehead after she glared at him for rocking the barrel. He placed his elbow on her legs to tease her. "You do not know of our traditions? How do you call yourself an Aurelian Raider?"

Vasanthe slapped his arm off her thighs. She could not be bothered by his handless arm. "I do not call myself an Aurelian Raider. I was originally a Golden Siren, do you remember? I only became an Aurelian Raider on Asari's request."

I nodded, placing a hand beneath my chin. She had caught my eye when the guilds rejoined after three years of autonomy and communicating through letters. I remember the day I saw the captain of the Golden Sirens and the woman serving as her right hand. Yes, that same woman I saw was Vasanthe.

"Of course, we all know that you two had history during our first years together." Brock tapped her forehead to signal his departure. "Asari, I'm going to follow the boys, make sure they get in no trouble. You should find Aquarise's envoy."

"Ah, right, we are here to trade, not play!" I waved after my boys as they file out of the ship one by one, shouting as their shoes made contact with the docks. They must have been tired after sailing in the middle of nowhere. I turned to tip my hat towards Vasanthe knowing she would never enter Aquarise.

"Do not worry, I will keep the ship safe from harm! I do not trust this kingdom, but I can't say much to sway your greedy mind." The sea witch jumped off the salt barrel, waving her hand to dismiss me. Like a spider, she quickly climbed up ship's mast to settle inside the crow's nest. She prefers to sleep up high which no one can understand.

I carefully descended a staircase to go below deck, lighting a candle to help me navigate through the dark. Down here one can find sleeping quarters and hidden compartments. I am currently headed to our most secret room where we store the most precious cargo a pirate can ever have.

I entered Brock's room and pushed his cot to the corner farthest from the door. Beneath his sleeping place is our most precious storage room that only the top pirates of this fleet know. Others are aware of the treasury full of gold, jewels and precious metals, but Brock and I quietly protect something more valuable than gold.

Looks like we will be focusing on GG more than Love Lies in the Lust, but hopefully, LLL will be updated at least once a week.

We are planning to start the other novels and have them on hold. One chapter of each will be published and if we are motivated enough, we will update once in a blue moon.

GG is written by two people. LLL is written by one and the others...to be determined.

Thank you for reading! We will edit the first chapters of GG once enough chapters are released.

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