
Golden Finger Gacha System

Hello Everyone! Your new favorite author here with a quick note before we dive into the synopsis. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you for checking out and reading my debut novel! Your support means the world to me. — In the vastness of the reincarnation void realm, a random soul floats aimlessly until it gets a chance at new life. An omnipotent God from a distant galaxy decides to break eons of cultivation and summons our new main character with 7 unrestricted wishes and 2 powerful systems. ENJOY! **Note: No harem! This story features polygamy, with our protagonist having three amazing and wholesome wives. :)**

InkosiPiff · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

The Morning After The Wedding

The first light of dawn filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a soft, golden glow across the room. I stirred, feeling the warmth of my wives beside me. The events of the previous night played back in my mind—the vows, the celebration, the profound sense of unity. As I opened my eyes, I found Lily nestled against my side, her breath gentle and steady. Anastasia was on my other side, her hand draped across my chest, and Maliha was curled up next to her, her head resting on my shoulder.

For a moment, I simply just lay there, admiring their beauty and savoring this very moment into the depths of my soul. But even in this serene moment, I knew that our next adventure awaited us, and the responsibilities we carried were vast.

I gently shifted, trying not to wake them. But Lily's eyes fluttered open, and she smiled up at me.

= Lily: "Good morning, my love," she whispered, her voice still soft with sleep.

"Good morning baby," I replied, kissing her forehead.

= Anastasia: ( stirred, her half open, deep violet eyes meeting mine. ) "Is it time to get up already?" she asked, a hint of reluctance in her voice.

"Yes, my love," I said gently, also kissing her forehead.

= Maliha: ( opened her eyes and stretched, showing a mischievous smile. ) " Last night was really amazing and I slept so well, definitely can get used to this lifestyle. I also have something really important to discuss about, that will be very beneficial for the sect and to also spread your name dearest husband. " 

( After also kissing her forehead, just the same as the others. I locked eyes with her. ) " Good morning beautiful, let us discuss everything you have to share after we shower and get cleaned up. " 


We took our time getting out of bed, savoring the last few moments of peace before the day began. Hand in hand, we made our way to the bathing area, a spacious room with a large, open onsen like bath filled with steaming water and flower petals floating on top. The room was adorned with intricate tiles and soft, glowing ethereal cosmic starstones that bathed everything in a gentle light. Balls of holy / light essences dancing around everywhere, providing a healing effect to the area. 

As we sank into the warm water, I felt the tension of the previous days melt away. Lily nestled against me, her head resting on my shoulder with a wet white towel on top her forehead, while Anastasia and Maliha relaxed nearby, the steam rising around us like a comforting mist.


Maliha's expression turned serious as she leaned forward slightly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Before meeting you guys, I've been gathering information from my contacts in the underworld. The reappearance of the Lost City of Aztara has caused quite a stir among the most powerful factions around the world and the southern continent is becoming full of powerful people and clans who will either become friend or foe once the moment our paths cross."

= Lily: ( tilting head cutely while looking curiously. ) "The underworld? How do you have such connections?"

= Maliha: ( smiled slightly, a hint of pride in her eyes. ) "Before I met you all, I had to survive on my own as an assassin. I built a network of contacts and informants, trading secrets and favors. This network has proven invaluable in acquiring information that is not readily available to the general public."

= Anastasia: ( eyes widened with interest.) "And what have you learned about the Lost City?"

= Maliha: ( continued, her voice steady. ) "Aztara is believed to be a place of immense power, filled with ancient artifacts and treasures that can change the balance of power in the world. The city has been hidden for millennia, its location lost to time. But recently, clues about its whereabouts have surfaced, and now every powerful force in the world is turning its eyes toward the southern continent."


= Vonte: ( I nodded, my mind already racing with plans. ) "This could be the key to securing our future and putting the name of The Royal Cosmos Sect, on a grandeur scale! We need to act quickly and decisively."

= Maliha ( nodding and agreeing) "The journey will be dangerous, and we will face many adversaries. But with our combined strength, I believe we can succeed and gain lots of power, land and fame. You already have a force of over 400+ thousand cultivators ready to fight for you at any given moment, not to mention the power of your background, and your personal strength ..... which is beyond common sense is a sure guarantee to claim most of the treasures! "

As we finished our bath and prepared to get dressed, I sent a mental message to my cousins, Amirah, Amir, Dev, and all the elders instructing them to meet us on Tier 5 of the kingdom where the sect meeting hall was located. I could sense their readiness and determination through the mental link, a comforting reassurance of their loyalty and support.


Tier 5 - The Sect Meeting Hall

We made our way to Tier 5 of the kingdom, a bustling area where the heart of our sect's operations was located. The meeting hall was an impressive structure, filled with artifacts and symbols of our history and power.

As we entered the hall, we saw that everyone had already gathered. Amirah, Amir, and Dev stood ready, their expressions serious and focused. The esteemed elders—Elder Guts, Elder Houton, Elder Beverly, Elder Thadon, Elder Elizabeth, and Elder Kenzo—were seated, each bringing an aura of authority and wisdom.

Maliha stood at the head of the room, her demeanor serious and focused. She looked at me and nodded, signaling that she was ready to share her information with the assembled group.

= Vonte: ( I addressed everyone ) "Thank you for gathering so promptly. Maliha has brought us crucial information about the Lost City of Aztara. This could be our opportunity to secure our future and protect our sect. Maliha, please explain what you've learned."

= Maliha: ( stepped forward, her voice steady and confident as she addressed the room. ) "I've been gathering information from my contacts in the underworld. The reappearance of the Lost City of Aztara has caused quite a stir among the most powerful factions. Aztara is believed to be a place of immense power, filled with ancient artifacts and treasures that can change the balance of power in the world. The city has been hidden for millennia, its location lost to time. But recently, clues about its whereabouts have surfaced, and now every powerful force in the world is turning its eyes toward the southern continent."

= Elder Guts: ( with his imposing stature and deep voice, was the first to speak. ) "What makes this city so significant that it attracts such attention?"

= Maliha: ( continued, her tone serious. ) "Aztara is believed to hold artifacts that can change the balance of power in the world. Weapons of unimaginable strength, pills, herbs, magical beast, scrolls of lost knowledge, and relics that can grant their wielder supreme power. For many, it represents a chance to dominate the world. For us, it represents an opportunity to protect our sect and secure our future."

= Elder Houton: ( known for his militant mind, nodded thoughtfully. ) "This is indeed a significant development. The treasures of Aztara could tip the balance of power in our favor. Even though the treasures and other blessings from Lord Vonte is all we need, I feel as though the treasures over there will lack in comparison, but nonetheless, it'll still be valuable to everyone."

= Elder Beverly: ( with her nurturing demeanor ) "We must proceed with caution. The journey will be filled with danger, and we must protect our own."

= Elder Thadon: ( a master of the taming arts ) "Our warriors and beast are ready. We will train them rigorously and prepare for any battles that lie ahead."

= Elder Elizabeth: ( wise and perceptive ) "Information will be our greatest asset. Maliha, continue to gather intelligence with your scattered contacts if possible. We need to know our enemies and their plans."

= Elder Kenzo: ( with his expertise in formations and arrays, concluded. ) "I will strengthen our defenses and prepare offensive strategies. We cannot afford to be caught off guard."

= Amirah: ( always the voice of reason, spoke up. ) "We need a plan. We'll have to gather more information and prepare for any threats we might face along the way."

= Amir: "We should also consider forming alliances. There will be many factions vying for the treasures of Aztara. Having allies could be crucial. But, at the same time, I don't mind having lots of enemies, haha. "

= Dev: ( the youngest but no less determined, looked at me with fierce loyalty.) "Whatever we need to do, V , I'm ready."

= Vonte: ( I nodded, feeling a deep sense of responsibility and resolve. ) "We'll move quickly and carefully. Maliha, continue to use your contacts to gather as much information as possible. Amirah, Amir, and Dev, begin preparations for our journey. I have the supplies and equipment side covered, and just need to guys to focus on becoming stronger these next few days, I'll personally be training with you three, and to catch up on old times! "


As we laid out our plans and assigned tasks, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The path ahead would be challenging, but together, we were strong. The Lost City of Aztara awaited, and with it, the chance to shape our destiny.

= Vonte: ( looks around the room, filled with my trusted allies and family. )" Together, we will face this challenge. The Lost City of Aztara represents not just an opportunity, but a test of our strength and unity. Let us show the world the power of the Royal Cosmos Sect! "

Maliha and Amir, with their expertise as assassins, would take a few selected disciples and head out ahead of the main group. Elder Thadon, would also accompany them with a few selected disciples and tamed magical beast of his choosing. Their mission would be to gather intelligence and scout the terrain, ensuring that we were well-prepared for the challenges ahead.


= Maliha: ( her eyes sparkling with determination, looked at Amir and Elder Thadon. ) " We have a lot of work to do. Let's make sure we bring back the information that will give us the edge we need."

= Amir: ( nodding , a fierce glint in his eye.) "We'll get it done. You can count on us."

= Elder Thadon: " With our combined skills and strength, we will ensure that we will gather the information needed to succeed! " 

= Vonte: " This quest will prove as our first major test to prove our strength, resolve and unity as a new sect in this world! But, together, we will face whatever dangers lay ahead and carve each of our names in the hearts of those oppose us and show the might of The Royal Cosmos Sect! "
