
Golden Dragon Will Never Live Mediocrity

Mo Xinghong transmigrated into an egg and hatched as a Golden Dragon and obtained the skills of heroes in League of Legends. Feast: Devour creatures to increase your size and vitality. Siphoning Strike: Killing enemies permanently increases damage. Phenomenal Evil Power: Killing enemies permanently increases spell power. Originally, as long as he finds a place for a hundred years, he can easily slaughter a God but “It’s impossible to be reasonable. I will never grow up fairly in my life, and I, a Golden Dragon, will never live in stealth!”

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Chapter 37: Heading to Winter City

"Sold to a nearby city..." Ansair murmured.

"Don't even think about eating those Frost Giants, and don't even think about treasures. The money from the sale is all for grandma. This matter was done by her most valued child. It is estimated that it will be here soon." Kunel said.

"If you really want to eat some Frost Giants, next time you give me some treasure, I'll accompany you to catch them secretly."

Kunel put his arms around Ansair and smiled seductively.

"Brother Kunel, aren't we dragons and humans enemies? It would be a disaster if they discovered our identities."

Ansair broke free from his hand and asked in confusion.

"I don't know. These are all about grandma, not something we little dragons can understand." Kunel spread his hands and said.

"Okay, I've already shown you around our lair, so you should honor me too. Only sensible little dragons can survive better in the dragon's lair."

Kunel looked at him with a hint of a threat in his tone.

"It's natural, but I didn't bring the treasure I saved these years with me, so how about I give you half of it when I go out?" Ansair followed his words.

Since there were no Frost Giants in the Dragon's Lair, he had to go back first and then discuss how to arrange it.

"Hahaha, little brother, you are very generous. Although grandma told us not to go out, you are new here and have not registered yet. For a while, I will ask the others for you to go back and pick your things."

Hearing that Ansair wanted to give him half of the treasure, Kunel happily patted him on the shoulder.

"Go and come back quickly," Kunel said while standing beside the Dragon's Lair.

Ansair nodded and turned to leave.

After he circled around to make sure no one was following him, he changed into his human form and ran in the direction of the Frost Giant Tribe.

Returning to the Frost Tribe, Osmond glanced behind Ansair, but there was no trace of the frost giant.

"You were discovered? You shouldn't—" Osmond wondered.

Ansair had no choice but to tell Osmond what happened in the lair.

Osmond nodded.

"The Frost Giant's ice core is considered an extremely precious magic material in the human world, and it is best to remove it immediately when the Frost Giant is alive for the best effect. It's just that I didn't expect this imposing Legendary Realm White Dragon to start such a business with humans. It really deserves the shame of the dragon. "

Osmond continued after mocking the White Dragon.

"On this ice field, the human city closest to the Frost Giant Tribe is Winter City, where the White Dragon would sell the Frost Giants."

"Are there many strong human beings in Winter City?"

Ansair asked, if there are not many strong human beings, maybe two Legendary Realm beings plus him can directly rob them.

"The human beings in Winter City are not strong, at most gold-level, and there are no Legendary Realm people who are willing to settle in such a cold place," Osmond replied, but his eyes revealed a fearful look.

"However, the relationship in human society is intricate. Not to mention the powerful magic barrier engraved in Winter City, if it is attacked, it may cause human revenge. At that time, someone might issue a bounty to wipe out the northern ice field. Even a Legendary Realm powerhouse like Cecil can only lead the tribe to hide."

Cecil is still fighting Frost Wing and has not come back.

Ansair can't wait for him to come back before they discussed their plan.

Over time, the Frost Giants may be sold and turned into magic materials.

"Then I'll turn into a human to investigate first. If I find the Frost Giants, I'll try to rescue them." Ansair suggested.

"That's fine."

Osmond agreed with him.

He used magic to transmit the route of Winter City to Ansair's mind.

Ansair set off to follow the route through the snow.

But the ice field was surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, and he couldn't help but get lost.

He stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the ice field, trying to confirm the direction, but saw a string of small black dots at the foot of the mountain.

It turned out to be a caravan!

With a caravan, he can follow them to Winter City.

Ansair hurriedly ran from the top of the mountain to the caravan.


The caravan guards kept a close eye on Ansair who suddenly appeared.

They were all wrapped in thick clothes and hats, only their eyes were exposed.

On the other hand, Ansair, although the clothes covered most of his body, was not very thick.

Although they are both human beings, they dare not relax. When they go out to do business, the most dangerous thing other than beasts is robbers.

Sometimes adventurers on the ice field will become robbers for treasure.

"I'm an adventurer who just came to the ice field. I lost my way here, and I want to ask how to get to Winter City."

Ansair made a gesture of no malice to show his kindness.

"Adventurer, are you alone?"

A fat middle-aged man walked out from the guards, he should be the captain of the caravan.

Ansair nodded.

"Being able to walk alone on the ice field, you must be very powerful."

The middle-aged man smiled and praised him.

"Come, our caravan's destination is Winter City. Although the number of White Dragons on the ice field has decreased greatly recently, one more person is also safer."

"Captain, I'm afraid it's not good to let a stranger who doesn't know the details go with our caravan."

The guard next to the man hesitated.

"This caravan is mine or yours?!"

The kind smile of the middle-aged man disappeared, and only the majestic voice faced the guard.

"It's yours."

The guard lowered his head and said honestly.

"Come with me."

The middle-aged man invited Ansair to get on the caravan.

"This caravan is property under my name, I don't know what your name is?"

"Jin," Ansair replied although he was very grateful to this person for taking him to Winter City, he had to be careful with humans.

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man talked about Winter City to Ansair.

"Winter City is a good place. There is a potion made from the heart of the Frost Giant, which can delay pain."

Ansair became a little interested when he heard this.

The middle-aged man continued.

"Our caravan passed by Winter City this time to buy some potions. When I was young, I suffered a lot of injuries while running a business. Now it has become a chronic disease. I must rely on potions to delay the injury."

The middle-aged man saw that Ansair was so young but had the ability to walk across the glacier alone and wanted to make friends so he said a lot of details.

"You can also buy some potions when you are adventuring on the ice field. It may save your life at critical times."

"If I have a chance, I must buy some." Ansair nodded perfunctorily.

It's a pity that his goal is to buy the potion made from the heart of the Frost Giant. This contradicted Ansair's plan where he must rescue the captured Frost Giant.