
Golden Dragon Will Never Live Mediocrity

Mo Xinghong transmigrated into an egg and hatched as a Golden Dragon and obtained the skills of heroes in League of Legends. Feast: Devour creatures to increase your size and vitality. Siphoning Strike: Killing enemies permanently increases damage. Phenomenal Evil Power: Killing enemies permanently increases spell power. Originally, as long as he finds a place for a hundred years, he can easily slaughter a God but “It’s impossible to be reasonable. I will never grow up fairly in my life, and I, a Golden Dragon, will never live in stealth!”

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Chapter 35: Banquet

Sitting next to Cecil on the huge dining table, Osmond and Ansair looked particularly small.

The dining table is full of drakes and the meat of various species unique to the northern ice field.

There is no need for any processing as it is served on the table as soon as it was cut which was extraordinarily fresh.

Ansair was already tired of eating fish on Dragons Island, and it was a rare opportunity to eat some delicacy, he also didn't use "Feast" as he was afraid that they might get suspicious if the food start to disappear in front of them.

This was also the first time Ansair ate the meat of a Dragon Beast, and it felt a little weird.

Although the origin of the Five-Color Dragon is Tiamat, and the origin of the Metal Dragon is Bahamut, the two can be said to be absolute rivals.

But in conclusion, they are all dragons, and Ansair felt it was unorthodox.

But after tasting it, the guilt in his heart instantly melted and was forgotten.

With the unique sweetness combined with the cold tenderness, the meat is not tight nor greasy, and the taste is just right.

Cecil picked up a huge White Dragon egg from the dining table, cut a hole in it, and poured it directly into his mouth.

He greeted Osmond beside him while eating.

"This is the freshest White Dragon egg. I know that you like to eat it. You specially asked my subordinates to collect all the dragon eggs from the tribe."

"It's rare that you still remember my taste."

Osmond was not polite as he turned his head back into a dragon's head and ate a dragon egg together with the eggshell in one bite.

"It's still so sweet, Ansair, try it."

Ansair's Inherent Glamour can't make partial changes in his body, so he can only open a small hole into the egg and tried to absorb the egg liquid.

There was no fishy smell, and the taste was not bad.

"As for the wine, why hasn't it been brought up yet? Isn't this just neglecting our distinguished guest?"

Seeing that the wine was not served for a long time, Cecil yelled at the Frost Giant beside him.

"Here it is, Lord Patriarch, the wine is here!"

He saw a Frost Giant dressed as a priest walking up with an entwined jug in his hand.

"It's all for the guests," Cecil ordered.

Ansair looked in amazed at the light blue liquid in the cup, which was like fine wine, exuding a mellow aroma.

This was the first time he saw wine when he came to this different world. He did not expect this unique wine to exist in the northern ice field where even food is scarce.

With good wine and good food, Cecil and Osmond chatted.

Cecil knew the lingua franca of the mainland, so Ansair could understand what they were saying.

Cecil talked about the difficulty of managing the tribe and the danger of the Dragon's Lair around him, and in between his lines, he meant to ask Osmond to help.

Osmond, on the other hand, talked about his wanderings on the mainland after leaving the northern ice field, and finally returning to Dragons Island.

Both of them were drinking and eating more and more, showing a drunken state.

Finally, they got together and talked about the Frost Secret Realm.

When Ansair heard something related to him, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully while eating.

"I think back then, I asked you if I could borrow the Frost Magic Circle, but you actually asked me to accompany you to fight a dragon in the Legendary Realm."

Osmond obviously got a little drunk as he pretended to be angry and said.

"Cecil, you are too nasty. At that time, although I was an adult back then, the White Dragon's icy breath almost froze me to death!"

"Hey, there was no other way, there was a dragon from the Legendary Realm that sneaks up on my tribe every day and eats my people. I can't handle him alone, so I can only ask you for help. I saw that your defense was strong, didn't you see that you can even resist his ice magic? " Cecil explained.

"Honestly, this time I'm here to borrow your Frost Magic Circle, you won't ask me to help you fight again, will you?" Osmond said warily.

Cecil said with a wry smile when he saw that Osmond had already noticed his purpose and did not hide it.

"There is indeed such an idea, just next to our Frost Giant Tribe, a White Dragon named "Frost Wing" has built a lair in the past few decades. Like before, they stole many of my clansmen while I was sleeping, and I have to rescue them."

Osmond shook his head quickly upon hearing this.

"I'm not afraid of fighting with a White Dragon, but it's not me who's going to use the Frost Magic Circle, so why should I help? If you want to help, you can ask my nephew."

Osmond intends to exercise Ansair and see his abilities anyway.

Cecil was stunned and said: "Your nephew can accompany me to fight against a dragon in the Legendary Realm. How old is he?"

"He's a young dragon," Osmond replied.

"Young dragon?! Osmond, stop joking. Even you were almost frozen to death by that White Dragon when you were an adult. Do you want him to die?"

Cecil said doubtfully, he didn't believe that Ansair could have any abilities.

Ansair wiped his mouth when he heard the two discussing him.

"Patriarch Cecil, why do you have to confront a Legendary Realm White Dragon head-on? Even if you can defeat him, or even kill him, all your people are in their hands. If Frost Wing dies, the other White Dragons in the lair will definitely kill your tribesmen before you could even kill them, and you won't have a chance of even saving them."

Cecil glanced at Osmond but he remained silent and drew a glass on the side as he drank some more.

Obviously, he really didn't intend to fight the dragon head-on.

Seeing that Osmond has such confidence in Ansair, Cecil couldn't help but give him a high look and said: "What can you do?"

While Ansair was thinking, it happened that the Frost Giants served a plate of real White Dragons meat as the final dish.

This White Dragon was more than 20 meters long. It should have been disemboweled not long ago, and its limbs were still twitching slightly.

"I have an idea."

Ansair's eyes lit up, he left the ice chair, and activated the Inherent Glamour, turning into a White Dragon that looks exactly like it.

"Patriarch Cecil, after you go outside the Dragon's Lair to lure Frost Wing out, I will turn into a White Dragon and sneak into the cave, find the Frost Giants, and rescue them."

Cecil looked at the White Dragon created by Ansair, which was exactly the same as the one on the dining table. He couldn't detect anything wrong with detection magic.

After thinking about it, he felt that Ansair's plan was highly feasible, and agreed.

"Then do as you said, and when you rescue my people, I will lend you the Frost Magic Circle."

Then he said again: "If my clansmen aren't rescued within a day, I will not let you go. We have to rescue them as soon as possible."

"Then we'll go save them tomorrow."

Ansair understood what Cecil meant.

Cecil rejoiced and said, "This is embarrassing, the two distinguished guests are going to help our tribe so they must have a good rest."

Although he said so, he didn't really have the idea of ​​letting Ansair rest for two days before having the plan laid out.

With everything settled, Ansair and Cecil hammered out the details, drawing up a plan to save the Frost Giants.

Osmond quietly leaned into Ansair's ear and said, "I didn't expect you to have this ability."

Even he couldn't see through Ansair's changes.