
Golden (A Harry Styles fanfic)

In which One Direction reunites in 2020

JazzStyles88 · Celebrities
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15 Chs

Made In The A.M.

My whole being was vibrating as Harry led Micah and I down a hallway. My mind was left back in the lobby when he hugged me like he missed me and refused to let me go. The angel on my shoulder was scolding me for reading too much into it, but the devil on my shoulder said shut the hell up and enjoy bish!...I went with that.

"Here we are. Studio C. Home sweet home.....sort of." Harry said while opening the door for us. What a gentleman.

We walked in and honestly it was unlike anything I'd ever seen. This was suppose to be a studio!! It's bigger than my apartment. This is a house! All of the guys seemed to turn around and looked at us.

"Jasmine!" The yelled while standing up to walk toward me. Zayne was the first to give me a hug followed by the others. Once I let go of Niall I had a seat in the chair that Louis had pulled out for me at the sound board. I looked to my left to see Micah and Zayne sitting side by side while Zayne explained the board to a no doubt uninterested Micah but you'd never be able to tell the way he was hanging on every word. All of a sudden I felt myself being slid in my chair. I whipped my head just in time to see Harry pulling me toward his direction while that devil of a dimples smile. I gave him a smile in return while pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. I was no doubt blushing because my cheeks felt extremely warm.

"So! What you guys in here working on?" I said rubbing my hands on my leggings.

"Uh we've been tossing these lyrics back and forth for this ballad for a couple of hours. Nothing's come of it yet though." Said Harry.

"Can I hear it?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course you can princess." There's that smile again. It's gonna be my end, but oh what a beautiful end.

"Princess?" I asked smirking.

"Yeah. It's my nickname for you."

"Hmm. Usually everyone calls me Jazz." I ran my hand along the edge of the chair's arm.

"I don't wanna be like everyone else." He smirked picking up his guitar.

He started to strum the strings and created a beautiful melody. It gained everyone's attention and they rolled their chairs over so that it kind of made a circle. He looked up at Niall who began to sing.

"Feels like this could be forever tonight. Break these clocks forget about time

There could be a World War three goin' on outside."

I rocked from side to side feeling the lyrics and the melody of the song and words begin to form in my mind. My eyes found the guitar beside Zayne and I gestured to it as if to ask "may I?" He quickly handed it to me and I fell in sync with Harry as Niall continue to sing.

"You and me were raised in the same part of town

Got these scars on the same ground

Remember how we used to kick around just wasting time?"

When he was done Harry continued to play and I followed his lead though I could tell that was as far as they had made it. Shooting caution to the wind I picked up where he left off.

"Won't you stay til the A.M.? "

I didn't dare look up but I could feel the eyes and shock on me as I continued.

"All my favourite conversations

Always made in the A.M

'Cause we don't know what we're saying

We're just swimmin' 'round in our glasses

And talkin' out of our asses

Like we're all gonna make it, yeah yeah."

I stopped and finally looked up and everyone, except Micah who beamed with pride, stared at me with open mouths.

"Holy shit......" Liam said.

"Where the hell did you get a voice like that love?" Said Louis taking the guitar I handed him.

"Uhhhhhh..." I laughed nervously.

Harry sat his guitar down and turned in his chair to face me.

"That.....was absolutely amazing...you're amazing." He said holding my gaze.

"It was really nothing, I just vibed from you, but thank you." I said pushing my hair behind my ear once again.

"Well then, I think there's only one thing to say after that." Liam confesses standing to his feet.

"Will you help us?"

I looked around the room to find 6 sets of eyes staring at me.....