
This little sh*t

Ethan's POV:

The hospital staff had placed Ambar in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) to monitor her condition after her brain surgery. Bless her. Her surgery was a success. They will move her into her hospital room the next day. The doctor said they had successful removed the abnormal tissue surrounding her brain and when she wakes up, she would be disorientated. She may lose her coordination skills for awhile. I felt enormously relief that nothing went wrong with the surgery. All of us, including Kace who normally looked emotionless, was anxious while the surgery took place. Ambar has to know that there are many people who love her so she should have more confidence and be more open to others.

Once work was over, I rushed to the hospital to see Ambar when I received a call from Kace that they move her to her room. It's 10.00 pm. I feel jittery and a little anxious when I'm not with her. I don't know whether it's because she's my girlfriend or because she just had undergone a big surgery. I promised her once she recovered, I would bring her to the beach. She loves peaceful environments the most. She'd look beautiful with her hair flowing in the wind while she standing at the seashore.

I got to the elevator and went in. Floor 18. Room 226. As I passed through the hallway, I saw a dark and slender silhouette going into Ambar's room sneakily. Based on her height and physique, I could tell it was a woman. I don't think it was Felicia, because she had already visited Ambar. My suspicions were aroused. My eyebrows furrowed. I steadily walked to the nurses counter and asked them who was the one who went into Ambar's room. "Evening, can I know who just went into Ambar's room?" The nurse looked up to the sound of my voice.

"Oh, she didn't state her name. She said she was a friend of Ms. Lee. Well she looked desperate and worried, and convinced me she was her friends, so I told her Ambar's room number. Is there a problem?" the nurse politely said.

"Can you tell me how she'd looked?"

"She had short light brown hair and almond eyes. Her height is around 156 cm I think. Also, she has a mole right below her left eye."

My eyes widened. That's not Felicia. From my knowledge, I know Ambar only has one female friend that she's close to, which is Felicia. If that's not her.....it's Tan Xia Lin! Sh*t! Ambar's in danger. My heartbeat increases. From the look of my face, you could tell something went awry.

"Should I have not let her in?" the nurse asked confusedly.

"No you shouldn't. She's not her friend," I rose my voice in panic, already jogging to Ambar's room. The nurse hot on my heels.

I slam open the door to find Xia Lin had already removed the breathing mask on Ambar and a knife ready to slash Ambar's throat. "STOP!!" I shouted. The knife froze midair and Xia Lin turned towards me in shock as her eyes went big. The nurse quickly called security in and the emergency alarm was rung. Other nurses also entered the room. I took long strides towards Xia Lin and forced the knife loose. She put up a fight as she tried to snatch the knife back. In a struggle, she accidentally slashed my arms and blood seeped out through the sleeves of my shirt. I couldn't feel the pain as adrenaline rushed through my system. The whole room went into chaos. The nurse quickly put the breathing mask back on Ambar and checked her vitals in the commotion. Security came in and helped me to capture Xia Lin.

As Xia Lin was held down by 2 strong security guards. The knife was out of her hands and skidded to the floor. Tears ran down Xia Lin's face, as she shouted, "WHY HER? IS SHE THAT SPECIAL? SHE'D BE NOTHING WITHOUT HER FAMILY NAME!!" Kace arrived shortly after with Titus, when they were alerted the commotion. Xia Lin was still held down by the two men, as we decide how to deal with her. Xia Lin had tried to act pitifully to get away, but no one paid her any heed. She was a horrible woman. No wonder, Titus broke up with her and didn't love her. He was angry. He had a fierce glare on his face as he walked towards Xia Lin. As Xia Lin saw Titus, she decided to begged for forgiveness, thinking Titus would come save her as they were exes.

What we did not expect was this. Titus slapped her face. Hard. The sound echoed throughout the hallway of the hospital. "Why are you here, Xia Lin?" She kept quiet with a guilty look on her face.

"I just wanted to scare her. Look she used to treat me so bad," Xia Lin lied blatantly. "Liar. She did nothing to you. And you really meant to scare her? I'm pretty sure the security cameras caught you attempting to murder Ambar!"

Like a river, tears poured down Xia Lin's face. "I didn't mean to. I just had a sudden thought and was... really confused, okay?" Xia Lin tried to save herself from her predicament. I could see some of the nurses rolled their eyes. Titus was frustrated and angry. "Just so you know, you will be charge for attempted murder. There will CCTV footage as evidence and everyone in this room will participate as witnesses. You will have no way out!" Kace calmly spoke to Xia Lin as he tried to keep his anger down. Once the police arrived, Xia Lin was taken away to custody. A court order will be secured soon and Xia Lin will be put away in jail.

Quickly, Kace called their parents and bodyguards was quickly set up outside Ambar's room to protect her from safety. By the time, the commotion was settled it was already 1 am in the morning. I've got my injury taken care off and bandaged. All was well in the end. Thankfully, I've arrived on time before anything bad could have happen.

Sorry for the late update! Here’s a long chapter to compensate :) Have a nice day, y’all!

joann_screators' thoughts