
Gold Experience(GER) in DC

Also for those who didn’t read the tags: MC will be OP at least try to be one. This will be a Harem novel Make sure to read the Harem list before you come badmouthing me. I’ll try to write some events from the Novel with various enemies to challenge the League and the MC Females will fall for him a bit fast but there will be some emotional involvement and not just mindless drones. A bit of a Hentai when it comes to R18 SliceOfLife since you know I like to take my development of Plot slow with Action in literal and metaphorical sense. A loner who loves Jojo and DC after losing his parents in an elevator accident, decides to just hole up in his home and distract himself with something. So he finds Jojo as his first Anime. He loves the series and it’s bizzare powers along with those various poses. He was an avid fan of DC from the start. So he often fantasised about reincarnating in DC with Jojo’s stands and some perks when he read all those FanFics and didn’t find too many good DC novels except a few of them. Most of them were made on Marvel which he like but he wanted something DC related. So, he just opted to read some comics and make a FanFic of his own in his mind. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in the novel or the cover picture. I will remove it if the owner asks.

Hancock_Sama · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

93. Themiscyra

All of them shared a look and sped off towards Themiscyra for their final agenda in the list of things today.

As soon as they reached the Island. Alex and Arthur waited outside the island for Mer and Diana to do the work.

They couldn't step into the island without permission or it will be counter productive. Which is not good to their goal.

Diana and Mera looked forward and stepped into the island.

Alex was keeping track of everything with his Haki. Even without stepping inside. He could tell and feel everything going on inside the island.

Both of them were confronted by the Amazons as soon as they entered the island but the Amazons didn't take any action because first, both of them were females and it was Princess Diana that they were facing.

"What brings you here outsiders?" Hippolyta's voice came and she appeared in front of the two of them.

"We are the summoned heroes from Earth Prime. We are here to ask you to defect to Insurgency". Diana spoke with conviction and seriousness.

"You will not be doing that". Another Diana came out and spoke up before Hippolyta could say anything.

Hippolyta sighed and kept quiet. She let Diana handle this matter herself. She was already becoming a figurehead rather than a proper Queen.

"You are pathetic". Diana(Prime) said to Wonder Woman.

"You are following a man who doesn't care about you at all. He is using you like a fiddle and doesn't even reciprocate your feelings". Diana continued to taunt condescendingly.

"That's my business. It has nothing to do with you". Wonder Woman argued back and quickly took her Lasso of truth in her hand.

"Then let me show you if it is my business". Diana also took out her Lasso of Truth.

Both of them rushed at each other and met their fists together. The collision cause the Shockwave and the Amazons around them staggered back.

Diana grabbed Wonder Woman's arm and tossed her straight through several buildings.

Wonder Woman shook her head and just when she was going to attack. Several Water lances greeted her face.

She dodged them and deflected some with the arm guards.

Diana took the chance and blasted her off with a punch again. She punched her in the gut and a huge pit formed in the ground.

Mera quickly flooded her mouth with water and choked her out.

Wonder Woman was knocked out cold by Diana's punches and Mera choking her with water.

The others didn't interfere. This was their battle and they were against following the orders of a man in the first place.

Now that a chance has presented itself. Why should they refuse to take it.

After putting Wonder Woman into a coma. Both Diana and Mera dusted their hands and smiled at each other.

"People of Themiscyra. Are you willing to defect to Insurgency. There, you don't have to take orders from a Man.

We will only ask you when we are in dire need of help. So will you help us?" Diana voiced out and asked everyone of them.

"We aren't willing to bow down to a man either. But how do we trust your words?" Hippolyta asked and looked at the two women.

"Themiscyra is also my home in the other world and I wouldn't see my people be treated the wrong way". Diana said passionately and looked straight into Hippolyta's eyes.

Hippolyta looked into Diana's eyes scrutinisingly and nodded her head in agreement.

"Very well, you have my word. We will stop associating with The Regime". Hippolyta said and waved her hand. Afterwards, she left with her royal guards and ministers.

"That's good". Diana nodded her head with a smile before she left

"But we have to imprison her for the time being". She looked at Wonder Woman and said.

"We have the place, don't worry". Hippolyta stopped and nodded her head while signalling the Royal Guards around her.

They quickly captured and bound Wonder Woman with the Lasso of Truth and took her to the special Prison.

She will be kept here until they are able to overthrow the Regime and gain control of this world again.

Diana and Mera seeing this felt relieved and left the island with satisfaction.

"Is it done?" Alex asked even though he knew what happened.

"Yeah, they agreed". Diana nodded and smiled contentedly.

"I did good right?" Mera tilted her head up arrogantly with a proud smile.

"You did very well". Alex patted her head. 'She is acting cute again'. He thought to himself.

"Now let's go back and give them the good news". Alex said and all of them flew back to the Headquarters.

'This place is so gloomy looking. Just what you would expect from Bruce'. Alex thought when he got inside the Bunker.

"Hey, Can't you make this place a bit more like you know warm rather than this cold gloomy apocalypse shelter?" Alex said to Batman when he looked around the place.

Batman gave him a side eye and continued to look into the computer. He ignored his presence completely like it was no big deal.

"I was just wondering. Do you want to meet Mom and Dad after all this is over?" Alex asked casually while patting Batman's shoulder.

For some reason Batman had no defence against him or he wouldn't allow someone to touch his shoulder like this.

Batman's hands stagnated for a while when he heard Alex's words.

He nodded his head slightly and continued doing what he was doing on the Computer.

Alex smiled and went away from the place. He started to roam around the bunker and map out everything in his mind for the future.

"Dear". Hancock called and walked over to Alex.

"What is it?" Alex asked while looking at a picture.

"We have found that Superman is going to ambush the Joker Clan and we plan to intercept him at that time". She said while circling his neck.

"We'll need a good strategy". Alex said and touched her arms.

"That's taken care of". Zatanna said and walked over to them with a smile.