
Goku in the hall of Justice

Mastering Black Mana with purified Shadow Dragons,GT Goku enters DC's multiverse.Shocked by evil he vows to fight injustice using Black Mana, martial arts.Battling demons,aliens, sorcerers across multiverses with dragons' support,Goku protects those in need. Exploits make him legendary to Wonder Woman,Batman who trust his honorable,unrivaled warrior spirit.

Gzlumg · Action
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Chapter 1 : The Unlikely Housemates

In this fanfiction, all characters depicted are not of my own creation. They belong to their respective creators and original sources,the Dragon Ball series created by Akira Toriyama and the DC Universe created by DC Comics. This story is simply a tribute to the rich worlds and personalities crafted by those talented individuals


Deep within the celestial cosmos, hidden from the eyes of mere mortals, lay a realm untouched by time and untainted by darkness. This ethereal plane, known as the Divine Dragon Realm, was a sanctuary for the most magnificent and mythical creatures that ever graced the universe.

The realm stretched across a vast expanse, its boundaries blurred and everlasting. Forests of lush greenery, as ancient as time itself, thrived under the iridescent glow of the skies. Emerald canopies stretched far and wide, casting a soothing shade over the land below. The trees, their bark engraved with ancient runes, whispered tales of the realm's origins and the countless lives that had traversed its sacred grounds.

The Divine Dragon Realm teemed with life, as mythical beings coexisted in harmony. Majestic creatures roamed the lands, their vibrant hues and unique forms a testament to the realm's magic. From the regal phoenixes that soared through the skies, their fiery wings painting the heavens with trails of gold and red, to the elusive unicorns that grazed upon the fields, their pearlescent hides shimmering beneath the celestial light, the realm was a beacon of wonder and enchantment.

Goku and the Mythical Beasts

It was in this divine sanctuary that Goku, the legendary warrior, found solace and formed unparalleled bonds with the realm's inhabitants.

Goku woke up to the sound of loud snoring, the ground shaking beneath him. He rubbed his eyes and tried to adjust to the dimly lit surroundings. As he looked around, he realized he was in a cave. He had been living with the Shadow Dragons in the Dragon Realm for eons, having arrived here after ascending with Shenron at the end of Dragon Ball GT.

Over the eons Goku spent in the Dragon Realm, he not only grew close to the Shadow Dragons but also trained extensively with Shenron. This rigorous training allowed Goku to explore the depths of his power and unlock the full potential of Godly Ki.

With Shenron's guidance, Goku's mastery of Godly Ki reached new heights, granting him access to previously undiscovered abilities. Goku's divine telepathy enabled him to communicate silently with the Shadow Dragons, further strengthening their bond and mutual understanding.

During training sessions, Goku practiced his newfound time manipulation, which allowed him to react at incredible speeds and outmaneuver opponents. He also honed his reality-warping abilities, such as creating temporary illusions or manipulating the environment to his advantage.

Goku's mastery of elemental manipulation became apparent as he learned to control fire, water, air, and earth, using these elements to augment his attacks or create defensive barriers. Moreover, his enhanced senses allowed him to see through illusions and track opponents through their energy signature, even if they were attempting to mask their presence.

Lastly, Goku's ability to travel between dimensions granted him access to new worlds and alternate realities, further broadening his understanding of the universe.

Goku yawned and stretched his arms, preparing for another day in the Dragon Realm. He walked out of the cave and was greeted by the sight of the Seven-Star Dragon, Naturon Shenron, performing some form of morning exercise routine. Naturon was a large, purple dragon with a long, serpentine body and a gentle disposition.

"Good morning, Naturon!" Goku called out, watching the dragon perform a series of stretches that seemed impossible for a creature of his size.

Naturon paused and turned to face Goku, his eyes narrowing in a friendly manner. "Ah, Goku, good morning! Care to join me in my routine?" he asked, his voice deep and rumbling.

Goku chuckled and shrugged, figuring it couldn't hurt to try. "Sure, why not? It's always good to try new things."

The two began to stretch and exercise together, their movements synchronized as they went through a series of fluid motions. As they exercised, Naturon playfully teased Goku about his rumbling stomach, saying, "You Saiyans are always hungry!"

Goku laughed and shot back, "Well, at least we don't snore loud enough to wake up the whole Dragon Realm!"

Naturon roared with laughter, and Goku joined in, their laughter echoing through the cave system.

As they finished their routine, Goku's stomach growled even louder, reminding him that it was time for breakfast. He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Heh, I guess all that exercise worked up an appetite."

Naturon laughed again and playfully nudged Goku. "I bet you could eat the whole food storage by yourself!"

Goku grinned, accepting the playful challenge. "You might be right! But then, what would you eat, Naturon?"

The two bantered back and forth as they walked through the winding tunnels, passing by the other Shadow Dragons as they went about their daily routines. Goku found that despite their differences, they were able to find common ground in their love for physical activity, self-improvement, and good-natured teasing.

As Goku and Naturon continued through the tunnels, they encountered the other Shadow Dragons, each of them with their own distinct personalities and sense of humor. Goku had grown fond of their company, and in his time with them, he had learned to match their banter and teasing.

They arrived at the food storage area, where Goku was greeted by the sight of Haze Shenron, the Two-Star Dragon, who was in charge of organizing the food. Haze, a small, impish dragon with a mischievous grin, immediately chimed in, "Ah, Goku, here to devour our entire supply again?"

Goku chuckled, responding with a cheeky grin, "Only if you don't eat it all first, Haze!"

Haze cackled as Goku and Naturon picked out their breakfast from the wide assortment of fruits, vegetables, and other types of sustenance. The dragons had a diverse diet, and Goku had found that his Saiyan appetite was easily satisfied by the variety of flavors and textures.

As they sat down to eat, Goku couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the Shadow Dragons. They had come a long way from their initial encounters, and their shared experiences in the Dragon Realm had brought them closer together. Goku also reflected on the lessons he had learned from them, realizing that each dragon had taught him valuable insights into different aspects of life and combat.

After breakfast, Goku made his way to the training grounds, where he was joined by Eis Shenron, the Three-Star Dragon. Eis was known for his cunning and strategic thinking, and he often challenged Goku to mental games and puzzles in addition to their physical training.

"Ready for another round, Goku?" Eis asked, a glimmer of competitiveness in his eyes.

Goku grinned, always eager for a challenge. "You bet! Let's see if you can keep up with me today!"

The two began their sparring session, incorporating their Godly Ki abilities into their moves. Their intense training sessions often drew the attention of the other dragons, who would watch with interest or even join in on occasion.

As the day went on, Goku interacted with the other Shadow Dragons, participating in various activities and games. He teased and sparred with Nuova Shenron, the Four-Star Dragon, whom he had bonded with over their shared love of martial arts. Nuova was a master of fire manipulation, and their sparring sessions often turned into dazzling displays of fire and energy.

He exchanged witty banter with Rage Shenron, the Five-Star Dragon, who always tried to outdo Goku in terms of verbal wit. Rage had the ability to grow to immense sizes, and their banter often took place as they engaged in competitions of strength, with Goku pushing himself to match Rage's colossal power.

Oceanus Shenron, the Six-Star Dragon, often engaged Goku in friendly debates on various topics, ranging from the nature of the universe to the best way to prepare a certain dish. Oceanus was a master of water manipulation and used her powers to create intricate water sculptures as she spoke, adding an artistic flair to their conversations.

Syn Shenron, the One-Star Dragon, challenged Goku's leadership skills by orchestrating complex team-building exercises. Syn was the strongest and most skilled of the Shadow Dragons, and his vast experience and knowledge served as a constant source of inspiration for Goku.

As the sun began to set in the Dragon Realm, Goku found himself sitting atop a cliff, overlooking the vast and beautiful landscape. He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and contentment for the friendships he had formed and the lessons he had learned during his time with the Shadow Dragons.

For now, though, Goku simply enjoyed the moment, basking in the warm glow of the setting sun and the company of his newfound friends. He reflected on the countless adventures they had shared and the countless more that awaited them in this realm beyond time and space.

As night fell, Goku and the Shadow Dragons gathered around a roaring fire, sharing stories and laughter. Their voices echoed through the night, a testament to the strong bonds that had been forged in this unlikely home, where once bitter enemies had become the closest of friends.

And so, Goku's days in the Dragon Realm continued, filled with laughter, camaraderie, and constant self-improvement.

Goku treasured each moment spent with his dragon companions, knowing that their time together was a gift he would cherish for all eternity.

As the first light of dawn breaks over the Dragon Realm, the sky is painted in a breathtaking palette of fiery oranges and warm pinks, with delicate wisps of lavender and gold. The sun, a glistening pearl, peeks above the horizon, casting a gentle glow on the landscape below. This mystical world is home to Goku, Shenron, and the shadow dragons, each a mighty force in their own right.

The celestial body rises higher, illuminating the ethereal beauty of the Dragon Realm. Towering mountains stretch towards the heavens, their jagged peaks crowned in shimmering snow. Waterfalls cascade from great heights, their crystal-clear waters plunging into pools that sparkle with a thousand dancing reflections. The air is crisp and fresh, carrying the scent of dew-kissed grass and the faintest hint of cherry blossoms, a testament to the realm's perpetual spring.

In the heart of this divine world, an ancient temple stands, carved from the very bones of the mountains. Its ornate spires pierce the sky, adorned with intricately carved dragons that twist and coil around the sacred structures. The temple is a sanctuary for Goku, Shenron, and the shadow dragons.

As the sun continues its ascent, the dragons stir from their slumber. Goku, the legendary Saiyan warrior, awakens with a yawn and stretches his powerful limbs. His eyes shine with the light of the morning, and his hair, a wild cascade of golden spikes, seems to catch fire in the dawn's embrace. Beside him, Shenron, the eternal dragon, uncoils his serpentine body, emerald scales glittering like a thousand jewels. He greets the dawn with a deep, rumbling growl, his whiskered snout raised towards the heavens.

In the Dragon Realm, Goku, Shenron, and the shadow dragons possess incredible powers and abilities, transcending the limitations of mortal beings. Among these unique traits is their ability to sustain themselves without the need for sleep.

As the first light of dawn breaks, Goku and Shenron find themselves already awake, their senses heightened by the mystical energies that permeate the Dragon Realm. They greet the day with tranquil smiles, the warmth of the rising sun reflecting off their faces.

Together, they embark on a morning meditation session, focusing their minds and drawing in the ambient energy that surrounds them. Goku sits cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed, while Shenron coils his serpentine body around him, creating an aura of protection and unity. The shadow dragons, too, assume their respective meditative poses, their ebony scales shimmering in the morning light.

As they meditate, the world around them seems to slow down, the stillness of the Dragon Realm wrapping around them like a comforting blanket. The air is filled with the scent of cherry blossoms, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle murmur of flowing water, creating an atmosphere of serenity that invigorates their spirits.

As Goku and Shenron finish their morning meditation, they open their eyes and exchange a friendly smile. Their connection transcends words, but they still enjoy the simple pleasure of casual conversation.

Goku stretches and grins, "Hey Shenron, have you ever thought about entering one of those eating competitions? I bet you'd be practically unbeatable!"

Shenron chuckles, his deep voice rumbling with amusement, "Goku, with your insatiable appetite, I believe you might give me a run for my money. It would certainly be an entertaining spectacle."

The shadow dragons, who have been listening to the conversation, join in with their own playful banter. One of them speaks up, "I can just imagine it now: Goku and Shenron facing off in a battle for the ages – over a mountain of dumplings!"

The group laughs, enjoying the lighthearted atmosphere. Goku chimes in, "Well, if we ever decide to take a break from saving the universe, we'll have to give it a try!"

Following their lighthearted conversation, Goku comes up with an idea that excites the entire group. "Hey, how about we have dinner under the open sky tonight? We can enjoy the beauty of the Dragon Realm's night sky and share a meal together!"

Shenron nods in agreement, his eyes sparkling with anticipation, "That sounds like a splendid idea, Goku. We can gather some of the delicious fruits and vegetables that grow in abundance here and create a feast to remember."

The shadow dragons chime in, their voices filled with enthusiasm. "Count us in! It's been a long time since we've had a meal together under the stars. We can even share stories and talk about our favorite adventures."

As the day progresses, Goku, Shenron, and the shadow dragons look forward to their evening gathering, their excitement growing with each passing hour. They continue their exploration and training, the promise of a shared meal under the starlit sky fueling their spirits and strengthening their bond.

As twilight descends upon the Dragon Realm, the group gathers at a picturesque clearing, surrounded by majestic trees and a gently flowing stream. They lay out a spread of mouthwatering fruits, vegetables, and other delicacies native to the realm, their vibrant colors and enticing aromas creating a feast for the senses.

With the soft glow of the setting sun fading into the deep indigo of the night sky, they settle down on the soft grass, their faces illuminated by the delicate light of a thousand twinkling stars. The atmosphere is one of warmth and camaraderie, the perfect setting to enjoy a meal.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the Dragon Realm, Goku, Syn Shenron, Haze Shenron, and several of the mythical creatures they had befriended gathered in an open field for a shared dinner. The sky above them was a canvas of swirling colors, reflecting the divine splendor of this enchanted world.

Seated around a large, rustic wooden table laden with a sumptuous array of dishes, the motley group chatted animatedly, exchanging stories of their adventures and journeys.

Goku, his eyes sparkling with excitement, began recounting one of his many tales. "So, there I was, facing off against this incredibly powerful opponent. It seemed like nothing I did could even scratch them! But then, just when it seemed like all hope was lost, I managed to tap into a new level of power and turned the tide of the battle!

It was during the battle with Cooler that happened."

Syn Shenron, a wicked grin on his face, chimed in with a story of his own. "Ah, yes, I remember a similar situation. I had been toying with my enemies, savoring their despair, when suddenly they managed to pull off a miraculous comeback. It was quite the shock, I must admit." His eyes met Goku's, and they shared a knowing look, acknowledging their shared history and the battles they had fought.

Haze Shenron, his voice raspy yet filled with warmth, added his own tale to the mix. "I once filled a village with toxic smog, but a courageous young woman managed to find a cure and save everyone. It was a humbling reminder that even I, a mighty Shadow Dragon, could be bested by the strength of the human spirit."

As the laughter from Haze Shenron's story subsided, Goku leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. The warm glow of the setting sun bathed him in an ethereal light, and he began to share one of his most memorable battles.

"You know, there was this one time I fought an incredibly powerful enemy named Majin Buu," Goku started, his voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and reverence. "He had the ability to regenerate, and his strength seemed to have no limit. The battle was long and grueling, and at times, it felt like I couldn't keep up."

The mythical creatures around the table leaned in, captivated by Goku's tale. Even Syn Shenron and Haze Shenron, who had fought their fair share of epic battles, listened intently.

"But then," Goku continued, his eyes shining with determination, "I discovered a new form, Super Saiyan 3, which gave me the power I needed to face Buu. Despite my newfound strength, the battle was far from over. Buu kept changing forms and growing stronger. We were all pushed to our limits, and it seemed like victory was slipping through our fingers."

Goku paused, taking a deep breath as he recalled the intensity of the fight. "In the end, it took the combined efforts of my friends and the entire population of Earth to defeat Buu. We gathered energy from every living being to create an enormous Spirit Bomb, which I used to vanquish him once and for all."

There was a moment of silence as everyone around the table absorbed the gravity of Goku's story. Then, one by one, they began to applaud, their expressions filled with admiration and respect.

Syn Shenron raised his glass in a toast. "To Goku, and the indomitable spirit of friendship that saw you through that battle."

As the group raised their glasses and cheered, Goku looked around at his companions, filled with pride and gratitude. The bonds they had forged in the Dragon Realm transcended time and space, and he knew that the power of their friendship could overcome any challenge they might face together.

As the evening wore on, the mythical creatures also shared their own stories. A phoenix spoke of the time she had been reborn from her ashes, emerging stronger and more vibrant than ever before. A unicorn recalled a journey through a haunted forest, where he had used his magical horn to cleanse the land of dark energy.

Throughout the conversation, the group laughed heartily, gasping in awe, and occasionally dabbing tears from their eyes as they listened to each other's tales. Despite their vast differences, their shared experiences had forged an unbreakable bond between them.

As the twilight deepened and the stars began to twinkle in the sky above, Goku looked around at his companions, his heart swelling with gratitude and love. No matter where their adventures took them, he knew that the friendships they had formed in the Dragon Realm would endure for all eternity.


Hello Author here,

First few chapters will be for build up, to show the bond developed between Goku and the Shadow Dragons from GT after spending time with each other for eons along with Shenron.

Don't forget to share my Fanfiction with your friends.

At least write comments , I will definitely read them.

Have a good day.

Hello Author here,

First few chapters will be for build up, to show the bond developed between Goku and the Shadow Dragons from GT after spending time with each other for eons along with Shenron.

Don't forget to share my Fanfiction with your friends.

At least write comments , I will definitely read them.

Have a good day.

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