
Goku Black In RWBY

After being defeated by Vegito and Trunks the fused Zamasu gets sucked into a rift. Moments later Black finds himself defused and back into Goku's body and in a strange new world with dark creatures, humans, and... faunas? Will Black pursue his plan for human and now faunas extinction or will the people of this planet and a certain Rose change how he views these mortals? NOTE:- I DON'T OWN DRAGON BALL, DRAGON BALL Z, DRAGON BALL SUPER AND RWBY NOTE :-I DON'T OWN COVER NOTE:- I DON'T OWN THIS STORY

Copy_Ninja · Anime & Comics
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In RWBY World

Ugly and depressing would be good words to describe the ruined city. Buildings destroyed, animals running away from the danger they sense and the only thing you could hear was the clashing sounds of two titanic warriors. One had white spiked up hair and gray irises along with green skin. He wore a gray and red coat with a long sleeve black shirt, gray gi pants, and white boots. But this warrior looked mutated with have of its body enwrapped with some slimy purple substance of some sort.

The other had a similar hairstyle as the other warrior but his hair was blue along with his blue irises and light peach color skin. He wore a gi with the top and pants blue and the short sleeve shirt orange. He wore white gloves and boots.

The shockwaves were heard everywhere as the two warriors were moving godlike speed. "Agggrrhh!" The white hair one was punched into a building.

"Big Bang Attack!" The blue haired one blasted a blue ki ball destroying the building and everything around it. The mushroom cloud started to disappear. "Come on out, I know you're still alive." He called out, in a blink of an eye the white-haired one shot up from the rubble and started firing multiple ki blasts. The other warrior zipped past them and punched the other in the face and continued his assault with a series of punches and kicks.

The white-haired one tried blocking and dodging them but just couldn't keep up with the guy's speed. Finally, he ended his assault with a knee to the gut and spin kicking him away. "Give up Zamasu. You can't win."

The one named Zamasu pushed himself up and gritted his teeth. His eyes held huge amounts of anger. "I am a god! I will not lose to a pathetic mortal like you!" He shouted. Shotting up into the air and he began powering up to his full extent. "I'LL KILL YOU AND EVERY SINGLE MORTAL ON THIS PLANET!" He shouted. Zamasu created a gigantic fiery color ki blast and held it above him. "TELL ME VEGTIO DO YOU REGRET IN ANGERING A GOD NOW!"

Vegito looked away with a goofy smile. "Didn't I already do that like ten minutes ago?" Zamasu shouted in anger and rage as he poured more energy into his blast. Vegtio now held a serious look. "Alright then, I'll show you the power of a mortal." He cupped his hands in front of him creating some sparks, "Final," Then breaking them apart and cupping them back again but this time moving the blast to his side. "Kamehame!"

"YOU DIE NOW!" Zamasu hurled the sun like ball towards Vegito.

"HAAA!" The two blasts collided with each other sending an enormous power wave that blew everything away. The two warriors struggled to overpower the other. Zamasu roared in fury not believing a mere mortal is able to equal him! Vegito knew his fusion time was about to end so he had to end this now. Trunks landed next to him and powered up to his Super Saiyan rage transformation. "Galick Gun! Fire!" Vegtio had a surprised look. "Zamasu is my problem as well! I'm here to help you end him!"

Vegito smirked. "Alright, together!" With a final yell, they poured all their power into their blast overpowering Zamasu's blast. His eyes widen. "No! No. No, NO!" The blast hit and slowly destroyed his body. "H-how could I lose?! I'm a god!"

Everyone on earth cheered as the supposed "One true God" was finally defeated. But unknown to Vegito and Trunk and everyone else, a black purplish rift teared opened and pulled in the half-destroyed fused Zamasu.

Beautiful and peaceful, those are the words that described the green forest and the sounds of the birds and wind. Suddenly that peace was disturbed as a rift tore open in the middle of the grassy field, scaring the animals nearby from the loud noise. From the rift, a severely damaged body fell out from the rift.

A couple of hours passed, finally, the body started to stir awake. He slowly opened his left eye and was greeted with the sight of a deer sniffing at him. The sight made him smile a bit. But then the memories of the battle he had started to come back to him. He pushed himself up and with a couple of attempts, he managed to fully stand up. Looking around he noticed that he wasn't in the same place he was fighting.

"Where, where am I?" After looking around for a bit he looked down at himself and was shocked to see that he wasn't in his fused body. Instead, he was back in his that Saiyan's body again. "How?" He was no longer the fused Zamasu, no he was the one the humans called Black.

Black suddenly coughed up blood and fell to his knees. "Damn it. Looks like I'm still damaged from that battle." He tried to remember the events that happened. Fighting Vegeta, then fusing with himself, then fighting Vegito, and finally beaten by the fused Saiyans and Trunks. The final events made him growl in rage and punch the ground creating a medium size crater.

"Damn them all!" Black was about to continue his rant but stop when he heard growls and howls all around him. Looking into the forest he saw what looked like black humanoid wolves of some kind along with bears, boars, and two big snakes. What caught his curiosity was that they were all black and had some bone-like armor plating on them something he's never seen before, but what caught his attention the most was that he couldn't sense their ki, but they did emanate a huge amount of killing intent.

"What are these creatures?" He asked himself. He would have to wait and find out later since they all charged at him. Black fired a couple of ki blast killing 10 while the others pushed through. He sidestepped past one and elbowed it in the head, then kicked the face of a bear killing it instantly. He was pushed back when a giant snake collided with him. Black stopped the snake and head-butted it before kicking it to the side. 5 humanoid wolves attacked him.

Black just evaded most their attacks but some manage to hit its mark. "Tch." He aimed a punch in one's gut; jumped back to knee another in the face then twisted his body to the left and punched one to the ground. He fired a ki blast at the last one. A boar crashed into his side. He caught himself and grabbed the boar by the leg and head and ripped him in half. A bear bit his left arm and tried to tear it off. Blood leaked from the bit bite which angered Black. Before he could attack the bear another wolf bit into his right shoulder. Black flew up and spun around flinging the bear and wolf off of him. He prepared a ki blast but froze when he felt something pierce his stomach looking behind him he saw it was a big feather. "W-What?!" A giant claw grabbed him headed towards the ground. The claw released him and Black was sent straight to the ground.

The impact created a big sized crater. Black pushed himself up and gripped the feather. He pulled it out and then threw it at a bear. Blood leaked from the wound, he tried to stop it with his hands but it did him no good. A snake slithered near him and quickly wrapped around him, using its muscles it tried to squeeze the life out of Black. Other wolves, bears, and boars surrounded him. "No! I will not be defeated again!" With a mighty roar, he released his power, his black and purple aura flaring upwards killing the snake and some of the creatures around him.

He charged at the now growing horde of these creatures punching, kicking and blasting them left from right. More and more slashes appeared on his damaged body. After what felt like an eternity of fighting nonstop he jumped back and watched as more of these creatures appeared. His clothes were torn and shredded. He tried to ignore the wound from the feather but the blood loss was starting to takes its toll on him.

He panted from exhaustion. Black knew that he wasn't going to last much longer. "They're like ants. They just keep coming" Gritting his teeth he looked at himself. If he wasn't still injured from the battle he had with the Saiyans he would've already ended this with ease. Again the creatures charged at him from all around. "You all want more? FINE I'LL SHOW YOU MY POWER!" Black powered up, hi aura surrounding as rocks floated around him the ground began to shake. Using up every ounce of energy he had left he released a giant explosive wave. The light from the explosive wave could be seen from miles away. Several people from nearby villages witnessed the light.

A man with a cane in one hand and a coffee mug in the other narrowed his eyes at the light source.

A teen looked at the direction of the power he sensed and held a shocked expression.

In a grassy field, black color eyes opened and gazed at the sky as the person sensed the powerful Ki.

As the light died down Black was in the center unconscious, his body bloody and damaged. A humanoid wolf grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. It opened its mouth ready to tear off Black's head. "Stop, bring him to me." The voice of a woman said. The wolf stopped its action and dragged Black's body to the woman and dropped the body on the floor. "Hmm, very interesting," The woman inspected Black's body and sensed the same dark energy she sensed from the light a minute ago.

She looked around to see the amount of damage he did. Trees were blown off; craters here and there and most of all, this boy killed half of her children all on his own. "His power is incredible," She mumbled looking back at Black's unconscious body an evil smirk appeared on her face. "You're going to be a perfect asset to my plan." She summoned a pool of black liquid that absorbed Black's body. When his whole body disappeared the woman walked away with her children following her. Things are about to get very interesting.

There it is guys the first chapter of Black Roses. Yes I know Vegito wasn't the one who defeated Zamasu but in this story, he did with the help of Trunks. Kind of boring I might say but oh well. Black's power will be… suppressed to a good amount so that means no ssjr.

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