
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Itachi's MS

"You're up..." Itachi said lightly seeing me awake. I rubbed my head lightly, feeling the condition of my body.

"You were asleep for 3 days. You were using more chakra than your chakra pathway could have handled, adding the huge amount of information your mind was taking on... it's good you didn't go brain-dead." Itachi said lightly, I was creating a huge amount of clones just to send them to their death, and the experience of each clone was sent back to me. Meaning both body and mind were being pushed towards its limit.

"3 days is a long time, what happened?" I asked while getting up,

"All the Jinchuriki were moved to a top-secret location away from Madara's reach. People from the moon have come to get them, Madara has no way to reach up there." Itachi said to which I nodded lightly.

Before I had left the moon, I had told them to just take a tail beast if it looked like things were turning bad for us. Taking all of the Jinchuriki was a good move, seeing as I wasn't everywhere anymore.

"Trained with your Susanoo and abilities yet?" I asked with a smile, to which Itachi smirked lightly, as he was waiting to show off his new powers to me. So, we went to the training ground where Itachi went on to show me his MS ability.

"This is Bishamonten." Itachi said while his eyes grew sharp, his normal eyes turning into the MS. My eyes widened while looking around at the battlefield I found myself on, either I was teleported elsewhere, this was an illusion, or Itachi just created a new world. I couldn't tell.

"This is an illusion. All injuries you take in this illusion shall translate to reality. It's a battle of wills brother." Itachi said while standing before an army. I looked back at the army which stood behind me, before I smirked.

"Do you get injured back in reality?" I asked to which Itachi grinned while shaking his head.

"I have nothing to lose, you have everything to lose in this illusion. Our will translate to the army behind us, the stronger your will and determination you are, the greater the army and the stronger it shall be. But the army isn't everything, for our strength has to clash." Itachi said to which we faced off against each other. Itachi looked at me for some time, before remembering the past... oh how far we have come.

"I win," Itachi said, to which I raised an eyebrow, but as the illusion shattered apart, I returned back to reality to find a sword before my neck. 

"That's an unfair jutsu. I can't move, yet you can walk around in reality?" I asked with a speechless look. Itachi shrugged, he didn't create the Jutsu.

"What is the other ability?" I asked speechlessly, to which Itachi clapped his hands, and with a cry, the army that was within the illusion came into reality. They were all aimed with weapons, thousands of them all aiming their blades at me.

"This is all the same eye or both eyes?" I asked to which Itachi smirked while stepping backwards, causing the army to all shoot towards me. They were strong, reflecting Itachi will... wait, why were the numbers larger?

With a quick scan, I quickly realized the numbers of soldiers here were that of Itachi and mine combined. I clicked my tongue at how overpowered this was, but it wasn't too overpowered, Still within reason.

I moved to grab one of the warriors, just for my hands to phase through the warrior, while his sword cut my hand cleanly off. My eye widened in shock, before I quickly jumped backwards, avoiding having my other hand cut off.

"Foolish of you to try touching an illusion. As you can see, my army can affect reality, but reality shall not affect it. They are the Limbo clones of Madara, with the drawback that they are useless shields unless they are attacking." Itachi said to which I cast a genjutsu of fireball, which shot towards the army, but that didn't even affect them.

"I already mastered my MS. 3 days ago, that would have affected them, but now they can switch between being real and imaginary, making them pretty much impossible to even touch. As you already noticed, you are not only fighting against my army but yours." Itachi said to which I looked at this for some time before smiling while my hand grew back... Itachi was nothing like himself from the anime.

The Itachi before me knew to rely on others' support, the fact his jutsu was all around the usage of an army showed it. but it also showed how Itachi would like to avoid battle, such a show of might would scare any off from fighting.

"Not bad, what about your other eye?" I asked to which the army slowly disappeared before Itachi looked at me. The next moment, Itachi's fist slammed into my stomach, causing me to cough up some blood before I was sent rocketing away like a rocket, slamming through countless trees.

"The hell?" I asked floating in the air, confused as to why the Limitless just up and disappeared out of nowhere.

"Sorry, I'm still having a hard time controlling it. That's Kuninotokotachi, a spacetime jutsu. it gives me control over space-time. With how powerful my eyes are, I was confused as to why each eye is so powerful." Itachi said while he clapped his hands, and from his body, wood grew out which took the shape of Itachi. When they left his body, they transformed into Itachi, each almost as strong as the main thing.

"But I realized something, I'm as close to gaining the bloodline of the Sage of Six Paths then anyone else," Itachi said with excitement, with this, he could be the strongest. With this, he could bring peace to the world.

'Broken, one an illusion that he can bring into reality. Another is a space-time jutsu that seems to have two parts. Space and time.' I thought while looking at Itachi with an interested look, his eyes were powerful. but there seems to be a reason for this. Madara's Rinnegan played a huge role in this, and seeing as Itachi's eyes were almost as strong as a Rinnegan showed it.

"But that isn't everything!" Itachi said while summoning the Susanoo, an orange Susanoo that looked as if it was on fire. In one hand was a shield, and in the other was a sword.

"This is the Sword of Totsuka, and this is Yata mirror," Itachi said, holding the sword out before me. These were legendary weapons, famous worldwide, but no one was able to find them. of course, no one could find them, they were spiritual weapons, and they had chosen Itachi.

The sword of Totsuka is a spirit sword sheathed in a sake jar, its blade is unlike any other, rather than a conventional form, it is actually the liquid inside the gourd that is released and shaped into a blade. In other words, the sword had no fixed shape or form, which only made it even more deadly.

The Totsuka Sword is an ethereal weapon whose blade, emerging from a sake jar, is enchanted with a sealing jutsu. Those stabbed by the sword are swiftly drawn into the jar and trapped in a genjutsu-like "world of drunken dreams" for all eternity.

In the anime, Itachi was able to use the sword to completely remove the Cursed Seal of Heaven from Sasuke Uchiha when he extracted Orochimaru from Sasuke's body and sealed him in the jar, and was also able to remove Nagato's soul from his body after Kabuto used the reanimated jutsu to control him.

This showed that the sword could seal things other than simply beings, for curse seals are among the things this sword could seal. The genjutsu was even so powerful, that it freed Nagato from the control of the reanimated Jutsu. The only Genjutsu ever shown the might to do such a thing was Shisui's Kotoamatsukami.

The sword can also cut through matter like a normal blade, thus granting a deal of versatility in how the blade is used. Being a variant of the Sword of Kusanagi, the sword can cut through almost anything, as seen when Itachi easily decapitated seven of the eight heads of Orochimaru's giant snake form.

The Yata Mirror was an ethereal shield with no set form or properties and had the power to alter every one of its attributes. By doing so, it can be used to negate any attack, whether it be spiritual or physical. As such, it is said that the Yata Mirror has been endowed with all nature transformations, changing its nature to nullify all incoming attacks.

'Now, with Itachi able to endow nature energy into the damn thing, even Sage Arts would be negated... beautiful.' I thought with a grin,

"So, an all-out spar?" I asked while stretching my body, and releasing the Seal of a Hundred Healing. Itachi waved for me to come at him, and I didn't disappoint as I disappeared, my fist slamming hard into Yata Mirror with such power, that the shock waves spread out across the whole hidden leaf. Yet the force from my attack was reflected to me and hit my infinity.

Itachi smirked, his sword stabbing towards me and stabbing Infinity, which it began to seal away while his Yata mirror slammed towards me, but I moved, jumping backward, creating 10 clones.

The clones all floated in the air, each using attacks from different elements, I was planning on overloading the shield capability to change its nature to nullify other attacks. So, with a cry, I threw all of the attacks forward, but they all just disappeared upon contact with the shield.

'It's like the truth-seeking orb... no, it's more powerful than the truth-seeking orb since Itachi is adding natural energy into the shield. I have to break through using force alone to get past the Jutsu.' I thought with a smile, all 10 of my clones formed the hand seal, all of them using Red.

"Reversed Limitless: Red." We all said at the same time, and with a flash, 11 beams shot forward, slamming into the Yata Mirror. Although Red was nullified since it was of Yang nature, the force shattered the mirror, while the clones and I shot forward, dodging the sword which split into 11 beam-like swords that tried to stab us.

"Not fast enough," Itachi said just as our fist slammed forward, but the Yata Mirror had reformed, just in time to shield Itachi.

"This is so unfair," I said in annoyance at how unfair this was. This left Itachi speechless, and he just looked at me. For a long time, he had been thinking of ways around Infinity, as it was an unfair thing, and the fact I could have Infinity change in such a way that it could affect things that would normally bypass it... well, that was unfair.

Itachi wanted to speak, but after a moment, he realized I was drawing his attention away from something. He quickly turned behind him, where Red was shooting forward. Itachi quickly had the Yata Mirror cover him, but with the Yata Mirror being spread out like that, it weakened it.


The Yata Mirror couldn't reflect the force, along with all of the clones attacking when Itachi spread the Yata Mirror out. It shattered, and our fist slammed on the Susanoo, shattering it and reaching toward Itachi.

Itachi looked at the incoming attacks for a moment, before he used Kuninotokotachi. My main body suddenly appeared before all attacks, with such perfect timing I had no time to do anything as my attacks hit my Infinity: Red.

"Did you think I told you everything about my abilities brother?" Itachi asked with his eye twitching lightly, he was in great pain at the moment, but he refused to show it. Kuninotokotachi used a lot of chakra, and adding the fact he had yet to master it, it brought a great burden to his eyes.

I looked at Itachi for a moment before sighing. I of course knew what just happened. Kuninotokotachi was more like an enhancement jutsu. Meaning, Itachi had to use it alongside another jutsu. Itachi had used the body replacement jutsu, evolving the jutsu into a space-time ninjutsu which allowed me and Itachi to switch places.

When Itachi had hit me before, he had infused Kuninotokotachi into the Body Flicker Jutsu, greatly increasing his speed to such a scary level I was sent rocketing away even though he had held back with his attack. Itachi had stepped into the 10 tails levels of power... no, he should be able to fight Madara with these abilities. 

"Your win... I'm going to awaken my MS." I said while walking away, to which Itachi joined me to head to the lab since I would infuse all of the cells into my being. Although I had wanted to use Purple, I couldn't wait. I needed strength, I needed to become the honored One...