
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Becoming Genin 1

"My hands hurt." I cried while writing down a lot of strange symbols with Kushina standing over me with an evil smile. Well, I couldn't tell if she was smiling or not, but that's how I pictured it in my head.

"Shut up, you have 20 more seals to write out," Kushina said without a care for my cries of pain. Rarely do skilled shinobi write out symbols, they normally were so skilled that with a touch, they could have the seal they want just appear. But to reach that part, writing down the seals was a must.

"This is child abuse," I said while writing, I wanted to hold my head which was in pain. Kushina didn't need to hit me hard, simply fusing a bit of her chakra into her fist and punching me was enough. 

Kushina ignored my cries and simply went through the many scrolls that I had drawn, she smirked as she could sell this for some good money. A total of 80 scrolls, each capable of sealing about a room's worth of items. In other words, these scrolls were a huge storage unit that shinobi would carry around.

One should know, sealing scrolls were not that rare, but high-grade sealing scrolls, such as ones capable of holding something as large as a room were rare. Normally, one might have a large scroll that held many seals, which allowed them to be able to hold many more items.

Kushina was able to make sealing scrolls that could hold items as large as a mansion. She only needed to carry around a simple scroll, and that alone could hold everything she needed, from clothing to tools ranging from cooking tools to hunting tools.

"I have a question... Why can't chakra be used to enhance a person's durability? There are jutsu out there that use chakra to create armor, so why can't someone gather chakra into their palm and tank a blade?" I asked lightly, stunning Kushina for a moment who didn't expect me to ask such a question.

Indeed, chakra had its limits. Even someone like Hokage Naruto would be injured by a blade that had no chakra. There were even martial arts that took advantage of the fact chakra couldn't be used to enhance one durability. The Gentle Fist targeted a person's pressure point, and since one couldn't just enhance their durability, this martial art bypassed almost all forms of durability. 

"That's because Chakra isn't so easily controlled. We don't use chakra inside our body but outside it. One must go through a lot of training to simply learn to control the chakra, and that is with it outside the body. It's even more dangerous to control chakra within the body." Kushina said to which I thought for a moment before nodding slightly.

Medical Nin were so rare thanks to the high requirement of chakra control one needed. To have your chakra enter someone's body, and heal a person was a both hard and risky job. Now to have your chakra affect something like your flesh and harden it to the level of steel... that was extremely dangerous, many times more than healing others.

It was much safer to have chakra wrap around your body, before hardening. Sure, the amount of chakra needed would be a lot, but in return, you have armor.

it's for this reason, that all shinobis are pretty much normal humans. Get a normal gun, and walk up to someone like Madara. If Madara just sat there and did nothing, then Madara was sure to die. although his life force might allow him to endure the injury, and even heal.

"Why are you asking such a question?" Kushina asked, this was simple stuff about Chakra anyone who went to the academy should know. Even while training to use the chakra-enhancing technique, I should have known this. But Itachi and I were just so talented, that we skipped over such simple stuff.

"Well... I want to create a jutsu that uses fire and earth release, allowing for the tempering of one physique." I said lightly. Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of cultivation novels... well, there were a few I liked. But I do like the concept those novels held.

"Oh, how would you go about that?" Kushina asked, to which I thought for some time on that matter.

"Natural energy when absorbed into the body also increases a person's durability, I want to look into this matter when I become a sage and see how and why Natural energy does it," I said with a smile, to which Kushina nodded lightly, before flicking the back of my head. I pouted lightly, I wanted to distract her so I could slip away from my punishment. I only teased her a little, what was the big deal?

Well, time passed. The rumors around Kushina and Naruto slowly began to spread less and less, it was as if the person who was having these rumors spread stopped. It was almost as if said person was scared shitless by someone.

This also allowed the Uchiha clan to breathe as the hatred around the Uchiha clan lowered a little, it was still there, and the Uchiha clan still needed to do a lot to regain their image. but it was better than before, where everything they did would be seen as them as the bad guys.

Months passed, and a year after its destruction, the Ninja Academy, as well as the Hokage office was rebuilt. The Hokage office was on the top floor of the Ninja Academy. But the academy didn't open right away, waiting until next year for students to enter.

This meant Itachi and I entered the academy when we were 6 years old, a few months away from turning 7 years old. At first, we thought the academy would have a lot of stuff to teach us since we were in the best of the best of classes... just to be disappointed a few days later after realizing we were years above the whole class, and seemingly the teacher.

So, we just began having our shadow clone enter the academy on our behalf, while we trained with Shisui, who we did start to see like an elder brother. We all had the same dream, to bring an end to this cruel world, but all 3 of us had different ways to go about it.

Itachi and I stayed somewhat low-key in the academy. Itachi was an introvert, I was different as people seemed to be drawn towards me. It couldn't be helped, I knew I was too handsome, yet I didn't buy a mask. I ended up becoming the most popular kid in the class, and it quickly turned into me becoming the most popular kid in the whole academy.

Everything was looking normal for us until one day Itachi shockingly got into a fight at school... well, the fight was between him and a bully. A fight ended with Itachi's shadow clone being hit, revealing to everyone that Itachi was a shadow clone.

This shocked everyone, as a 6-year-old shouldn't have the capability to create a shadow clone. This led to Minato speaking with the class teacher, and allowing Itachi to take the graduation exam. I of course had to show I could also make a shadow clone, allowing me to also take the exam.

That same month, we turned 7 years old, since Itachi didn't care for parties much, it became a day where I fully enjoyed sweets without the supervision of a grown-up. Of course, I made sure not to eat too much as I didn't want to grow addicted to this stuff.

Oh, we got many birthday gifts. Kushina gifted me some cool sealing art, Minato said his gift for us would be a surprise, and Fugaku gifted me the Lightning release jutsu I had always wanted, while Mikoto gifted me a secret amount of money which I had to keep secret from Fugaku...

Itachi also got the same sealing jutsu from Kushina, and Fugaku gifted Itachi with a B-rank water release jutsu. Mikoto gifted Itachi a specially made sword. Itachi was a jack of all trades, he was skilled with the bow, sword, and so on. Itachi was also skilled with Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu, and was slowly making his way up there to be the best of the best.

Meanwhile, I was more of a hand-to-hand fighter. I just liked the look on my enemy's face when they were trying to figure out how to get passed my unique ability...

The next month, both me and Itachi passed the graduation exam and our teachers decided that we would become Genin after only one year at the academy. This was normal since there was no war, back then during the great shinobi war, it was normal for children to graduate even as young as 5 years old. But there was no need for children to put their lives on the line right now, 

We have only been in the academy for 3 months. So, we just had to wait 9 months... 9 months which were like hell to me. Itachi wasn't bothered much, but I was. I wanted to do some missions. 

{Arthur Notes: I fully believe Itachi is the most talented person in Naruto. The information I just listed above isn't made up. Itachi was in the academy for only 3 months before he took and passed the graduation exam, and had to wait 9 months.

Itachi was already above some Shinobi at war when he was 4, they might have been Genin. But there is also the fact in the novel that Itachi did save his mother, who is a Jonin when he was only 5 years old. That is all before he awakened the Sharingan. Anyways, the next chapter would be Itachi vs a mysterious masked man...}