
Gojo Satoru, Teaching in Other Worlds

If you want to become someone new, go north. If you wish to stay as you are, go south. Geto chose south. Nanami chose south, he was content. Gojo Satoru, was he completely content, did he die without regrets? What would be his choice? Was there any question? He was Gojo Satoru, and for him. There was only one option. And that was to "Go North"

Ducky_5750 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

//How the Time Flies By\\

[2009 Late September] 

"And that's how you do a simple domain! Yay!" Unfortunately for Hakari, he could not escape his fate of being under the tutelage of Gojo Satoru. "You push it out and neutralise the domain barrier by making a disruption therefore preventing the sure-hit effect." 

Hakari was dying, this madman couldn't teach for shits, is what he was thinking. 

Gojo sighed before raising a hand sign. "How about we try from experience?" A grin was all Hakari got as he yelped. 

"Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void" 

A surge of darkness was enough as the barrier formed and closed on Hakari. In a desperate attempt to survive a fried brain the simple domain was formed. It was a shitty one, but a simple domain nonetheless. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING QUACK?" Hakari yelled in anger before noticing that his simple domain wasn't being chipped away. 

"Huh?" Hakari realised what had happened. 

Gojo grinned "I knew you had it in you. Don't worry, I didn't imbue a sure-hit effect into the barrier. It's just a dud. Looks like it worked though." 

Invglid later on handed Gojo a list of students that would arrive soon and the existence of Sukuna's fingers. Gojo's memory regarding his past life was hazy. Certain aspects clear as day, yet certain aspects were blurred to the point he might as well not have remembered them. 

"Looks like it's starting. I'll have to polish up my Maximum Technique then. The Old Satans seem to have already started to move."

Ingvlid, turned around and noticed that Gojo Satoru had taken on a more serious gaze. A dead serious gaze looking at something that no one else could see. A fight was coming, a fight that he would win this time. No ties, no bonds, no advantages, just talent to talent, jujutsu to jujutsu.

"Are you alright Satoru?" Gojo blinked before smiling "Yeah it's fine. Go pick up the new students." 

I'll be ready to train them up to par with the standards we're going to have, in order to survive. 


[Kuoh Academy] 

"Ingvlid, remind me again, how many old geezers are there?" Ingvlid sighed "You can't get rid of them Satoru. They practically worship you, the only reason they task you with so many things is that you're the only one they trust. Of course, you could tell them you're sick of it, and your pay would be reduced. But considering your living expenses, I'd suggest not. Hehe~" 

Gojo stared at her face while she giggled "Guess you got a lot more confident under my watch, what would happen if the oh so great Gojo Satoru was not here to protect you?" His dramatic play and actions ruined all atmosphere and beauty. 

"I'll pick you up after school, I need to clean up the classrooms and field. Have fun teaching the kids." 

That's right, Gojo Satoru was now working double shifts. The old geezers had realised that he was too lazy to properly evict the devils so now he was required to monitor them, via working as a teacher. 

The moment he stepped through the school, it was a pain in the ass. At times he had hoped that Megumi was here, scapegoat that bum. Gojo was fuming from the afterlife watching him give up. After all that he did.

He looked at a list of the students he was supposed to receive this afternoon as a few interesting students caught his eye. "Aoi's here as well, and looks like they found Yuta as well! I'll probably have the higher ups transfer Nanami to the faculty here. And look who we have here, Noaya Zenin." Gojo's eyes stared at the giant wooden door. He put away the list before opening it in style.

"Good morning class~ I'm Gojo Satoru, you're homeroom teacher much to my dismay for the foreseeable future. I'll also be teaching physical education." 

Every single girl erupted in cheers while the few boys could only express their distaste by stomping silently. Although the praise made him happy, what made him more gleeful was the presence of Hakari who had snuck out of Jujutsu High in order to attend a normal high school in order to open up a gambling ring using a maths degree. Hakari could only groan as his head hit the table. "I'm screwed..." 

The grin on Gojo's face only widened. 

~~~~(4 Hours Later) 

A flare of demonic energy appeared in the Occult Research Club Room. A demonic energy that was quite familiar to him. Once everyone had left the classroom, he quickly made his way towards the run down building. "Oh my, princess. It seems you snitched to big brother siscon Bowser." Gojo sneered at Rias who had clearly called Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the four Satans, for assistance to the eviction of authority notice. 

"Gojo Satoru..." 

Gojo turned to stare at Lucifer, "You're council doesn't know about this do they? I doubt they'd risk your disappearance for a simple land matter." Sirzech's energy flared up "You didn't even allow a negotiation of the land." Gojo simply picked his ears "I let them stay here despite orders from the old geezers back home telling me to have this place devoid of devils." Sirzechs, glared "We had rented this land for years. From Clara now to Rias and Sona. Just because you've been given permission to take control doesn't mean that you should just do it without considering the opinions of the former owners!" 

Gojo sighed "So what? You don't own the land, you rent it. Change of lease was conditional under the case that Jujutsu Society had the power to. They sent me, deal with it." Rias sighed realising the power structures. "It's fine, we had already prepared to sign it either way. But why are you here as a teacher?" 

Gojo ruffled his hair as he pushed Koneko to the very side of the couch before slouching casually. His hand flipped into the air in clear distaste. "The old geezers realised I hadn't kicked you out properly so now they are sending me to watch you just in case you get some strange ideas about recruiting. Especially since our Kuoh Jujutsu High just opened a few months ago. Sirzechs nodded realising it wasn't too far fetched. 

"What are you still doing here? Shoo!" Gojo waved the Satan away literally as he soon disappeared. 

Invglid soon came through the door in a rush. "Satoru! Five of Sukuna's fingers have gone missing from the Tokyo Jujutsu Storage facilities!" Her normal whimsical nature was nowhere to be seen as her face was panicking. The bad news only got worse as Ichiji ran in. "Gojo-san! Information from the fallen have just reached Jujutsu Society. The cursed object has incarnated. Ryomen Sukuna has incarnated." 

Horror dawned everyone's faces, all except for one person. The gleam in his eyes only further intensified. 

"This time, I'll smash that face in. One on one, no restrictions."