

[With Naruto]

Naruto had just gotten up and was sitting up in his bed.

He gets off his bed and walks to a window, opening it. A cold breeze greets the sleepy boy and flows throughout the small apartment.

Feeling the cold air on his face wakes him up. He stares at the dark sky being illuminated by small rays of light for a few moments.

'So beautiful...' He thought mesmerized by the beauty of the dawn sky.

'Anyways I have things to do.' He thought before reluctantly turning his gaze away from the sky, towards his empty apartment.

He brushed his teeth, washed his face, wore a full-sleeved black t-shirt with black pants, and left his apartment.

After leaving the apartment, Naruto walked toward the outskirts of the village where many training grounds were situated. Some were big, some were small, some were still in use, and some were abandoned.

Naruto walked past many such training grounds. He finally stopped at the entrance of a relatively smaller training ground. The ground looked like nobody had used it for years.

There were a bunch of old targets hung on trees, some shuriken still stuck in them. The grass was very tall in some places and the roots of a large tree could be seen.

'This place is far from the village and does not look like anyone comes here often. I could use this place.' Naruto thought as he looked around the training ground.

He walked into the ground and started doing stretches before he began running laps around the ground.

After running for about 20 minutes, he stopped and lay on the tall grass of the training ground. His chest moved up and down as he panted from the exhaustion of running till he could no longer.

The break did not last long though as he got up after 10 minutes and started doing various other exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, and many other body training exercises he saw and read about in the books in the Konoha library.

[After a couple of hours]

In the abandoned training ground a small boy can be seen lying under a large tree. The boy drenched in sweat appeared to be enjoying the gentle breeze as his unkempt white hair gently swayed in the wind, a small smile on his little face.

After a while of just laying under the tree, his eyes open as he slowly gets up from the ground.

'Man my legs feel like ramen noodles... I think I trained too hard. I should not have trained so hard my first time.' he thought as he trudged slowly out of the training ground, stumbling every few steps as he made his way to the apartment.

"aaahhh" a high-pitched cry rang through the air as Naruto's body stiffened for a moment before he bolted in the direction of the scream as if his fatigue had disappeared.

As he ran towards the scream he reached the entrance of a playground.

As he scanned the empty playground in an attempt to find the source of the scream his eyes landed on a corner of the playground.

He could see 3 boys pointing and shouting at a little girl on the ground.

'Did they push her to the ground'

'How could they?!' he thought as his tiny fists balled up.

'I need to help her. But there are 3 of them and they look older than me, I need a plan.' Naruto thought for a moment before he sprung into action.

Naruto bent down to the ground and picked up a fistful of sand as he dashed toward the 3 bullies.

As he was running he looked at the three of them and sized them up once again.

He ran towards the largest of the bullies as fast as he could and crashed into his back. Although Naruto was relatively smaller, his momentum as he collided with the largest of the boys caused the boy to fall face first into the ground.

Before any of the bullies could react, Naruto turned toward the rather frail-looking bully and knocked him out clean with a left hook before he can react.

Seeing two of his friends getting attacked the third bully finally reacted and threw a punch at the white-haired boy.

Naruto turned toward the last bully just as the bully threw his punch. As the punch comes close to his face, it slows down just a bit, giving Naruto just enough time to dodge it.

As Naruto slips his opponent's straight he moves into his guard and throws a fistful of sand from his right hand into his eyes.

Before any of the bullies gets a chance to recover. Naruto extends his hand to the little girl.

"COME ON, LET'S GO!" Naruto shouts at the girl.

The teary-eyed girl looks at his extended in shock, confusion, and a little bit of fear. She hesitates for a moment before she grabs his hand.

Not even waiting for her to even get up properly, Naruto bolts out of the playground with the little girl in hand.

The little boy and girl ran for as long as they could before they stopped, both of them too tired to run any longer.

They were now surrounded by trees and one could hear a small stream in the background.

*Huff-huff* *Haaah-haah* They panted as they both collapsed to the ground.

The little girl was the first to recover as she sat up straight and looked at her savior closely. Although she did not know why she was sure this boy that looked around her age had saved her from those boys in the playground.

Looking at his disheveled white hair covering his face, she could not help but be curious about what the boy in front of her looked like, what he was like, and most importantly why he helped her.

"A-ano e-etto-"

"Ah, I am so sorry for pulling you away like that." interrupted Naruto as he apologized to the girl.

"A-ahh No no It was not a problem at all. I wanted to thank you actually for saving me. Arigatou etto?"


"Arigatou Naruto-san" She thanked the boy.

Hearing the girl in front of him showing sincere gratitude made him feel something he could not describe. There was a feeling welling up in his heart that he could not understand. A warm feeling enveloped his heart.

"You don't have to thank me." Naruto said his voice soft as a feather.

After a moment of silence, Naruto turned toward the girl. Naruto looked at the little girl and took in her appearance for the first time.

The girl had beautiful straight long hair, she was just a couple of inches shorter than him, and had a round chubby face. But what caught his eye was her eyes. He recognized those pale eyes, they were the Byakugan.

'So that's what they look like.' Naruto thought as he stared at her eyes.

Sensing his stare at her eyes, the girl quickly covered her eyes with her hair and looked down almost like she was afraid.

"I-I am s-sorry about my eyes, they look scary." The little girl quickly said.


"The boys said so in the park." The girl explained.

'Huh?! Those eyes look so pretty. They are awesome.'

"Really?" The girl asked surprised.

'Did I say that out loud?' "Y-yes." Naruto replied.

"Arigatou." She said in a small voice, a small blush creeping up her face as she looked away.

"Umm... Could I know your name?" Naruto asked.

"O-of course, my name is Hina-"

"Hinata-sama there you are. What are you doing here? Everybody is searching for you." A tall young man with brown hair and the same pale eyes as the girl interrupted Hinata as he suddenly appeared next to her.

But before she could respond to the young man, the young man notices the little boy that was with.

The young man scowls at the little boy before he turned back to the little girl.

"Let's leave Hinata-sama, thank god I came here in time you must have been terrified." he said as he scowled at the little boy once again.

"N-no he hel-" The girl's protest was interrupted by the young man as he picked her up and disappeared with her.

'Tch... that guy'

'But that girl...her name was Hinata, wasn't it? What a nice name.' Naruto thought with a smile.

'Well, time to go home.' Naruto thought.

But as he took a step towards his home, his legs gave out and he collapsed onto the ground.

'Well, taking a nap out here doesn't sound bad either.' Naruto thought as he lay on the grass falling asleep.