
Going to World of Warcraft with Sang Mandeok's body.(Dropped)

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. --------- A man was sent into the world of Warcraft at the start of the dark portal war with the body and power of Sang Mandeok. How much change he could bring to the world with disaster all years around. Or he will be devoured by the flame of war and burning legion? -------- I did not play world of warcraft and it has so many patches and expansions. So, many characters may not appear in the story and their personality could have changed. Lastly, this is not my mother language. I did this for practicing my writing skill. So my writing may look like using google translate. Thank you.

Wana_Wongsatain · Video Games
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17 Chs

3.Refugee camp 1.

"Ah, I thought…I thought I would be dead! How come they keep coming!" Eskalios panting heavily while lying down on the ground. Not far from him, there are four orc bodies lying flat. Their body is full of wounds and swords that stabbed the body like the porcupine.

It turns out that the orc that he found in the village wasn't alone, it has its companion with it and they are being drawn in by the fighting sound. Making him face three orcs at the same time.

Fighting one-three wasn't something easy especially when the enemy are the orcs. This scenario almost killed Eskailos who has zero fighting experience. He admit that his mind went blank and almost peed himself while watching the greenskins charge in. However, he managed to pull it out somehow with his overpowered ability. Resulting in this current situation.

But this encounter with this orc also has some benefits. At least he thinks he knows when is he now.

He is in Azeroth without a doubt, and there is only time after the opening of Dark Portal that there can be more than one orc on this planet. Moreover, the orc's clothing is very primitive.

Don't look at the last reason and think that it looks silly. The clothing of the orc really can tell many things.

The culture and society of the orcs on Draenor are more backward than that of Azeroth. While the eastern kingdoms are in the medieval period and even have steamed tanks and magic technology, the orcs are the native tribe that wears animal leather and uses bone and stone tools.

This is also one of the reasons why the orcs are seen as a savage when they first appear in Azeroth. And those equipment in the later released game are coming from plundering and learning from the native in Azeroth. Although it doesn't look like it, the time in Warcraft story from the First Dark Portal War to the Frozen Throne is spanning almost two-generation people. That amount of time can let people learn much new knowledge and change the tribe from being like native people to a normal fantasy orcish tribe.

But although knowing this, Eskalios still cannot determine the exact time. He has to find some humans and talk to them for information, which is something he intends to do next.

"But come to think of it, can I communicate with the people here?" He then thought about one of the biggest problems. But the situation he is in now is too dangerous. He may be attacked by the orcs at any time, so he has to find the human settlement for breathing time as soon as possible no matter can he talks to them or not.

Eskalios explore the abandoned village for the last time before starting to travel back by the way he come before. Maybe it is because of good luck that he did not encounter any other danger except some wolf on the way. He kept traveling day and night, and after walking for almost three days, he come to the human settlement that actually had humans living in it.

After he glances a few more times, Eskalios judge that this place should be some kind of temporary refugee camp. This is because this place is too shabby and it doesn't have any decent buildings at all. He can only see a row of tents made from rags and stick set up messily on the dirty ground, surround by waist-tall wooden fences that look like it just made to zoning the camp and let people know the order because no way this level of the wooden fence could stop the orc.

Although this is just some kind of refugee camp, not a town or a city, Escalios didn't have any slightest dissatisfaction because he is too lonely from cannot talk to someone, just seeing people that did not try to kill him also makes him very happy. This made him smile widely and go to talk to them in an instant.

Look like the titan playing some trick when he creat this body because, in spite of his thought that he needs to consume time and energy to use sign language with these people, he found that he can speak with the people here without any problem.

After talking to two to three people, Eskalios finally know where he was in the past two weeks. He was in the area called Dusk Wood, one of the areas of Stormwind Kingdom.

Around one month ago, there are rumors about a strange beast that appear around the area called Black Morass before the situation escalated. Although there was news that King Lane had dispatched Sir Anduin Lothar to suppress this group of beasts, there are still many attack reports in the nearby area. This makes King Lanes make a decision to organize a large-scale migration of the people in the Dusk Wood and Redridge area to Westfall and Elwynn in order to avoid citizen casualties. Making the scenes where Eskalios saw now.

The news from these refugees is quite sufficient that he thinks that he may not be able to gain any more useful information even if he asks the soldier that controls this camp. So Eskalios now just go to report his name to the refugee center and find a place to sit down and think about the current situation.

"The first war...this is quite dangerous, no, actually it's dangerous all the time. Eskalios think.

From the movie and the game information that he had looked for on the internet, he had roughly known its story. Compare to the later expansion of WoW, the story of the First War is quite linear and occurs within the Kingdom of Stormwind.

The story starts with Medivh, the Guardian of Tirisfall and master of Karazhan, who had opened a Dark Portal which connects with Draenor and led countless orcs into the Eastern continent to conquer and wage war with Stormwind Kingdom and let the player play along with the campaign.

Although there is a deep conspiracy behind Medivh and the tribe which includes the Burning Legion, the main story that he saw is the PK between Anduin Lothar of Stormwind and Blackhand who is the war chief of the tribe at that time.

The story went by and end with the death of Medivh, Khadgar who becomes an old face, the death of King Lane, and the destruction of Stormwind before Anduin flee to Lauderon with prince Varian and a small number of refugees, ending the story of Warcraft1.

There are a lot more stories in the campaign mode, but those aren't that important, what write above are its the core part in his opinion.

"Then what should I do next?" Eskalios think to himself. If this is a novel that someone gets ieskaied, the protagonist will start to use the knowledge from modern-day to help the nation like crafting guns, bringing out some god-like strategy in the war, and most importantly, making soy sauce or other national food and let everyone taste it.

The point is he couldn't do this! The gun? Dwarfs already have basic muskets, and Eskalios also didn't have knowledge enough to make guns with a shell bullet. Strategy? Let's not talk about the fact that he cannot even get in touch with the command line, he cannot do it even if Anduin gives him the commander chair.

Playing Warcraft was another story compared to commanding the real army. In the game, he has just to explode his APM and macro the unit to not let anyone die. These skills have no use in a real war with at least ten thousand men on each side, and even though He has that skill, Eskalios did not think that he can do it better than Anduin who spend his entire life in the army.

In his opinion, he should start by training until he has enough strength to survive on the battlefield. If it goes as he thinks, he might survive this first war with Anduin and the other.

That's right, he did not think about helping Stormwind, or to be precise, he cannot saves Stormwind. The tribe now is composed of tens of thousands of orcs from Draenor, and their spearhead is the strongest orcs that are full of war veterans which can be said to be crams of the crop in Draenor. With his current strength, just surviving this war is hard enough.

After sketching his plan roughly and sitting there for quite a time, the boy decides to learn the holy light first.

It's true that the borrowed power is his strongest power, but the way to upgrade it is to jump right into the battlefield and kill the orcs. And from what he thinks, he might need to kill tens or hundreds of orcs before he can unseal part of his power.

Considered that risky way, he then choose to train honestly like normal people to get stronger to the point where he could protect himself before participating in the battle. And if talking about protecting and surviving, the paladin is without a doubt one of the best professions in this regard.

Yes, he wants to develop his power to that of a paladin. Although at this point in time Alonsus Faol didn't create the Silver Hand order yet, its concept is still there and no one needs to do the quest to change their class in the real world. In Eskalios's eyes, the paladin is the priests who train their body like a knight, with his sky-high talent, there is no reason he cannot be self-taught.

But although he proclaims that he will do self-learning, he still needs someone to guide him on how to use the power of holy light because he did not know even the most basic knowledge although he has the Naruu part in his body.

Luckily, there are many priests at the refugee camp helping the people, and many of them can use the holy light, although their level is just enough to treat some minor injuries. It is enough for him who only wants to know the most basic knowledge. And they are kind enough to teach what he demands so that he didn't have to go to find some church like Northshire Abbey to convert into a monk.

This is because the church's doctrine is about helping the weak and being generous. Moreover, they didn't keep this power a secret because they think that can using holy light in itself meant that a user is a good person, and the bad people will never be able to use it. And did not shy away when someone tried to learn the way of light.

This though wasn't entirely correct. The holy light cannot identify whether the user is a good or bad person. Not to mention these two words have no exact definition in the first place. The holy light is a power that was borrowed from the Naruu, and someone who uses it just needs to have a firm thought in their heart. To say, as long as the user thinks their action is right, they can still use the holy light. The scarlet crusade and some undead that can use the holy light are the best examples.

Eskalios listen to the priest speaking for about an hour or two, and he has a little hard time figure the core knowledge because most of what he thought is about the doctrines, but Eskalios still figure out the way to use holy light.

The first thing he needs to have are a clear mind, unwavering faith, and some positive thought and hope. Then use these emotions to communicate with holy light and draw it out to use. After that one needs to shape their own ideal of mentality to make the properties or the way they use become more prominent, whether to defend, attack, support, or something else.

The latter process is quite the advanced one, only some high-class priests can use it, the priest said that the holy light has the healing property by its nature, so even Eskalios can only draw the holy light out, he can say to become a qualified cleric.

After he learn the basic lecture from the priest, Eskalios thanking him, go to find some quiet place and start to train according to what he had learn.