
Going to The 100 (The 100)

i'm brazilian so i'm using the translatora ///////guy goes to Serie Os 100 with some orders//////////////// launch of chapters, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Noldy14 · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

I wake up with an unbearable machine noise making my head hurt, I look sideways not recognizing where I am, having someone else's memory, I try to remember what had happened before I came here.

If I remember correctly, I was in my room finished watching season 5 of the 100 (The 100) I was ready to start 6, I go to my bathroom and get a notification I look at her and a message.

{if you could go to the 100 universes by taking 3 orders, what would you choose}

It doesn't take me long to think already answering, thinking that if it was a virus, I can reset my cell phone, but if it's true like those fanfics then I'm going to another world it might be interesting then answering the question.

{the first would be, 100x growth, my second, improved body; strength, speed, intelligence, reflexes etc., my third, have all the knowledge of the Krav Maga fighting style}

{accepted, good luck}

So, it seems that it was true, whose body it is, looking in your memory, because of the improved mind I have an ethical memory, so it was easy to look in your memory, discovering my name is Jack, I am 17 I am 18 in two months, I was arrested for stealing a guard's ration

It didn't take long for us to arrive on earth after that turbulence we landed successfully, Bellamy was going to open the door until Clarke screamed.

"Wait, the air can be toxic" Clarke.

"If it is toxic, we are all dead" Bellamy.

"Bellamy ???" Octavia

"Hey, she, no, and the girl who stayed on the floor" random extras.

"Don't mind them, let's get them to know you the other way" Bellamy.

"Like what" Octavia

"The first human to set foot on earth after years" Bellamy.

"WE COME BACK GUYS" shouted Octavia only missing the Radioactive song by Imagine Dragons to complete


Some minutes later

Clarke is looking at the map until Jasper arrives.

"Cool, a map, there's a bar there, the first round and I'll pay" Jasper.

Wells holds him by pushing him back.

"Or or take it easy there he is with agent" Murphy.

"Calminha we're just trying to locate" Wells.

"We are on earth is not enough for you" Bellamy.

"We have to find Mount Weder" Wells

It happened the same as in the series, but this time I saved Wells.

"Or calm, you don't see that he is hurt because he doesn't leave it for another day when he is better than you can kill, I don't care."

"Thanks a lot for help" Wells

"What do you want i can remedy in you your father murdered mine?"

"Why don't you save me next time" Octavia.

Making people and I laugh

"What was it, he and a cat" Octavia.

"And a criminal" Bellamy

"We are all criminals."


"So, mount weeder How much are we going."

"Now, we're back tomorrow with the food" Clarke.

"How are you two going to be able to carry food for a seventy" Wells.

Looking back at me, Jasper, Monty,

"In the 4 we can go."

"We are 5" Finn speaks looking at Clarke.

"It looks like a team we are 6" Octavia.

"Wait there you will do what" Bellamy.

"Go out, go for a walk" Octavia.

"Hey, are you trying to get this out" Clarke.

"I am because" Finn.

"This bracelet transmits your vital signs to the ark, take it off and they will consider you dead" Clarke.

"I have to worry" Finn.

"Man, no more drama, let's go, I want to take a nap" I said, tired of so much plot it seems that I had forgotten about this drama.

We started there to go.

"Before Jack and mine have an idea" Octavia.

"Before I have an idea, I don't care" Clarke.


Me in the background just paying attention to what was happening in front of me until, Finn takes a flower and puts it in Octavia's ear.

"That my friend and game" Jasper

"That, my friend and poisonous zumaque" Monty

"The license can accompany me" Clarke.

"Which is Clarke, you're going to ignore it now" Finn.

"Good and simple because we didn't see any animals, maybe because they don't exist, maybe we were already exposed to enough radiation to kill us, I'm not sure, let's go" Clarke.

"We should give her a poisonous zumaque" Octavia.

"I find it difficult for us to survive in the space where the radiation from the sun is very, much bigger than that of the earth, making our bodies create a way to expel the radiation giving us a way to survive" I spoke loud enough to get their attention making them look back.

"Okay, but let's go anyway, I want to go back with the food soon" Clarke.

"Tell me what you did to be arrested" Finn.

"For stealing a guard's feed."

"Zumaque is not the only herb in the garden, you must know" Monty.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Alguém se esqueceu de substituir o que pegamos" Jasper. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Alguém se desculpou mil vezes" Monty. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"E você Otavia por que eles prenderam você" Jasper. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Unborn" Otavia </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Man, eles fazem tanto barulho, não é à toa que estamos sendo seguidos, eu percebi, que tem 3 terrestres seguindo o Clarke, ele não ligou, nós fomos até lá. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Nada de bichinhos ne" Finn, que o cara não presta atenção e pisa em um galho fazendo barulho assustando o veado, fazendo girar a cabeça mostrando que ele tem dois, nos assustando. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">--------------------------------- </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Há uma coisa que eu queria saber, porque eles nos enviaram aqui depois de 97 anos, o que mudou "Finn. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Quem se importa, gostei muito, estava apodrecendo em uma cela e agora estou girando em uma floresta" Octavia.</font></font>

"They may have found something on the satellite" Monty.

"You guys are wrong, it seems that the ark is dying, i would say about 4 or 3 months of support, maybe 5 now that we left there."

"As you found out, only the county that knows" Clarke.

"It is simple to send us down after 97 years and keeping that all confidential cannot be anything and sending 100 teenagers to a place where we are not prepared. children of the county"


It didn't take long to reach the river in front of us, Octavia was taking off her clothes.

"Damn I love the land" Jasper.

"I don't believe" Monty.

"Octavia what are you going to do" Clarke.

"If i were you i wouldn't be entering a river that was made by radiation fish can mutate"

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Octavia saia da água agora, saia da água" Jasper. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pego um pedaço de pedra e jogo no rio fazendo um barulho para fazer a cobra soltar Octavia, não perco tempo indo até a borda, pegando e puxando. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Depois de salvá-la, Clarke vem e rasga um pedaço da minha camisa e envolve em sua perna </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">------------------------- </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">À noite eu fico olhando para as estrelas Clarke acorda e vem até mim e se senta, eu ofereço um pote d'água que eu tinha encontrado, ela pegou. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Você já ouviu falar de uma floresta fluorescente", pergunto a ela. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Não é a primeira vez, até que seja lindo" Clarke. </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">------------------- </font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">No início da manhã, eu e Finn construímos uma videira de corda e uma trepadeira.</font></font>

"Stop rolling you wanted to go first, Monte Weeder is waiting" Clarke.

Not so long for them to think I'll go ahead, pick up the vine and jump to the other side.

"EI WHO WILL BE NEXT" making them celebrate I look for the plaque written Monte Weeder, lifting the plaque up.

Until a spear launched at me because of my improved reflex, I find out where it came from and catch it turning and throwing it again with all my might.

Hitting who threw her on the arm, knocking him off the tree, screaming.

"Get down, there are people in the trees run I find a way to go back run to the camp and tell others."


I hope you liked it I'm not good at it so please help me where I can improve.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Vou me concentrar no nosso protagonista, não haverá outras partes como a arca ou como aconteceu no acampamento do primeiro ep.</font></font>

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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