
Going In Completely Blind

And, as for those internet trolls, who are wondering, as to why I am not going to try to change anything in the anime canon timeline, by way of me messing with things? Well, that is because, this is my fanfic. And, if you wind up commenting, or leaving a review, that winds up channeling, even the slightest bit, of petty jealousy, or toxicity, James_Horn, Zero_Tempest_9159 and Mr_ZeroDagger07, this means you three as well. And as I have already stated to you three, that you are to refrain, from making anymore comments, or reviews, on any of my fanfics. However, if you insist on persevering, despite the aforementioned warning, then I will have no choice, but to report you to Webnovel. Want to think that I am just selling wolf tickets? Try me. And I will also be sharing your comments with my subs and followers. So that they are made aware of your quite sad attempts at toxic petty jealousy. But don't let my justifiable response deter your. Please do go ahead and try and call my bluff. Which is actually a clear promise. If you decide to attempt another comment, it will then be out of my hands. Credit to Supergnats for the drawing. Reviews are very much welcome and appreciated. Although Momoko Hanasaki made what she did in the anime look easy. Try having no information on future events like she did, only information on the main characters of the anime, and also experiencing the events of the Wedding Peach anime alongside her, as her best friend and ally, all while having no choice but to do so. But, what if there is more to it, then just a simple fight of good versus evil? For those who don't have a full understanding of the Wedding Peach anime, or are not aware what the characters look like. You can find out more about the Wedding Peach anime source material through this link ----> Wedding Peach Wiki Dedicated to Wedding Peach creator Nao Yazawa and Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi. A fanfic that converges with A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces and Going In Almost Completely Blind Contains A Lot Of Fourth Wall Breaking. And just so you know, that is deliberate in my fics. I am ファンフィクションとそれに関連する他の2つの作品を、使用を希望するアニメクリエイター、企業、漫画家に提供します。If you wish to discuss this further。Please email me at zachycards@gmail.com However, that is までメールをくださただし上記のいずれかに該当する場合に限ります。However また、これらのフィクションを使用することになった場合は、使用したことを私に認めてほしいと思います。結局のところ、これらのファンフィクションを書いたのは私です。 In which the self insert is thrown into the anime world of Wedding Peach and has to go through the entire series of the show as a love angel and ally to Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach. However, there is more to the story then just that. So Wedding Peach what do you say that we show the viewers the power of The Four Aces Alliance?

zachycards · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Chapter 67: Pluto's Suspicions!: The Guardians Of Love Reunited!

Date: July 25, 2000

Well, more then a year had now passed since the fight against Galaxia and Joker had taken place. And my powers had managed to get back to full strength after a few days of resting, after the battle. However, even though a year had passed in our world since things had last gone out of control, we were soon going to learn, that from what lay ahead, that was just a warmup, for the true battle.

Anyway, me and Momoko, were sound asleep one day, in our respective beds in our room. Well, that is if you would consider the fact that we were currently having the same weird dream, and having a visit from a certain guardian of time, it was business as usual I would say.

Me and Momoko found ourselves in an unfamiliar room, both of us are in our respective battle outfits, with Wedding Peach in her DX battle outfit, and I am in my usual battle outfit. "Okay Bluebell, would you mind telling me where we are right now?" Wedding Peach asked me. "I would Wedding Peach, but I don't know myself," I said looking a bit perplexed. "Oh come on now Shinko, you know as well as I do that you aren't being truthful with that statement," a familiar voice called out to the both of us from the other side of the room.

It was then that I immediately recognized the voice and then decided to speak up. "Ah, Sailor Pluto, to what do the two of us owe the honor of being summoned here?" I asked, as the senshi of time and space came into view from the other side of the room. "Actually Shinko, I was wondering if you could clarify a few things for me," Pluto said, with a look of intrigue present on her face. "Okay...what things exactly?" I asked, sounding a tad bit weary about how she had said her statement. "How much did you really know about me and the senshi prior to meeting us for the first time?" Pluto asked, a look of determination now present on her face.

It was then that a slight look of fear then found its way onto my face, but I did my absolute best to hide it. "And if I may ask Pluto, how long have you known about this, and when exactly did you find out?" I asked. "That is of little importance to you Shinko, what you need to understand, is that there are more things at work here then all of us would even begin to understand. And the fact that you knew the things that you knew prior to your meeting with Sailor Moon, only seeks to further complicate matters," Pluto said, the look of determination still present on her face. "Well then, would you care to tell me how this affects things? Because the last thing I think any of us want, is a time paradox, or even worse then that," I asked, my demeanor now becoming more calm. "Sadly I cannot Shinko, for there are things that even someone as powerful as I cannot even foresee", Pluto said, her expression now changing to one of calm again.

"Okay, then if I may make a suggestion Pluto? We had best ready ourselves, because if this has complicated matters, then who knows what sort of enemy and battle awaits us," I said, a look of determination now finding its way onto my face. "I agree Bluebell, but just remember, you won't be going at it alone," Wedding Peach said to me, a small smile present on her face. "Thanks Wedding Peach," I said, turning to her and returning the smile. "Oh, and Pluto?" I asked, turning my attention back to her. "Yes Shinko, what is it?" Pluto asked me quizzically. "Please don't hesitate to pay us both a visit again every once in a while, there is still so much that we would still like to learn about what went on in your guy's past," I said, as a small smile found its way onto my face. "Wait, where have I heard that before?" Pluto thought to herself, as a blush then found its way across her face. "Hey viewers, Bluebell here. So if you are at all wondering why Pluto is blushing and acting this way. Then I would highly recommend that you go and read A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces. You'll then see exactly why....*giggles*...Anyway, back to the story."

It was at this point, that the scene around us got very bright, and then the dream for Momoko and I ended.

"Well, that is two down, and now just two more groups to go. Forgive me Queen Serenity for meddling in these girl's lives, but given the circumstances, I foresee no other way. I just hope for all of our sake, that time is on our side. Because if it is indeed returning earlier then expected, then we will need all the help we can get," Pluto said in a worrisome tone, as she gripped her garnet rod tightly.

And this, would be the next step, on a convergence, that would wind up, being the start, of a beautiful friendship.

Date: July 29, 2000 (4 Days Later)

A few days had now passed since me and Momoko had had our meeting and encounter with Sailor Pluto.

However, things were about to get a whole lot more interesting.

It started with Jama-P showing up in our room saying that a devil had been spotted, but not in our area, but in fact in Juuban.

This, not surprisingly, was a shock to the both of us, since we knew full well that that was where Usagi and her friends were all located.

However, knowing full well that the Senshi would need our help in possibly purifying it, since the Senshi only had experience with Youma and all of the other monsters that they had fought over the years.

Me and Momoko, not wanting to waste anymore time, pulled out and readied our respective transformation items.

I reached into my skirt pocket, and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Momoko readied her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Momoko said. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again Angel Bluebell, and in my usual battle outfit.

And once we both gave a nod to each other, we then ran out of our room, downstairs, out of the house, and took off skyward towards Juban, hoping that we weren't too late.

And regarding Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, well, Jama-P had already informed them about the situation, and that they would be meeting us there.

Okay, I don't mean to be literal or anything, but things really can go off the rails in a hurry can't they?

This seemed to be the case as all 9 of the Sailor Senshi, were fighting against a devil, that seemed to not be taking any damage whatsoever, no matter how many attacks they sent towards it. This devil, or should I say devil queen was none other then one Raindevila.

As in, the same Raindevila who destroyed all four pieces of the Saint Something Four, and shocked the living daylights out of me and the other Love Angels during our last fight against her.

"Okay, this is just plain ridiculous, just how tough is this monster!" Makoto Kino, better known as Sailor Jupiter said with frustration very evident in her tone of voice, as she dodged a black wave of energy that was fired at her by Raindevila.

"Jupiter...Oak...Evolution!" She exclaimed, launching her attack at Raindevila, only to have the attack do no damage.

"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!" Sailor Venus exclaimed, launching her respective attack at Raindevila, but just like Sailor Jupiter's attack, it also did no damage.

"Mars...Flame...Sniper!" Mars exclaimed, launching her respective attack at Raindevila, but just like Jupiter and Venus' attacks, it too did no damage.

"Mercury...Aqua...Rhapsody!" Mercury called out, launching her attack at Raindevila, but it too wound up doing no damage.

Things really did seem hopeless for the senshi.

That is, until five familiar female voices rang out from a nearby rooftop.

"Hold it right there devil!" They all said in unison.

It was then that all of the senshi turned their attention to the source of the female voices, to see five familiar female figures standing on a rooftop, their forms shadowed.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "The moon shines in the night sky, and those who are aligned stand together! On this lovely summer afternoon, how dare you attempt to harm those that we care about! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said as she struck her usual pose.

"As good a delivery as always sis. My turn," I thought to myself, as I then took my usual stance and began my introduction, while holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards and over my right armor clad shoulder, then stopped it mid downward swing. To which I then held it in a battle ready position in front of me, and struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said as she struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers Salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All of you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said as she struck a pose.

It was right after the five of us had said our respective introductions and had struck our respective poses, that we finally had a chance to get a good look at our opponent, and not surprisingly it brought a shock to all five of us.

I mean, Raindevila had been purified. Me and Wedding Peach had not only witnessed it happen, but we were the ones who had done it ourselves.

Something was obviously very wrong here.

But, before Wedding Peach, myself, or any of the other Love Angels could say anything.

Raindevila picked this moment to fire a black wave of energy at the five of us, forcing us to all take off in separate directions to avoid the attack.

However, as all five of us then took off in separate directions, we were unable to see five separate portals spawn out of seemingly nowhere.

And before we knew what had happened, we disappeared into them, and off to who knows where.

And, unbeknownst to us, portals had also spawned and transported all of the Senshi as well.

However, it would not be made clear until much later on, that this was done for a very good reason.

And as the Senshi disappeared into the portals, a certain thought passed through a certain senshi's head.

"It seems things are going exactly as I have foreseen, I can only hope that we will all make it out of this ordeal alive," Sailor Pluto worriedly thought to herself.

However, once we had all disappeared through the portals, Raindevila then chose that moment to speak.

"You can all run, but you can't hide, It's a good thing that I know where you are all headed, you can all die there together. I have someone that I need to go and see there anyway. So Joker, Galaxia, you two ready?" She said.

It was at this point that two familiar figures came out from the shadows.

"Of course Mademoiselle Raindevila, why wouldn't we be, lapin?" Joker replied, an evil smirk present on his face.

"I am more then ready to repay that brat Bluebell, and that runt Sailor Moon for what they did to me last time!" Galaxia said, her evil smirk present on her face.