
Godzilla: sent to another world

after being Killed by Dr. Serizawa's Oxygen Destroyer, Godzilla is transported to another world by a goddess. Now, he annihilates any who stand in his way, driven by the singular goal of overthrowing the Demon King and claiming dominion over the newfound realm.

YoriGan · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Fraying bonds: a king's dilemma

As King Valthorn sailed triumphantly back to the kingdom of Mythralis, the captured Godzilla in tow, whispers of both awe and fear swept through the ocean.

The mythralis fleet bearing the marks of the intense battle, heralded the return of the King of Monsters to the kingdom that sought to control him.

As King Valthorn's fleet docked, a spectacle unfolded at the harbor.

The citizens gathered in awe and fear, witnessing the sea beasts captured by the king's might.

Whispers of astonishment and admiration permeated the crowd as they beheld the formidable creatures.

Amidst the curious onlookers, the king's men arrived with a grand carriage, ready to transport the victorious ruler to his castle.

The air buzzed with anticipation as King Valthorn, still reveling in the triumph, prepared to reunite with his beloved daughter, Lumilea.

As King Valthorn's carriage rolled through the kingdom's grand gates, the anticipation in the air was palpable.

After an hour-long journey, he finally arrived at his castle.

At the imposing doors, his daughter, Princess Lumilea, awaited him with eager eyes and a joyful smile.

In a heartwarming moment, Princess Lumilea, with infectious joy, pulls her father towards the courtyard, eager to share her newfound accomplishment.

King Valthorn, proud of his daughter's bravery, praises her achievements and, with a warm smile, lifts her into the air.

the tender connection between a father and his adventurous daughter amidst the backdrop of captured mighty beasts and looming castle walls.

Princess Lumilea, filled with curiosity and excitement, pleads with her father,

"Father! Can I see what you captured? I want to see, I want to see!"

King Valthorn, with a calm demeanor, refuses, expressing concern that the sight might be too terrifying for his beloved daughter.

Princess Lumilea, employing her charm, tries to convince her father with a gleam in her eyes,

"I won't be scared, Father! I am a tamer! Besides, today is my birthday! Oh, please let me see."

After a moment of contemplation, King Valthorn finally agrees, leaving Lumilea overjoyed on her special day.

King Valthorn, with a slight sigh, says,

"After I eat, that is, I haven't eaten properly these days!"

Lumilea, a little disappointed and impatient, exclaims, "Aww, please hurry, Father!"

A man, with concern in his eyes, says,

"Father, you still continue on this pursuit."

King Valthorn, acknowledging his son's presence, replies,

"Derick... You've come home."

The son approached closer, and pats his little sister's head telling her to go play in her room, she agrees and goes off leaving Derick and king valthorn alone.

As Lumilea skips away to play in her room, Derick and King Valthorn are left alone.

Derick, still wearing a hint of concern, says,

"Father, I've heard rumors about your recent endeavors. Capturing these creatures, is it worth the cost?"

King Valthorn, looking at his son, contemplates his response.

As they walk through the chambers where the captured beasts are held, King Valthorn elaborates on the benefits of gaining dominion over such creatures.

He speaks of the power it brings to the kingdom, the fear it instills in potential adversaries, and the strategic advantages it provides.

Derick listens attentively, but a subtle skepticism lingers in his eyes.

"I understand the need for power, but at what cost? Are we sacrificing our humanity for dominion?"

he questions, gazing at the imprisoned creatures.

"Every action I take, every beast I capture, is with the intention of securing a future for Mythralis. It's not about personal glory or power for its own sake. The dominion I seek is a means to an end — the prosperity and safety of our people,"

King Valthorn explained with a sincerity that hinted at the internal struggle he faced.

Derick, caught between understanding his father's vision and the ethical concerns it raised, remained silent, contemplating the complex motives behind his father's actions.

Derick replies,

"then what about us? Your daughter and your son? Isn't it selfish of you to sacrifice your humanity for others without considering your family's feelings? Mother would have scolded you if she was alive.."

King Valthorn's gaze softened, and a momentary flicker of vulnerability crossed his face.

"Derick, your mother... she understood the burdens a ruler must bear. She knew that sometimes sacrifices are made for the greater good. But,"

he paused, a hint of regret in his eyes,

"perhaps in my pursuit, I've overlooked the toll it takes on our family."

Derick, torn between the duty to his family and the kingdom, grappled with the complexities of his father's choices. The air hung heavy with unspoken emotions as they continued their journey through the concealed chamber of mythical creatures.

Derick confronted his father,

"Father, offering your soul to the demon king is a foolish decision. It will consume you, and soon, you'll be under its control forever.".

King Valthorn, with a faint smile, remarked,

"Perhaps when the time comes, I'll entrust you with the task of beheading me."

The prince, taken aback, struggled to comprehend the sudden words of his father.

They continued their journey, arriving at a metal door.

As the king opened it, Derick was left in awe at the sight before him. Within a vast cavern, Gojira loomed large, restrained by numerous chains, a formidable and imposing presence.

The king exclaims

"this was my hardest capture yet! One of my strongest beasts"

shocking the prince,

"this lizard is the one that won against the fire demon Rodan?"

"Yes, Derick. This creature, proved to be a challenge beyond any I've faced before. Its strength rivals several armies,"

King Valthorn explained, his words carrying the weight of the immense power contained within the colossal creature before them.

As they conversed, Princess Lumilea suddenly appeared, exclaiming,

"Is that the huge lizard!? He's soooo huge!! So cool,"

surprising both King Valthorn and Prince Derick with her sudden appearance.

Derick, slightly annoyed, says,

"Lumilea, I thought I told you to play in your room."

Lumilea responds cheerfully,

"I was bored, but I saw you two heading to a strange entrance, so I came along! It was worth it!"

Derick, feeling dumbfounded, looks at his little sister, while King Valthorn remains silent, observing their interactions.

In a hurried manner, a royal guard rushed to King Valthorn, delivering urgent news.

"Your Highness, we've received reports that the kingdom of Elysium's army has been spotted outside our borders."

King Valthorn and Derick showed interest, while Lumilea looked on, puzzled.

King Valthorn, displaying confidence, smiled and reassured that there was nothing to worry about.

He then ordered the guard to prepare for war. Telling the guard to ready the herd of crystal mammoths.

"This will not be worth my worries. Prepare the herd of crystal mammoths for war"

The guard promptly obeyed and hurried back to carry out the king's commands.

King valthorn then orders Derick to take lumilea and leave

Sensing his father's bluffing confidence and aware of the underlying tension, Derick obeys King Valthorn's command to leave with Lumilea in the carriage.

Alone in the silence, King Valthorn grasps his head, questioning why the Kingdom of Elysium is provoking war

"why is the kingdom of elysium seeking war with me? I'm not yet a match for the kingdom of heroes!".

As he walks away in contemplation, the chained Godzilla in the containment chambers senses an impending threat.

Unable to muster strength or unleash its atomic breath, the mighty creature's dorsal plates flicker with a dim fire-like glow.




To be continued...

fact: I'm using millennium Godzilla's design, hence the orange fire atomic breath

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