
Godslayers and Parallel World Travellers

The world lost its Creator. The time is nearing to its end. The destiny is not on the world's side. The last hope lies to the weakest race, to the single boy. Against deities that is not on his favor, will he survive this ordeal?

Koutarou_Satomi · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Chapter 58 Girls' Talk at the Top of the World Tree


After Shin and others left the world tree, Athene use her divinity to create thread using the world tree leaves. While the solemn atmosphere is ruled by silence, Miharu broke the quietness and asked a question.

"Athena-san, why did you choose to marry onii-chan? You can decline his offer right?"(Miharu)

Athena smiles softly and looked at the stars in the vast space.

"I fell in love with him on our battle. So, even if he lost, I force him to accompany me on my travels. I feel certain affinity to him. He is a man that loves peace. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean that he can't fight in times of chaos. Every time he fights, he uses every limits of his wisdom."(Athena)

"Shin-kun is a sore loser after all~"(Rin)

Rin copied Athena's feat by pouring divinity to her crafting skills. only momo, who is watching the state of things behind got dumbstruck to Rin's actions like it is nothing special.

"Yes. Indeed. That guy might not hate losing but... He can't tolerate defeat."(Yumina)

She nodded in agreement to Rin's comment.

"Shin-kun won't stop practicing until he got satisfied to results he got."(Lia)

Lia added her experience.

"After all, Shin-kun will not accept losing. Because for him, losing means he is incapable of protecting what's important to him. Losing means losing them. That mindset stems on the trauma he suffered when he was still a child. Reflecting on his own weakness. Despairing on his lack of power."(Rin)

"... I see. Nevertheless, it was you that bring him to light. He should have walked a different fate without you. Now, I can see your true disposition... You will be the first goddess that will have 'authority over hope'. Unlike Pandora who only 'bears hope'. The reason of your existence was set after you grant hope to him. To release his complete potential. That was why it was not Miharu the 'queen' but you."(Athena)

"I didn't saved him first. It was I that was saved by him."(Rin)

"The hope inside the two of you was the spark. Love nurtures it further. Repeating and repeating. Multiplying it exponentially. I see... So this is the reason of manifestation of miracles."(Athena)

She nodded as if she is a great sage that unraveled all mysteries in the world.

"It was because of you."(Hikari)

She softly spoke.

"It is because of your endless wisdom that we are now standing on this very future. You taught us to learn. As its fruits, it becomes science. You also taught us how to apply that knowledge to our lives making it technology. Along side with Prometheus who believes on our possibilities and gave a chance, you grant us the prosperity we have now. As representative of mankind as whole, Lady Athena, princess goddess of shining eyes. Ruler of wisdom, war, female crafts, death and fertility. Tripartite mother earth goddess who rules over snakes and owls. The heaven sent child of darkness and death crowned by heavenly light of wisdom. I offer you our endless gratitude no matter how insignificant it maybe to you."(Hikari)

Hikari who uses her abilities as hime miko in full power saw Athena's biography in full blast. She can't helped herself but feel admiration and voiced out her gratitude to her. She realized why Athena is more popular deity than Zeus who is the ruler of Greek Pantheon.

"!! ...I see. Mine gratitude to thou, miko who serves the queen of the sun. Bearer of both yin and yang."(Athena)

The others also showed their appreciations to her contributions to mankind.

"Excuse me."(Takeru)

"Take-san, even have a bad taste has its limits!!"(Yuni)

"... Rafael? And that man besides you..."(Athena)

Athena looked at him dubiously.

"Greetings, Your Highness Princess Goddess of Shining Eyes, Lady Athena. I apologize on our intrusion. This man is Takeru-dono."(Rafael)

"He have ridiculous background, ain't he? Prophet of the Void. Ultimate Sage."(Athena)

"Nice to meet you privately, Lady Athena. I'm Takeru. I serve as adviser of the King of the Future."(Takeru)

"Mine husband's? I seest. So 'tis you that dragged him on thine mess."(Athena)

She nodded in comprehension.

"I guess you have business to Shin-kun? He isn't with us though. He at the Plutarch Mansion."(Rin)

The two decided to wait for him at the grounds.

Prometheus gave the fire of civilization to mankind. But Athena encourage men to search for wisdom and apply it to life. The most famous example of that is Odysseus. The hero king that wields his mind to fight despite his great skills at the bows.

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