
He is.

I was walking in the aisle, he was waiting on the altar. Our friends, family and love ones was all minding me, everyone's showing me their genuine smile, they are all happy for us. "This is the day" i thought, "Thank you God". I'm crying, is this what they called tears of joy? I'm genuinely happy while walking in this wonderful aisle, and there in the end, a wonderful man is waiting for me.

"Tomorrow morning if you wake up

and the sun does not appear,

I...I will be here"

Our team song was now playing, i'm crying.. Finally, this is the day that we will be officially one.

"If in the dark we lose sight of love

Hold my hand and have no fear

'Cause I...I will be here"

I thank God everytime i remember him.. Words are not enough for me to thank God, He gave this man to me, I'm more than blessed

" I will be here

When you feel like bein' quiet

When you need to speak your mind

I will listen"

This man has been so good to me..

"And I will be here

When the laughter turns to cryin'

Through the winnin' and losin' and tryin'

We'll be together

'Cause I will be here"

I'm in front of my angel now, he's good looking since then. "God, what did I do to deserve him? Thank you for his life, I will love him as much as i could.." I thought

"Czerina wake up, it's already 6am, your class starts at 7:30 !!" mom shouted. A dream again, i know that man in my dream but we're not close, we're not even talking. What's with my dream? Is he connected with me?

"Czerina !!!"

"Mom I'm coming"