

Transcend humanity. Stand above all. Seek Godhood. Zane, who was admitted to a mental asylum since childhood on earth, is reborn into a world of unnatural beasts, powerful humans, magic and gods. Wanting nothing more than living a normal life with his sister, his fate changes when some shady strangers come seeking asylum in his quiet town. One thing leading to another, Zane delves into the world of Seekers, humans who can wield powers of gods and beyond. Follow Zane on his journey to survive in this cruel world while he unravels the truth of the world and transcends humanity.

BuryTheNight · Fantasy
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186 Chs

The Procella Times

Zane moved through the forest jumping from tree to tree. He used his <Arcane > to conceal himself while he moved through the forest.

Going into a forest during the night was dangerous in any region. During the night, the beasts of the forest would move to search for sleeping prey.

"Grarrr!" Echoes of roars resounded from behind Zane, making him nervous. He fastened his pace, grabbing the branches of the tree to fling himself towards another.

[Haha, you're like a monkey.] Szal teased.

'Yeah.' Zane smirked. 'I have a lot of experience in forests.' He didn't mind Szal's joke. After their parents died from the plague, Zane had to take care of Valentina all by himself. Although he was also still a child, he had to go to the forest to hunt for food.