

"My father is a wicked man...I was born from his wicked ways." It is the 999th year in the New Imperial Calendar. The Magetech Revolution has changed everything in the world of Essa--allowing people to live longer, better, and cause the centuries long social stasis keeping people in their place to end. Monarchs have been overthrown, governments overhauled, people have been liberated….and yet at the same time the seeming gap between the haves and have-nots--the “gifted” nobility and the “ungifted” commoners--feel more pronounced and biting. In the University of Falena, Agreas and Vinea, scions of the House of Cagalia, attend along with the young heirs of other noble houses. Agreas attends the seminary in preparation for a career in the Church, while Vinea is given the classical education for a young lady of quality. Their lives are upended however when they receive word from their father: The Virine has died. And they are about to choose her successor.

Razaluna · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"I'm sorry, father. This is all I have…"

An old woman came by the old Cagalia residence today--Agreas himself came to greet her and welcome her inside his nominally lordly estate (actually an old, rundown villa used as both his residence and a makeshift storeroom for various dry goods).

Instead, she bowed profusely to the young man, while trying to hand over what looks like 4000 corons or 255 lifas. The equivalent of a portman's quarterly salary.

"It's alright, grandma," Agreas said. "You and gramps are dear friends. Conducting his service was the least I could do for him."

"No, no, no, Grelino!" The old woman caught herself. "Uhh...I mean Father Cagalia! You do too much. Please, you've done more than enough for me. Accept this little token of my gratitude. Please, for me?"

Agreas sighed and put on a kind face.

"OK. How about this. Remember those candied tangerines you used to make for me as a child?"


"I would love to have them again."

The old woman lit up and put a hand on her hip. "Really? That's what you want?"

"Yes. Give me as many as you can make. I assure you: I'll devour them greedily."

"Hah! Consider 'em done!"

"I can't wait."

Agreas opened his arms and gave the old woman a big hug. He was a towering man--much more well-built than you'd expect for a priest. Agreas had black hair, deep-dark eyes, and sun-kissed skin--someone you'd expect to have a black heart to go with it, but here he is: the very picture of grace and kindness. Giving his elderly friend an open-hearted embrace full of filial warmth.

"Feel free to stop by anytime you need help with anything, grandma."

The old woman bowed deeply and went on her way as she waved back.

("What a delight, that was.") Agreas walked back inside his warm, aged ruin.

The Cagalia residence was a relic of the old days: a once-prominent noble's manor surrounded by towering stores and office buildings in the middle of a growing town directly administered by the University of Falena: an ancient learning institution for old Izarine nobles, but now hosts the young heirs of the many mercantile and financial dynasties as well.

Hard times, however, have fallen for the Cagalia since the revolution--Agreas can't afford to maintain the whole place.

In fact, he doesn't even bother.

¾ of the manor, Cagalia gives to the mercy of the elements.

The ¼ he does maintain? He does so exceedingly well. He's refashioned the old archive room into a modern office and study that also serves as his bedroom. His kitchen is impeccably clean and well-stocked with fresh fish and produce. His dining room doubles as a living one with a divan and cushions for people to sit and watch some shows on the television--he even turned what used to be an old armory into a wine cellar. Most of the main house he uses to store, drop-off, and sell-off goods from various dealers--so they are kept reasonably clean as well.

And his courtyard gardens and greenhouse are magazine worthy--as gardening is a personal hobby of the young priest.

Agreas lives by himself, though he does get frequent visitors. The only other person who sometimes comes to stay with him in this dusty place is his younger sister, Vinea, who is still attending her schooling within the university itself as he did under the seminary a year ago: Nia studies under the cord and banner of St.Areia's--known for overseeing the education of young noble girls.

This place, where Agreas lives, is where Vinea goes home to when she and her schoolmates are told to go home for the season. Her room is located where the old master's bedroom used to be.

Days and nights usually pass by in relative peace around here.


That night, Agreas notices a knock on his door as he is preparing his dinner..

"Brother? I'm back."

("Nia? Why? She wasn't supposed to be back until next week.")

"Ah! You're back! Wait...I'm just gonna clean my hands. I'll be right there."

Agreas rushed down and came to meet his sister. Opening his arms as wide as he can.

Vinea dropped her bags and walked over and wrapped her arms around him tightly--sinking in comfort.

Vinea was a beautiful young lady. Slender, graceful, and elegant like a deer. Like her brother, she had long jet black hair, dark eyes, and was slightly taller than most young women, but she also inherited their mother's fairness and like many girls of her station, she had maintained a pale complexion. Right now, she wore a large deerskin traveler's coat over her uniform.

"You must be hungry," Agreas said. "Just in time: I was in the middle of making something. Mind helping out?"

"Of course! What are we having?"

"Oh, just some stewed vegetables and grilled fish."

"That sounds lovely. I'll get cleaned up."

The Cagalia siblings got to work and finished cooking in no time at all. They worked really well together, this brother and sister.

They got some bowls and some plates and took out some eating utensils--which they all set in the living room. There was a stupid show on the television. Neither of them bothered to change first--Agreas, still dressed in his priestly undershirt; Vinea, still dressed in her uniform.

"Why'd you go home so soon? I thought the break wasn't until next week?"

"I left school early. I got permission, so no worries."

"Yes, but why?"

"Because of this."

Vinea reached for her pocket and showed Agreas the letter:

"Those bloody idiots…"

"Yeah," Vinea took a soft sip of her soup. "Father wants me home. The Virine is dead."